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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent

Thoughts on the Iron Man Match

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent
As a Canadian, I've seen the match already, and I can't see how you guys are being so negative. ****1/2 from me.

How was it ****1/2, exactly? I'm really curious, and I would like to hear something more original than "it entertained me".

I felt it was a great match. The drama with Angle trying so hard to come back but Brock being able to stop him at will, the story of Brock being smart enough to trick Angle and control the entire match, the obvious effort from both men, the spots where they both learned stuff from previous matches and stuff from earlier in the match, and the fact that yes, I was entertained by it. And that, to me, adds up to a great ****1/2 match.

What did Lesnar learn? That having an injured knee can help him kick out of the ankle lock he tapped to only a month ago? That he should have F-5'd Angle 5 minutes into the Wrestlemania match instead of 30 minutes to get the victory? Or that he should pretend sometimes that his knee is hurt, and sometimes act like he is fine, and then sell it again?


I'll give him credit for being smart right at the beginning by getting DQ'd to gain a strong advantage...but everything else was bogus. Pinned by a superplex? Is Lesnar suddenly Barry Windham?

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent
The thing about Brock not tapping to all the anklelocks actually makes sense since he's been heckled for tapping out. He wouldn't want to do it again.

But he has an injured leg? Who cares if he doesn't want to do it again, realistically he should have submitted....or stayed in the move for longer than 5 seconds before kicking out of it.

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As a Canadian, I've seen the match already, and I can't see how you guys are being so negative. ****1/2 from me.

How was it ****1/2, exactly? I'm really curious, and I would like to hear something more original than "it entertained me".

I felt it was a great match. The drama with Angle trying so hard to come back but Brock being able to stop him at will, the story of Brock being smart enough to trick Angle and control the entire match, the obvious effort from both men, the spots where they both learned stuff from previous matches and stuff from earlier in the match, and the fact that yes, I was entertained by it. And that, to me, adds up to a great ****1/2 match.

What did Lesnar learn? That having an injured knee can help him kick out of the ankle lock he tapped to only a month ago? That he should have F-5'd Angle 5 minutes into the Wrestlemania match instead of 30 minutes to get the victory? Or that he should pretend sometimes that his knee is hurt, and sometimes act like he is fine, and then sell it again?


I'll give him credit for being smart right at the beginning by getting DQ'd to gain a strong advantage...but everything else was bogus. Pinned by a superplex? Is Lesnar suddenly Barry Windham?

Remember how he wouldn't tap out several times in the match? That came from him being so embarassed at tapping out at SummerSlam.


Angle being smart enough for the pop-up superplex when Brock went for the SSP.


Brock trying to roll out of the anklelock at the end but Angle not falling to the outside, instead catching himself on the ropes.

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Guest Mulatto Heat

The match seemed to me to be about Lesnar's resiliency, which is totally ass-backwards considering he's the heel.


At any rate, I'm just glad to see that no one succumbed to the hype and declared that to be *****, which if anyone asked last year at this time if it would happen there would be a consensus of yes.

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent
As a Canadian, I've seen the match already, and I can't see how you guys are being so negative. ****1/2 from me.

How was it ****1/2, exactly? I'm really curious, and I would like to hear something more original than "it entertained me".

I felt it was a great match. The drama with Angle trying so hard to come back but Brock being able to stop him at will, the story of Brock being smart enough to trick Angle and control the entire match, the obvious effort from both men, the spots where they both learned stuff from previous matches and stuff from earlier in the match, and the fact that yes, I was entertained by it. And that, to me, adds up to a great ****1/2 match.

What did Lesnar learn? That having an injured knee can help him kick out of the ankle lock he tapped to only a month ago? That he should have F-5'd Angle 5 minutes into the Wrestlemania match instead of 30 minutes to get the victory? Or that he should pretend sometimes that his knee is hurt, and sometimes act like he is fine, and then sell it again?


I'll give him credit for being smart right at the beginning by getting DQ'd to gain a strong advantage...but everything else was bogus. Pinned by a superplex? Is Lesnar suddenly Barry Windham?

Remember how he wouldn't tap out several times in the match? That came from him being so embarassed at tapping out at SummerSlam.


Angle being smart enough for the pop-up superplex when Brock went for the SSP.


Brock trying to roll out of the anklelock at the end but Angle not falling to the outside, instead catching himself on the ropes.

Wow, with all of those credible reasons, you should upgrade your rating to *****.


Wow, Angle caught himself in the ropes instead of flying to the outside...that was a well mapped out sequence.


But what about Lesnars injured leg? Shouldn't that have hindered him? Its as though it gave him more power when the odds where against him. If I had an injured leg, I wouldn't be kicking grown men through ropes, would you? Is he suddenly the Incredible Hulk? Moreover, if a guy had an injured leg, I'd hope Angle would have a lower sense of gravity and be able to combat being tossed by a crippled man's leg.

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Banky, I've given you my reasons I consider it ****1/2. How about you give some reasons to give it ** other than "I didn't like it" and "Brock didn't tap"?

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent
The match seemed to me to be about Lesnar's resiliency, which is totally ass-backwards considering he's the heel.

I think they were trying to build up both men's resiliency. Lesnar for being super duper man without any limitations and Angle as that young whipper snapper trying to slay the giant. Unfortunately, both came in and out of their designated roles when they got pinned, afterwards they returned back to them. But by doing this, it ruined the credibility of the match and everything they were trying to build up to. Angle looked like a severe pussy getting pinned twice in 10 minutes. Considering wrestlers take chairshots quite frequently without EVER being pinned, the fact it completely incompaciated Kurt for 15 minutes is mind boggling.

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent
Banky, I've given you my reasons I consider it ****1/2. How about you give some reasons to give it ** other than "I didn't like it" and "Brock didn't tap"?

Don't be a child, I gave all of my reasons previously. Go back and read them.

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Banky, I've given you my reasons I consider it ****1/2. How about you give some reasons to give it ** other than "I didn't like it" and "Brock didn't tap"?

Don't be a child, I gave all of my reasons previously. Go back and read them.

And I gave my reasons.



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Guest The Real Nosferatu

This match is barely ***. ****1/2 my balls.


Not that I don't like Angle, but I'm not a big fan of 60 minute iron man matches.


Am I the only one who doesn't really like Angle/Brock matches? Sure thier WM match is deemed 4-star+, but I was pretty much dead for it. I guess that Hogan ruined it for me. LOL


SSlam I over-rated due to I only saw bits and listened mainly to PBP, but watching it on replay it was slow and boring.


And this match is nothing special either.

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Guest Mulatto Heat
The match seemed to me to be about Lesnar's resiliency, which is totally ass-backwards considering he's the heel.

I think they were trying to build up both men's resiliency. Lesnar for being super duper man without any limitations and Angle as that young whipper snapper trying to slay the giant. Unfortunately, both came in and out of their designated roles when they got pinned, afterwards they returned back to them. But by doing this, it ruined the credibility of the match and everything they were trying to build up to. Angle looked like a severe pussy getting pinned twice in 10 minutes. Considering wrestlers take chairshots quite frequently without EVER being pinned, the fact it completely incompaciated Kurt for 15 minutes is mind boggling.

Well, when I wrote that I had the ankle lock in mind, which Angle tapped to rather quickly when he was put in it the one time, but Brock was able to withstand it repeatedly.


And I wonder where the 'clean win' from the spoiler reports came from. Belt shots, chair shots, ref bumps.... um, yeah.

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Guest The Real Nosferatu

Jesus. Still 15 more minutes. I'd rather watch the first half of Bret/HBK's iron man several times before I watch this "4-star classic" again.

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent
he probably meant the deciding fall was clean...

Or that there wasn't any intereference.

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent
Wait.....why would a hurt knee even matter to an ANKLE Lock?

Well he is using his whole leg, knee included, to whip Kurt out of the hold and through the ropes...he does it at least twice. If he tapped with a perfectly fine knee, why should he not with an injured leg? He, by any logical reasoning, shouldn't have the leg strength to fight out of it.

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent
A lot of times Brock didn't do much more than make the ropes to keep from tapping to the Anklelock.

There were two times that he flipped him over using his whole leg.

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Guest The Real Nosferatu

For some reason I can't get excited for a match taped for TV knowing the result 2 days in advance.


YAY. Lesnar tapped out. Why didn't he tap again at the end? His ankle is already beaten into mush. (not really but come on!)


Edit: Yup. Brock used his legs to take over angle to break the ankle lock.

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Well we all knew that this match was gonna get criticized. I was AMAZED that 100 people never got on the back of the Tag Title Match as well.


Take what you can get and be friggin glad that it's not HHH v Nash in a RAW Iron Man.

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Guest The Real Nosferatu
Well we all knew that this match was gonna get criticized. I was AMAZED that 100 people never got on the back of the Tag Title Match as well.


Take what you can get and be friggin glad that it's not HHH v Nash in a RAW Iron Man.

Can Nash LAST an hour w/o injuring SOMETHING?



HHH's iron man match kicked ASS (of course it was 2000).

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Well, just got over in East Coast.


Can't say I'm not dissapointed because I am. TV commercials took away from it, Lesnar/Angle did WAY too much stalling (at least Bret/HBK used holds to stall), falls could of been more often, and the ending wasn't as good because Angle had already made Brock tap.


I liked a few things...Brock using the chair to wear down Angle, Angle's missle dropkick, the pop-up Angle Slam when Kurt knew Brock was going for the Shooting Star, and the Rumble 2003 Ankle Lock.


I'll go ***1/2, but I was expecting ****1/2.

Edited by HartFan86

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Guest RollingSambos

My thoughts: they should have run this match as the Vengeance main event. IMO, it would have come off a lot better. Both guys would have been 100%, and could have really gone at it competitively due to the mutual respect that still existed between them at that time. They were trying to work heel psychology into the match AND mask Lesnar's house show injury with all of the stalling, which was understandable but it also dragged down the entertainment value.


I'm gonna say that it was better than Rock vs. HHH (talk about stalling), but it was nowhere near the classic that was Bret vs. HBK.


I know I'm gonna take a lot of heat for dissing the Rock vs. HHH iron man match, but I didn't like it. To me, there was way too much stalling and garbage wrestling (brawling on the outside) compared to Bret vs. HBK. The Undertaker's return overshadowed the entire 60 minutes. Bret and HBK set the standard, and I am still waiting for somebody to match their match. Keep in mind: not only does the wrestling have to be really good, that match also had an amazing aura about it.

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Guest Mulatto Heat
Well we all knew that this match was gonna get criticized. I was AMAZED that 100 people never got on the back of the Tag Title Match as well.

Well, when a pairing is already assigned ****+ by some before the match even happens, it puts the match under tunnel vision.

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The semi-clean finish was a nice touch for me...I was worried Vince might try to interfere or some kinda stuff like that.


I didn't really like the match though. Not enough mat wrestling, the stalling, even *I* could see something was lacking in psychology, and it was way too spotty for me. They relied a little too much on F5's and suplexes for my tastes. It could've been so much better.

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Guest RollingSambos

Well, I think we were all expecting something more along the lines of a competitive, highly athletic contest. What we got was Brock stalling, talking trash, and walking around with the ring steps for 30 minutes.


Brock disappointed me. Kurt was getting way, way up for Brock's Germans, but he barely got up there for Kurt. That's why Brock's suplexes looked so crisp and powerful and Angle was just kinda taking over Brock.


Also, Brock never left his WWE moveset. The only thing that he busted out tonight was an awkward-looking DDT. At least Angle mixed it up with a BEAUTIFUL missile dropkick and a Randy Savage double axe from the top rope to the floor. Angle was doing it all, from high-flying to mat wrestling to suplex fests to slugging it out. Brock was just going through the motions it seemed...F5, suplex, kicks, F5, suplex, kicks.

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