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The Official Gateway Championship Wrestling Thread

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Guest PowerPB13

Might as well...


Busy couple of weekends for GCW...tonight is Adults F'n Only XXI: Pondo's House Of Madness, at Aggies' on South Broadway in St. Louis, MO. Doors open at 7 PM, bell time at 8.


-Madman Pondo vs. The Human Wrecking Ball Pete Madden

-Delirious vs. Hard Knox Ryan Ash

-Kory Twist vs. Ian Storm

-Diamond Back Dingo vs. Rat Boy

-Daizee Haze vs. Dark Star

-Nightbreed(Jackal & Cabal) vs. Trainees #3 & #10


Tomorrow night, GCW is back at Aggies' for a free-admission TV taping for their local-access television show, which airs Saturdays at noon on Charter Cable St. Louis channel 18. Doors open at 7, bell time at 7:30.


Next week, GCW makes a stop in Overland at the Wild Acres Gym on Friday, September 26th(doors open at 7, bell time at 8)...


-Madman Pondo vs. The Human Wrecking Ball Pete Madden

-GCW Champion Nikki Strychnine vs. Diamond Back Dingo

-GCW Light Heavyweight Champion MsChif vs. Ian Storm

-Kory Twist vs. Delirious

-Matt Sydal vs. Kevin Sharp

-Chaz Wesson vs. Jeremy

-OuTtKaSt vs. Makaze

-Daizee Haze vs. Super Electro

-Nightbreed vs. The Party Animals(Jynx & Rat Boy) vs. Trainees #3 & #10


...and they also have a show on Saturday the 27th in Cape Girardeau at the A.C. Brase Arena(doors open at 7, bell time at 8).


-Madman Pondo vs. Diamond Back Dingo

-GCW Champion Nikki Strychnine vs. Delirious

-GCW Light Heavyweight Champion MsChif vs. Matt Sydal

-Kory Twist vs. Big Bad Ben

-C.J. McManus vs. Sean Vincent

-Kevin Sharp vs. Jeremy

-The Human Wrecking Ball Pete Madden vs. OuTtKaSt

-Chaz Wesson vs. Makaze

-Hard Knox Ryan Ash vs. Daizee Haze

-Nightbreed vs. Party Animals vs. Team Trainee





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Report from Adults F'n Only XXI: Pondo's House Of Madness


The opening match of the evening was Diamond Back Dingo vs. Rat Boy. Dingo decided to take it easy on Rat Boy for a while, but paid for it as Rat Boy got a few good shots in. The Dolphin Dive...DIDN'T connect, the Dingosault did, and Dingo picked up the victory.


Post-match, everyone's favorite message board troll Dingo Hater decided to make his presence known, albeit from behind a microphone from some remote corner of Aggies'. After his usual insults directed toward Dingo(and certain recappers), Dingo challenged him to face him man-to-man at next month's AF'NO! I personally can't wait for that one...


Next up, it was Cabal and Jackal of Nightbreed facing "Team Trainee"(Trainees #3 & #10, aka Jim Aggie & Melvin Root). The trainees held their own when they were able to isolate Jackal, but ran into a brick wall in the form of the much larger Cabal. As #3 pummeled Jackal in the corner, Cabal threw #10 out of the ring, then picked #3 up out of the corner into a chokeslam(with a spike from Jackal). This allowed Jackal to pin Trainee #3 for the win.


At this point, the Fourth Reich made an appearance, abusing the beaten trainees for fun while complaining about not being on the card for the evening. This brought out Commissioner Keith Smith carrying a steel chair! Keith promised that he'd have a match for Nikki tonight...


Next up, Daizee Haze took on Super Electro. While it appeared that the masked man was rather happy to see Daizee, it was all business in the ring as Electro dished out the punishment. Electro nearly scored the victory with the Circuit Breaker(Diamond Cutter off the middle rope), but Daizee blocked the move and hit her Daizee Cutter to score the three-count!


Finally, The Croc had come back to St. Louis, as he went one-on-one with Makaze(accompanied by Sindy). While it seemed as though The Croc had quite a bit of fan support in this one(thanks to his pre-match promo), it wasn't enough on this night. The Croc Bottom appeared to set up the People's Elbow, but Makaze avoided the move, then connected with the Osaka Jam(legdrop off the top) to get the duke.


Onward...OuTtKaSt faced off with "The Icon" Chris Hargis. KaSt had a surprising amount of fan support tonight after having stood up to Nikki Strychnine at the previous AF'NO show. Hargis managed to recover from a Six-Sic-Six and hit a series of German suplexes, but KaSt blocked a third German suplex and tumbled forward into a victory roll to notch the quick pinfall on Hargis!


The last match before intermission was a triple threat match between Kory Twist, Ian Storm, and Jeremy. Twist and Jeremy are certainly very familiar with each other, but at times it seemed as though they took their focus off Storm, allowing "The Tool" to gain the edge. Late in the match, Ian hit the Thunderstorm on Jeremy, but got caught in the Fate Factor, resulting in another big win for the newcomer Kory Twist!


Starting the second half of the show, the Fourth Reich came out, seemingly ready for the match that Keith Smith had set up for them. However, it all fell apart when Jack Adonis, vowing to NOT embarrass anyone with his promo this time around, instead pissing off Nikki by revealing some details about a recent outing(something about Nikki crying at a movie and having an "accident" after having eaten a chili dog earlier in the day).


At this point, Keith introduced the opponents for Strychnine and Adonis, "Super Castaldi Super Large" and "Super Castaldi Oldass"...who looked suspiciously like Big Bad Ben and Chaz Wesson. Things stayed in the ring, but only temporarily as all four men brawled out on the floor. "Super Large" chokeslammed Adonis off the bleachers and through a table! Back in the ring, a battered Adonis was beaten after a splash off the top by "Oldass"...and the Castaldis ended up taking off their masks to reveal that they were in fact Ben and Chaz!


After the match, Adonis vowed to avenge the loss, challenging Ben to a match at the next AF'NO show, but not just any match..."I Quit 2"! Anyone who remembers their first epic encounter in an "I Quit" match can only wonder if the second one can possibly reach the same level as the first!


Delirious(w/ MsChif) answered the challenge of "Hard Knox" Ryan Ash, and many people were expecting a knock-down drag-out brawl. Instead, the two took it to the mat in an almost-shootstyle encounter. Ash repeatedly tried to fulfill his promise to make the masked man tap out, but couldn't pull it off as Delirious got the three-count after a foldover powerbomb.


The GCW Light Heavyweight Title was on the line as MsChif defended the belt against Jynx. Delirious accompanied MsChif to ringside, but left early on, leaving it as a one-on-one encounter...I have to wonder if Keith Smith is finally cracking down on Diabolic Khaos' interference in these Light Heavyweight Title matches. Jynx made a great showing for himself, nearly scoring the upset on several occasions. Jynx tried a cross-bodyblock off the middle turnbuckle, but instead flattened referee Richard Head with the move. Jynx planted MsChif with a sitout Rock Bottom and appeared to have the pin, but there was no referee to count! Bad luck had struck once again for the masked man...after the referee finally got up, MsChif maneuvered her way into an airborne DDT, then trapped Jynx in a bridging pin combo for the win, hanging onto the Light Heavyweight Title once again!


Finally, it was time for The Human Wrecking Ball Pete Madden vs. Madman Pondo(with his manager whose name escapes me at the moment...Coroner?). Madden tried bringing Nikki and Jack out with him, but Nikki had apparently done something to make Jack cry, so a frustrated Pete sent them back to the dressing room.


Pete and Pondo tried to start off technical, but at this point Dingo reappeared at ringside, calling out Dingo Hater. Pete was upset about Dingo interrupting their technical masterpiece, and when the dust settled, it was a three-way hardcore dance with Dingo involved!


Too much to call on this one...various weapons, chairs, stop signs, a table, and a ladder all came into play here, and all three were bloodied by the end of it. Former partners Madden and Pondo repeatedly ganged up on Dingo, culminating in Madden putting Dingo through a table with a chairsault! However, he hurt himself on the move, allowing Pondo to capitalize by burying both Dingo and Madden beneath a pile of wreckage, setting up chairs over them, then diving off the top rope onto the chairs, weaponry, and humanity below! Pondo scored a double pin after that!


Post-match, Madden and Pondo reformed their old partnership to gang up on Dingo once again, but after Pondo left the ring, Dingo got the advantage on Madden and laid him out, culminating in a Dingosault! Pondo may have won the battle, but Dingo was the man left standing in the ring at the end of the night...



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And this weekend's TV report:


Gateway Championship Wrestling is on the air! Your hosts are The Grand Poobah and Tommy Jeans and the main event is a big one: Diamond Back Dingo & Big Bad Ben vs. Pete Madden & Jack Adonis! Time to "shut up and wrestle", as some have said...


OuTtKaSt vs. Chaz Wesson


Here we have two guys on different career paths...Chaz has benefitted from going it alone, whereas OuTtKaSt, with all due respect for his in-ring ability, hasn't had quite the same level of success recently that he had as a member of the Ministry Of Hate.


Anywho, to the match. It starts off fairly technical, with Chaz gaining the edge in that department. KaSt turns things around by attempting quick pins, first with a La Majistral cradle and then an on-the-mat crucifix pinning combo, scoring two-counts with each. Chaz takes KaSt down with an armwringer, then picks up his own two-count with a released Northern Lights suplex. Time to turn things up a notch, as Chaz whips KaSt into the corner, winds up, and CHOP. Into the other corner, then Wesson takes him down the hard way with his trademark press slam.


Kneedrop gets two and Chaz follows up with a rolling necksnap, seemingly working on the neck of OuTtKaSt as he wears him down with a version of the camel clutch. KaSt, for his part, shows he can handle himself on the mat pretty well too, as he reverses matters into another pinning combination, and another two-count. However, his lack of patience gets the better of him as he charges after Chaz in the corner and hits only turnbuckles, allowing Wesson to roll him up...for two.


KaSt manages to maintain his edge and gets in a snapmare and a dropkick to the back of the head, then a fistdrop off the middle turnbuckle for two. However, Chaz reverses a whip and catches KaSt with a big ol' CHOP. Whip and high knee, KICK WHAM PEDIGREE(as the kidz would say), and that's the ballgame.


WINNER: Chaz Wesson


GCW upcoming events: TONIGHT at Aggies' in St. Louis, MO for a free-admission TV taping, next Friday in Overland at the Wild Acres Gym, then next Saturday at the A.C. Brase Arena in Cape Girardeau.


Poobah brings out Dingo and Ben for an interview, but it seems that Dingo has trouble hearing Poobah's questions over the loud chants of "AUSSIE AUSSIE AUSSIE OY OY OY!" and "DINGO DINGO DINGO!" in the background. Dingo asks Ben to handle the promo as he's "still soaking up the adulation", so Triple B handles the threats toward the Fourth Reich with regards to our main event...


The Party Animals(Jynx & Rat Boy) vs. Nightbreed(Jackal & Cabal, w/ MsChif)


The Party Animals treat the fans in attendance to a Super Posedown before the matchup, then psyche themselves up for the match by running the ropes...don't know how much good that'll do against the opposition, but we shall see.


Cabal starts off with Rat Boy, who is slightly intimidated by his larger opponent. Rat Boy then decides to start the match with a straight-ahead battering ram charge, but Cabal doesn't seem to notice the attack much and drops him with a side suplex. Nightbreed uses an innovative double-team choke in the corner, with Jackal delivering a splash in the corner on Rat Boy and Cabal holding Jackal across Rat Boy's body. Ouch.


Jackal sends Rat Boy into the ropes, but Rat Boy stuns him with a spinning heel kick off the ropes. Hot tag to Jynx! Jynx goes to work on Jackal, but Jackal puts an end to that by simply dropping down on a sunset flip attempt and wailing away with fists and choking. Jackal whips Jynx into the corner, but Jynx leaps to the second rope, hops backwards over the charging Jackal, and gets him in a rolling reverse cradle with a German suplex-ish bridge. Nice move, but Jackal kicks out at two. Jackal then decides "screw this" and catches Jynx with a rana into a pin out of nowhere, and that stuns Jynx just long enough for a three-count.


WINNERS: Nightbreed


Rob Van Dam and Bill Alfonso tell us how cool GCW TV is.


Graphic for Overland, hyping Nikki-Dingo and MsChif-Ian Storm. Poobah then brings MsChif out for an interview, where she claims she was only trying to do us a favor last week by keeping such unworthy challengers as Matt and Ian Storm out of the title picture. As MsChif continues her rant, a Super Castaldi(looks like III) walks through and into the ring, and MsChif decides that she doesn't appreciate the interruption...


MsChif(GCW Light Heavyweight Champion) vs. Super Castaldi III(?)


Impromptu "match" which isn't even really a match, as MsChif simply brutalizes the masked man. She doesn't even pause to remove her studded vest, splashing Castaldi repeatedly in the corner while still wearing the spikes. Double-stomp and standing moonsault, camel clutch, even a tribute to Aja Kong with the old spinning backfist. Unhallowed Grace(STILL wearing the spiked vest), and MsChif simply walks away, having proven her point.


WINNER: None(no contest)


GCW upcoming events graphic again, and now it's time for our feature match:


Diamond Back Dingo & Big Bad Ben vs. The Human Wrecking Ball Pete Madden & The Alaskan Heartthrob Jack Adonis


The fans show their appreciation for Pete's long and storied career with such chants as "Lance Storm Haircut" and "You're Washed Up". Okay then.


Dingo and Pete start with some OLD-SCHOOL technical wrestling, but Dingo ends that exchange with an elbow to the mush to get out of a hammerlock. That brings Adonis in, and he's a bit more brutally direct, raking the eyes and delivering a dropkick to the knee for the match's first TWOOOOO-count. Madden tags back in, suplex with floatover nets another two. Chop(WOO!), whip and clothesline in the corner. Quick tag back to Adonis for another low-flying dropkick, and another two. The Fourth Reich duo has been the more cohesive unit so far with the quick tags, but we'll see how things end up.


Adonis decides it would be fun to smack Ben, thus keeping the referee occupied with convincing him to NOT step in and take matters into his own hands. However, Dingo fires up at this point and slugs it out with Adonis, who bails and tags Madden back in. Discretion is the better part of valor, I suppose.


Now Dingo goes technical with a Fujiwara armbar takedown, but goes to the top rope and gets caught by Madden. Pete sets up for the big superplex, but Dingo fights him off and drops him face-first to the mat...then follows up with a flying dropkick from the top! Finally Ben gets the tag and it's go time! Pete tries to run for the hills, but Ben follows him out with a baseball slide, Dingo and Jack join them out on the floor, and it's breaking down in Tulsa, er, St. Louis!


Ben chops away on Madden, and on the other side of the ring Dingo bashes Adonis across the back with a chair! The referee lets it go as he seems to have lost control of this one. Ben does a forward roll into a clothesline on Madden back in the ring as Dingo delivers a Dingo Driver on Adonis...onto the ring steps out on the floor!


Back in the ring, Ben suplexes Pete and delivers a rolling senton, but misses a legdrop off the second turnbuckle. Adonis manages to scrape himself up off the floor in time to nail Ben with the chair, putting him out of contention just long enough to isolate Dingo. Adonis catches Dingo comes off the ropes, tilt-a-whirls him up onto his shoulder, then gives him a modified Stungun(with an assist from Madden on the ring apron)...followed by a rollup(with a handful of tights) to get the duke!


WINNERS: Pete Madden & Jack Adonis


The beatdown continues as the Fourth Reich looks to put Dingo and Ben out of action...but suddenly Kory Twist dashes in from the dressing room with a chair to make the save! Pete and Jack were just leaving, but it looks like they might have someone new to contend with...



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Gateway Championship Wrestling results from tonight(Friday 9/26) at the Wild Acres Gym in Overland, MO:


The opening match was scheduled to be Daizee Haze taking on Jack Adonis(accompanied by Pete Madden), but Adonis instead wanted to proposition Daizee regarding a position in the Fourth Reich(and a few other "positions"). Daizee responded with a low blow and Madden jumped in the ring, but Johnny Greenpeace made a surprise appearance to chase the pair off! Commissioner Keith Smith was quick to book the tag match for later in the night between the Norml People and the members of the Reich.


The first OFFICIAL match of the evening turned out to be a Three-Way Dance involving Nightbreed(Jackal and Cabal), the Party Animals(Jynx and a slightly buffer-looking Rat Boy), and Team Trainee(#3/Jim Aggie and #10/Melvin Root). Cabal dominated everyone to start, then Jynx went at it with Root, but took him too lightly and paid for it. Things broke down toward the end with several of the competitors out on the floor, so Root did a flying plancha off the back of Aggie onto the crowd out on the floor! Then Jackal followed up with a springboard plancha onto the pile! Back in the ring, Nightbreed double-pinned Aggie after the spike chokeslam. The Party Animals managed to outmaneuver the big man Cabal, getting him down with a combination flying shoulderblock from the top by Rat Boy and schoolboy trip by Jynx, then the Party Animals and trainees dogpiled onto Cabal for the three-count, giving the upset win to the Party Animals!


Next up was Chaz Wesson vs. Jeremy, which turned out to be the chopfest it was expected to be. Wesson controlled a lot of the match, and though Jeremy mounted an impressive comeback, it was not to be as Chaz picked up the victory after the Pedigree.


Finally The Croc had come back to Overland, as he took on another "electrifying" competitor, Super Electro! The Croc had the dozens(and dozens) of GCW fans chanting his name, and after delivering the Croc Bottom, he set up for the Aussie Elbow...which missed its mark. Electro capitalized, hitting the Circuit Breaker(flying Diamond Cutter off the middle turnbuckle) to score the pinfall.


The final match before intermission was Makaze(w/ Sindy) vs. OuTtKaSt. As has been the pattern as of late, Makaze repeatedly refused Sindy's help and had to warn her not to get involved. Makaze hit some impressive maneuvers on his own, including an Iconoclasm off the turnbuckles! However, KaSt managed to survive Makaze's arsenal and hit the Case Study for the clean victory! Sindy was clearly displeased with her man after his most recent defeat...


The second half of the show kicked off with Matt Sydal vs. Kevin Sharp, but Sharp didn't waste any time and jumped Matt from behind in the aisleway as he was making his entrance! Sharp's new ruthless streak showed as he punished Matt for the majority of the match, methodically destroying Matt's arm with various holds. Matt fought back as best he could, but Sharp was just too much for him on this night and Matt had to tap out to a camel clutch/hammerlock combo.


Next up was the grudge tag match set up earlier in the show, as Johnny Greenpeace and Daizee Haze reunited to take on the Fourth Reich duo of Pete Madden and Jack Adonis! The Reich's game plan was clear: Isolate Daizee and wear her down. Daizee fought hard and after planting both Pete and Jack with a double DDT, she made the tag to Greenpeace who cleaned house with his trademark power moves! It seemed as though Greenpeace had the match won, but uncharacteristically pulled Adonis up from a pin attempt after a released German suplex. Greenpeace tagged Daizee back into the match, but Adonis caught the worn-down Daizee in a small package to escape with the victory for the Fourth Reich!


Post-match, Greenpeace was furious that Daizee lost the match...and he turned on her, delivering a Death Valley Driver! At this point, C.J. McManus ran in to confront Greenpeace, who simply shoved him away. Greenpeace hoisted up Daizee for a press slam, but was met by a superkick from McManus, causing Daizee to fall on top of Greenpeace! C.J. made his own three-count while Daizee was on top of Johnny, then helped Daizee back to the dressing room. Looks like we have a new partnership in the making...


The GCW Light Heavyweight Title was on the line as MsChif defended against Ian Storm. With no interfering parties to get involved, it was a very evenly-fought contest as both hit big moves but were unable to put the other away. Toward the end, Storm gained control, but Delirious made his way to ringside...and when Ian hit the Thunderstorm(cobra clutch/backbreaker/Flatliner chain), Delirious pulled referee Jim Tennings out before the three-count could be made! Back in the ring, Ian set up for the Storm Warning(pumphandle Flatliner), but Delirious entered the ring to break up the move, allowing MsChif to turn things around and drop Storm to the mat with the Gateway To Annihilation(Eye Of The Hurricane). Delirious put referee Tennings back into the ring to make the three-count as MsChif retained her title!


Things weren't quite done though, as Commissioner Keith came out...and he ordered a rematch between MsChif and Ian Storm at next month's Overland show on October 24th! He also threatened to strip MsChif of the Light Heavyweight Title if any of her "boys" interfered again!


The main event was a triple threat match between three of GCW's top competitors: Delirious(w/ MsChif), Diamond Back Dingo, and Kory Twist. It was a great main-event matchup, and there were no allies as everyone went at it tooth and nail. There was too much action to properly call, but there were some close calls toward the end as Dingo managed to escape defeat after Delirious hit Shadows Over Hell. Dingo planted Delirious with a brainbuster, but Twist made his way back into the ring(after having been knocked off the top rope out to the floor earlier by Delirious) to re-enter the fray. Twist was able to engineer a collision between Delirious and Dingo, sending Dingo tumbling out of the ring and sending Delirious recoiling back...straight into the Fate Factor, and Kory pinned Delirious to keep his winning streak going! Post-match, Twist and Dingo shook hands in a show of respect!


Quick 'n' dirty results:

-Jack Adonis NC Daizee Haze

-Party Animals d. Nightbreed + Trainees(Nightbreed p. Trainee #3, Party Animals & Trainees p. Cabal)

-Chaz Wesson d. Jeremy

-Super Electro d. The Croc

-OuTtKaSt d. Makaze

-Kevin Sharp d. Matt Sydal

-Pete Madden & Jack Adonis d. Johnny Greenpeace & Daizee Haze

-GCW Light Heavyweight Champion MsChif d. Ian Storm to retain her title

-Kory Twist d. Diamond Back Dingo and Delirious in a triple threat match, pinning Delirious to win.



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GCW TV Report 9/27/03


GCW television is once again on the air! Your hosts are the Grand Poobah and Tommy Jeans, your main event is Matt & Daizee Haze vs. MsChif & Jackal, let's hit the ring!


"The Icon" Chris Hargas vs. Kory Twist


Two GCW newcomers, both of whom have impressed the hard-to-impress GCW faithful...let's see how this one turns out. Poobah runs down the rest of the card(Makaze vs. Ian Storm, Party Animals vs. Super Castaldis), and we're set to go.


Technical start as the two lock up and exchange armholds, but Twist nips up and reverses into a headlock. Twist shoulderblocks Hargas down, but when Hargas does the duck-under as Twist comes back off the ropes, Twist simply drops down and resumes the headlock. Always wondered why no one ever did that. Hargas sends Twist into the ropes, scores the shoulderblock this time around, ducks a clothesline, but gets leveled by a flying forearm. Whip and side suplex, then the patented twisting elbowdrop gets the show's first twooooo-count.


Twist decides to liven things up by stepping to the middle turnbuckle, leaping to the top rope, and flying off with a corkscrew moonsault to knock Hargas down once again! That's another two-count. However, Hargas turns things around in the blink of an eye, ducking a clothesline and nailing a reverse neckbreaker. Whip into the turnbuckles and an impressive overhead belly-to-belly suplex. Rock Bottom setup turns into another overhead suplex as Hargas continues to show his power.


Kory tries to mount a comeback by escaping a slam attempt, tries the rolling reverse cradle but Hargas blocks, comes off the ropes...gets caught in a sleeper! Hargas has the hold cinched in and takes Twist right down with it, but Twist rallies just before the customary third armdrop. Twist elbows out of the hold and the two exchange fast armdrags and hiptosses, with Twist finally breaking the stalemate with a spinebuster! One...two...no!


Down to fisticuffs now, but Hargas interjects a knee to the gut to put an end to that. Kory fights back but gets taken down with a German suplex! Hargas tries to hang on for more Germans, but Twist blocks the second one, turns it around, and maneuvers him right into the Fate Factor to take home the victory!


WINNER: Kory Twist


Graphic tells us that the next TV taping is Saturday night, October 11th at Aggies' on South Broadway in St. Louis.


Matt and Daizee get promo time to hype today's main event...short and sweet, Matt notes that MsChif and Jackal can't seem to win without each other's help, so now the odds are even. Seems logical. Daizee adds her two cents and Poobah wraps it up.


Ian Storm vs. Makaze(w/ Sindy)


...and while I'm trying to spot myself in the audience, Makaze decides a fast start to this match is in order and attacks before the opening bell. How inconsiderate. Maybe Sindy is finally influencing Makaze to get aggressive again.


Either way, Storm manages to reverse a whip into the turnbuckles and scores a big clothesline to take the masked man down. Ian stays on the offensive and locks Makaze up in the dreaded "Toolbox"! Sindy pushes the bottom rope toward Makaze to help him get a break, but Makaze instead reverses out of the hold into a quick legscissors rollup for a two-count. The element of surprise is just enough for Makaze to regain control, as he boots Ian in the gut and nails the TKO...for two.


Stungun, and while Ian is still slumped over the top rope, Makaze does some innovating by going out the floor, getting a running start, and jumping up to snap Storm's neck off the rope! Sindy offers a chair, but Makaze suggests a better use for it by setting it up on the floor and telling her to have a seat! However, the preoccupation with his manager proves costly, as Storm has had time to recover and attacks Makaze on re-entry, then hooks him up for the Thunderstorm(cobra clutch/backbreaker/Flatliner) to score a major upset!


WINNER: Ian Storm


RVD/Bill Alfonso vignette about how hot GCW television is.


Now Poobah brings out the Fourth Reich for a word("a" word?). Jack Adonis declares that Delirious is on "the list" after WrestleFest IV. Adonis had a rough night, fighting in the exploding TLC match and taking a piledriver off the apron through a table. But, as Adonis informs us, he got back to the dressing room...tripped over Jackal(cuz he's short and all), fell through Chaz Wesson's hairspray as he was fixing his mullet, had to "Matrix dodge" some stray flames from Makaze's fireball practice, bumped into Jeremy, who dropped an arrowhead...which sparked off the wall...which apparently "combusted his bangs". Pete asks Adonis what the hell this has to do with Delirious. Adonis: "Hellooooo..." According to Adonis, Delirious probably had some of those world-famous GCW concession stand nachos, got some indigestion, and sent Jackal for a bottle of water...which is why Jackal was in the way and Adonis tripped over him, etc., etc. This is evidence enough for Pete, who declares that if Adonis fails to make People Magazine's "50 Most Beatiful People" list, Delirious will hear from their lawyers! Poobah, in closing, declares that he has no idea what the hell they were just talking about...


The Super Castaldis vs. The Party Animals(Jynx & Rat Boy)


While I leave it up to Poobah to identify the Castaldis for me, he refers to the white-suited one as Castaldi VII, but he refers to the red-suited on as Castaldi II, which can't be correct since Castaldi II passed away a few years ago...


Anywho, the match. Jynx and Castaldi VII start it off with some of that chain wrestling I've heard so much about. Castaldi VII hits a jawbreaker, but Jynx hits a solo Hart Attack. The other Castaldi tags in and hits a DDT, but instead of going for the pin, simply chokes Jynx with his boot. This brings Rat Boy and Castaldi VII in and it turns chaotic just like that. VII slams Rat Boy and walks out on the middle rope to drop an elbow, but on the other side of the ring, Jynx turns things around and plants the other Castaldi with a Michinoku Driver! VII covers Rat Boy and Jynx covers the other Castaldi...and the referee makes a three-count. Um...what the heck?


WINNER: None(double pin?)


Either way, there's considerable conjecture as to who actually won the match, so Poobah brings out Commissioner Keith Smith to settle things. Keith decides that they'll just have to review the videotape and figure something out... (From my viewpoint, Jynx and Castaldi VII were the legal men, but each pin involved a legal man and an illegal man...so hey, I'm lost too. Make your own jokes here.)


Graphic plugs the 10/11 TV taping again.


Matt (Sydal) & Daizee Haze vs. MsChif(GCW Light Heavyweight Champion) & Jackal


Daizee and MsChif, no strangers to each other, kick things off. Nice series of hold exchanges, including MsChif cartwheeling through an armwringer to reverse things, Daizee hitting an out-of-nowhere inverted DDT for a quick two-count, and both competitors scoring pinning combinations and reversals for multiple two-counts in the opening minutes of the match! What was that about the state of U.S. women's wrestling again?


Anywho, now it's time for Matt and Jackal to go at it, and they do their own chain wrestling sequence, leading up to Jackal hitting a nice rana to gain control. MsChif tags in and nearly scores the victory with a sunset flip off the top rope, but only gets two. At this point, the referee has trouble maintaining control as MsChif and Jackal mercilessly double-team Matt in the corner, including MsChif repeatedly double-stomping Matt as he's slumped down in the heel corner!


Jackal attempts to end things with a tornado DDT, but Matt blocks, powers Jackal over to an adjacent corner, then sets up and delivers a major superplex! Both men are down, and as it turns out, Daizee and MsChif decide "screw the hot tag" and jump into the fray anyway. Daizee and MsChif exchange armdrags, come off the ropes, and mutual clotheslines leave us with four competitors down on the mat!


All four participants now go at it, Daizee-MsChif and Matt-Jackal. Matt decks MsChif with a clothesline off the top and Daizee nails Jackal with a dropkick off another turnbuckle! Thinking they have Jackal isolated, Matt holds Jackal in place while Daizee jumps off the top with a legdrop...that's an old-school Veg-O-Matic, folks! However, MsChif is quick to break up Matt's ensuing pin attempt. MsChif goes after Daizee and attempts a powerbomb, but Daizee counters that with a rana! On the other side of the ring, Jackal recovers enough to hit a bulldog off the top on Matt, then blocks a Daizee kick...only to get blasted by a reverse enzuigiri! Jackal's ripe for the pickings, and after Matt holds him for a Daizee Cutter(Stunner) from Daizee, Matt finishes in style with the springboard 450 splash! Count it, ref.


WINNERS: Matt (Sydal) & Daizee Haze


That's all, folks...



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Results from Cape Girardeau last night:


Before the show officially started, Big Bad Ben informed the audience that Madman Pondo had been booked for some shows in Japan and wouldn't be there(also explaining his absence in Overland on Friday night). Ben said that the GCW braintrust came up with a unique match for a substitute main event...a combination lumberjack match and battle royal. More on that later.


In the opening match...FINALLY, The Croc had come back to Cape Girardeau, as he took on Daizee Haze. The Croc said it was more like Seaworld, what with all the little kids and big whales out in the audience. "IF YA SMELLLLL...take a bath!"


Fast-paced start to the show as the two exchanged a lot of near-falls between them. Croc appeared to have things going his way after hitting the Australian People's Elbow and the Croc Bottom, but pulled Daizee up from the pin each time to dish out more punishment. This allowed Daizee to mount a comeback and hit a turnbuckle-walk version of the Daizee Cutter for the victory! Post-match, The Croc protested the decision, saying that Daizee was on some kind of "illegal substance" and that he "smelled what Daizee Haze was smoking"...


Next up, it was tag team action as Nightbreed faced off with the Party Animals. Nightbreed was looking to avenge last night's defeat, as they cornered Jynx and pummeled him for several minutes. Finally Rat Boy got the hot tag and cleaned house, even showing some impressive power by hoisting the massive Cabal up for a Samoan drop! However, Jackal turned things around on him and hit the Killswitch, then Cabal re-entered the fray for Nightbreed's spike chokeslam finish, allowing Jackal to pin Rat Boy!


Kevin Sharp made an impression on the Cape audience as he jumped Jeremy in the aisleway before the bell even rang, just like he did Friday night against Matt, and kept up the assault throughout the match. Jeremy fought back with his trademark chops, but it wasn't enough on this night. Jeremy went to the top rope for a finishing blow, but Sharp caught him in the Makeover, keeping him down long enough for the three-count.


C.J. McManus was scheduled to go against Sean Vincent in a grudge match, but, of all people, referee Richard Head came out to speak on Vincent's behalf, saying that he would fight on Sean's behalf! Commissioner Keith Smith made the match official and C.J. speared Head to kick-start the contest!


Head's in-ring inexperience showed as C.J. controlled most of the match, but he evidently learned how to cheat from his "mentor". Referee Melvin Root got knocked down in a collision and McManus hit the Fantasticator(double-underhook Rocker Dropper), but there was no one to count the pin. In desperation, Head threw powder in C.J.'s eyes to blind him, then tied him up in a small package as the groggy referee recovered to count the pin!


After competing for the Light Heavyweight Title in Overland, Ian Storm faced a different challenge as he took on one of the heavyweights, Chaz Wesson! Ian asked Chaz not to chop him at the start of the match, but Chaz wasn't about to let Storm off that easily, and by the end of the match Storm's chest was bright red from the knife-edges. Storm managed to lock Wesson in the Toolbox and nearly caught him in the Thunderstorm, but Chaz escaped the moves and eventually picked up the win with the Pedigree.


Kory Twist faced a big challenge in the form of Big Bad Ben. This match started out oddly, including Ben debating with a kid at ringside about whether or not he "sucked". However, things got going in due time, and in the end Twist proved his previous victory over Ben was no fluke. Twist hit his corkscrew moonsault, a DDT, and a springboard moonsault to make it two in a row over Triple B!


The Fourth Reich was represented by "The Human Wrecking Ball" Pete Madden as he took on one of Nikki Strychnine's former allies, OuTtKaSt! Very competitive matchup, as KaSt was looking to dish out some punishment on one of Nikki's NEW compatriots. Madden hit a Northern Lights suplex for a near-fall, but KaSt decided to show Pete how it was done...three in a row with the Six-Sic-Six, then straight into the Case Study, scoring KaSt a major victory! Post-match Madden attacked the celebrating OuTtKaSt from behind and attempted a chairsault, but KaSt avoided the move and DDTed Pete on the chair!


The GCW Light Heavyweight Title was on the line...in a best-of-three-falls falls-count-anywhere match between MsChif and Matt (Sydal)! These two are no strangers to each other and they went right at it, with MsChif attempting to go after the arm that Kevin Sharp had worked over the night before in Overland. It was MsChif that scored the first fall as she took Matt down hard off the top rope with a falling inverted DDT!


In the second fall, the battle spilled out to the floor and ended up going all over the A.C. Brase Arena, as Matt attempted some reverse psychology by doing some damage to MsChif's arm, running it into ringposts, guardrails, and chairs out in the audience! Once they got back in the ring, Matt fought for and finally locked on a cross-armbreaker in the center of the ring, and with nowhere to go, MsChif was forced to tap out for the first time in her GCW career!


One more fall to go, but Delirious made his way out to ringside to "observe" things a little more closely. MsChif managed to avoid getting locked in the cross-armbreaker again, but when she hit the Unhallowed Grace(Lionsault), she was unable to immediately cover for the pin due to the pain in her arm, so Matt was able to survive the ensuing pin attempt. Delirious distracted referee Richard Head and slipped a chair into the ring, and while Matt blocked MsChif's attempt to drop-toehold him into the chair, MsChif kicked him in the back of the head to send him crashing face-first into the chair anyway! With a chair set up below, Matt and MsChif fought for position on the top turnbuckle, and MsChif was the one that hit the decisive move...a tornado DDT off the top turnbuckle onto the set-up chair! That was finally enough to put Matt away, as MsChif hung onto her Light Heavyweight Championship in one of her toughest title defenses to date!


Finally, it was time for the Lumberjack Rumble. Two men(Delirious and Diamond Back Dingo) would start while the rest of the participants functioned as lumberjacks, throwing people back in the ring if they ended up on the floor. After five minutes, Commissioner Keith Smith would send in each additional participant every minute or so until everyone was in, and only then could eliminations happen by being thrown over the top rope to the floor.


Dingo and Delirious tied it up as everyone else watched, continuing their long-term rivalry. However, the odds were unevened once the entries began, with Cabal being the first and laying out Dingo after Dingo dropped Delirious with a released dragon suplex! Things only got worse for Dingo as the next two entries were Jackal and MsChif, making it a four-on-one situation!


Things improved as Kory Twist was the next entry, then Chaz Wesson. At this point there was too much going on to properly call, but the remaining entries went: Kevin Sharp, Rat Boy, The Croc, Jynx, Richard Head, Big Bad Ben, Pete Madden, C.J. McManus, Ian Storm, Matt, OuTtKaSt, and finally Jeremy.


Once the elimination period began, bodies started flying very quickly. Pete Madden was the first man eliminated, followed by Rat Boy, Richard Head(who endured a lot of abuse from practically everyone), Jynx, Croc, Cabal(at the hands of SEVERAL competitors), Matt, Ian, C.J., KaSt, MsChif, Jeremy, and Kevin Sharp.


It boiled down to Dingo, Delirious, Chaz, Jackal, Ben, and Kory Twist...Twist was gone, followed by Ben. Jackal, who lasted a long time in there, was unceremoniously deposited onto Ben at ringside by a press-slam by Chaz. Finally Dingo ducked a charging Delirious and sent him flying over the top, leaving Dingo and Chaz at the end!


Two of GCW's toughest went head-to-head, but it was Wesson's power advantage that came out on top, as he press-slammed Dingo over the top rope...and through the timekeeper's table! The lone "Old School Warrior" was the last man standing on this night after the first ever Lumberjack Rumble!



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Big Bad Ben, on behalf of Dave Rogers, posted on gatewaywrestling.com with regards to AF'NO XXII next Friday, "Earning Respect".


Unfortunately, the Big Bad Ben vs. Jack Adonis I Quit Match is off because "Jack Adonis won't talk to Nikki Strychnine till Nikki says he's sorry for hitting him at AF-NO 21". Heh.


Other stuff:

-Diamond Back Dingo vs. Dingo Hater(duh).

-Billy McNeil(returning) vs. Mike Sharona(also returning) vs. OuTtKaSt vs. C.J. McManus

-A new trainee will debut.



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I still might scam out of work to go but now that I Quit 2 is off,I'm a little less inclined to.


Plus with the tv taping the next day, I'd probably get a room up that way rather than driving 2 hours back home and then driving 2 hours back up there 12 hours later. Cause that would just be dumb.



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I think a lot of us have been asking that question over the past few months...myself in particular...and the answer will finally be revealed next Friday at Adults F'n Only 22: Earning Respect.


This all started back in August at AF'NO 20 back in August. I was as surprised as a lot of other fans when Diamond Back Dingo, former GCW Champion, was in the opening match of the show. That's no disrespect to Jackal(Dingo's opponent that night), far from it. In fact, Jackal gave Dingo a hell of a fight before "The D.B.D." managed to put him away.


However, it was after that match that "Dingo Hater" chose to make his presence known for the first time. Speaking from a backstage microphone, Dingo Hater made fun of the fact that Dingo was "curtain-jerking" after having been a reigning champion and main-eventer earlier in the year. Dingo didn't pay much attention at the time, but the war of words would end up on the gatewaywrestling.com message board where D.H. would continue to spew his venom. In fact, Dingo Hater even took me to task, claiming bias in my recaps and columns and asserting that I hadn't given him the proper due.


Dingo Hater's voice was heard once again at AF'NO 21 last month, as Dingo was once again in the opener, this time against Rat Boy. After Dingo won the match, Dingo Hater started his verbal barrage once again, but this time Dingo responded, challenging the unknown individual to show his face. The match was set for AF'NO 22.


Recently on the message board, though, Dingo Hater has seemingly calmed himself down a bit. He's apologized for his harsher comments and now says that he's simply looking for the respect that he feels he deserves, and hasn't received.


So the question is simple...who is Dingo Hater?


He says he's been a part of GCW in the past, that he's sacrificed a lot in his quest for respect...only to be denied for reasons that he feels are unjust. So it would have to be someone who has wrestled for GCW at SOME point.


Who would fit some of the hints that have been dropped?


Dingo Hater claims that he's been right under Dingo's nose in recent months, which led me to wonder if he was Big Bad Ben or Billy McNeil. Both of them have teamed with Dingo in recent months, and Dingo might not suspect that one of them was plotting against him. It just doesn't seem like the style of either man to do something like this, though.


Does Dingo Hater have some kind of past history with Dingo? I don't think so. I've already ruled out Billy(besides, he's already got a match next Friday, and it wouldn't benefit "Dingo Hater" to wrestle another match before the match that he feels is his "proving ground"). That also rules out OuTtKaSt, C.J. McManus, and Mike Sharona(who I had suspected). I don't think Makaze(who has a lot of history with Dingo) is quite as "eloquent" as Dingo Hater was when we heard his voice...if Makaze speaks English at all.


Chaz Wesson? He's always been the type to do his talking in the ring.


D'Mon G? He's been conspicuous by his absence in recent months...and he would fit Dingo Hater's claims of being "hardcore", as he's been through exploding barbed wire with Ben as well as several hardcore wars with Balls Mahoney.


Ryan Ash? He's certainly got enough bad blood with Dingo and loves to trash-talk as of late. Due to other circumstances, though, I'd have to rule him out.


Kevin Sharp? He's been lashing out at the fans as of late, and his more aggressive attitude has worked for him as he's racked up some impressive victories in the past month.


Heart Attack Jack? That's a different kind of "hardcore" than Dingo is used to...


The Croc? He and Dingo used to be a tag team until a string of losses led to a rather messy breakup in the form of a Dingo Driver on the man then known as the Crocodile Kid.


Shawn Almighty? He's been MIA as of late, and he and Ian Storm earned their GCW contracts in a handicap match against Dingo on GCW TV.


Some name from GCW's past like Deno Blade, Michael Strider, Jack Miller, Jacques LaFours, or Pondula? Hard to say.


Basically, I'm just throwing names out there at this point...no matter how many pieces of the puzzle I seem to fit together, there always seems to be that one piece missing.


Guess we'll all have to wait till October the 10th to find out for sure...and that includes Dingo himself.


Advantage: Dingo Hater.


Whoever he is.


More at some indeterminate point in the future if I can think of anything.


E-mail: [email protected]


The Fan Cam: http://members.aol.com/PowerPB13/gcwpics.htm


So until I can figure out how to avoid get killed by Dingo Hater next Friday...



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Just heard on The Stranglehold radio show here in the St. Louis that KID KASH will be working the Overland and DeSoto shows for GCW this month!


In Overland, Kash will be in a triple threat match with Matt and Delirious, and in DeSoto, it'll be Kash vs. Dingo. Woo.


AF'NO this Friday: Diamond Back Dingo vs. "Dingo Hater", GCW Champion Nikki Strychnine vs. Delirious, OuTtKaSt vs. Billy McNeil vs. Mike Sharona vs. C.J. McManus


Free-admission TV taping this Saturday


Overland on Friday the 24th: Kash vs. Matt vs. Delirious, Light Heavyweight Champion MsChif vs. Ian Storm


DeSoto on Saturday, the 25th: Kash vs. Dingo





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