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Zack Malibu

OAOAST HeldDOWN~! 10/2/03

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October 2, 2003


Brought to you by the hosts who are 2 Legit 2 Quit, and will hopefully not go bankrupt like the singer of that song did...


Michael Cole and The Coach~!




And they're single ladies. As if it weren't obvious.


MC:"Wrestling fans, welcome to OAOAST HeldDOWN~! This past weekend saw the OAOAST take to Pay Per View airwaves again, as Dirty Deeds is now in the OAOAST history books. The OAOAST World Champion Calvin Szechstein emerged victorious over IntenseZone talent Jay Darring that night, due to some outside interference that will be better covered on that other show. However what is important is that Calvin is still the champion, and will be appearing here in some capacity tonight."


Coach:"Let's not forget The Dream Machines causing Totally Endorsed to go without tag team gold, as they soundly defeated Axel and Colvid at the PPV. Also, we saw an emotional farewell, as SpiderPoet finally pulled out the big win, the one he always wanted, against one of his best friends, Zack Malibu."


MC:"Speaking of that match, what about CWM? It looked as if he was there to aid SpiderPoet, but either signals got crossed or CWM was taking it upon himself to be there, because the Poet ran him off before finally defeating Zack."


Coach:"There are a lot of questions to be answered concerning CWM and his feelings as of late towards Zack. Hopefully we'll get some information on that situation tonight, as CWM will be here, taking on Northstar for the 24/7 Title!"


MC:"That should be one hell of a match considering the personalitites invovled. Fans, no need to waste your time with more pointless banter, unlike those *other* wrestling shows. Let's head to the ring for our opening bout!"

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CUE: California Love



I wasn’t expecting the Dream Machines out here. They’re fresh off of a successful title defense at Dirty Deeds and now they’re coming out here.



Any reason to dance is fine by me. (Does a pitiful looking dance)


(The El Camino pulls out onto the stage and bounces as the Dream Machines hold their title belts out the windows. The fans cheer as all three men pile out and start walking to the ring. They circle the ring slapping hands and holding up the titles before getting into the ring with a mic in hand.)



I know we weren’t expected here tonight, but we couldn’t stay away. In fact tonight we’re defending out titles. A good friend came up to me backstage and told me that he was looking for some competition and I told him he found it. So come on out!





What’s going on??


(When the lights come back on Toy Machine is standing in the ring!!)



Oh my God look who’s here!!!



We haven’t seen Toy Machine in awhile and now they’re here to take on the tag champs tonight!!


The Dream Machines shake hands with Rando and Zero as PK and Rando step out and Parka starts the match off against Zero.




Parka and Zero lock up and Parka goes into an Arm Wringer. Zero reverses into an Arm Wringer of his own and quickly turns it into a Hammerlock. Parka then reverses so that he’s standing behind Zero and he trips him up before locking in a Headlock on the mat. Zero stands up while still in the Headlock, but he begins firing off forearms to the ribs of Parka. Parka finally breaks the headlock and Zero shoves him to the ropes before knocking him down with a Shoulderblock! A quick cover only gets a 1 count.


Zero locks in a Side Headlock and takes Parka to his corner before tagging in Rando. Zero then holds Parka in place as Rando comes off the top rope with an Elbow Smash to Parka’s back. Parka arches his back in pain as Rando grabs him and whips him to the ropes. As Parka comes back Rando Hip Tosses him and then drops a quick Elbow. Cover.


One…Two No!!!


Rando then pulls Parka to his feet and hits a deep Armdrag, but he continues to hold onto the arm and locks in an Arm Scissors. Parka fights the hold and makes the ropes so Rando has to let go.



What a wrestling display! I bet that’s a welcome change for the Dream Machines after brawling with TE.



It looks to me like Rando has no ring rust at all.


Parka pulls himself to his feet and locks up with Rando. Rando goes to whip him to the ropes, but Parka reverses it and hits a Back Body Drop! Parka quickly pulls him back up and hits a Snap Suplex. Cover.


One…Two No!!


Parka then tags out to PK who comes in and hits a Clothesline to the standing Rando that sends him back down. PK then uses the opportunity to lock in a Camel Clutch, but Rando is near the ropes and gets a leg onto one of them. The ref calls for the break as PK stands up and waits for Rando to stand. Rando stands and ducks a Clothesline attempt from PK and then bounces off the ropes for a Low Dropkick to PK’s knee. Rando then grabs him by the head and pulls him to mid ring where he bounces off the ropes and hits a Senton Splash. Cover.


One…Two No!!


Rando gets up and tags Zero back in. Zero then pulls PK up and goes for a Shin Breaker, but PK punches him to the head and breaks the hold. PK then hits the ropes and takes Zero out with a hard Clothesline. PK stands and waits for him to get to his feet. When he does, PK grabs him and hits a Sidewalk Slam. Cover.


One…Two No!!


PK then tags Parka back in and Parka immediately grabs Zero for a Tiger Driver, but Zero blocks it and shoves Parka into the ropes. Parka comes back and is met with a boot to the gut and an attempt at a Powerbomb, but Parka reverses it into a Hurricanrana! Cover.




Parka then pulls him up and hits a Russian Leg Sweep. He then goes to the second rope and hits a Bret Hart-like Elbow Smash. Cover.





That’s one thing about these matches is you’ll see a lot of near falls.



I love watching these guys…unless there is glass and blood involved.


Parka waits for Zero to stand, kicks him in the gut, and hits a DDT. He then exits to the ring apron and hits a Slingshot Senton Splash. Another cover gets 2. Parka then flips Zero onto his stomach and goes for a STF, but Zero quickly makes the ropes. Parka pulls him back to his feet, but is met with a Jawbreaker that sends him down to the mat. Zero then makes the tag to Rando. Rando climbs to the top rope and dives off for a Swanton Elbow Drop!



Swanton Elbow Drop!! This could be it!! Cover. One…Two…Three!!...No!!! Parka got his shoulder up!



Don’t do that Cole!! You almost made me think it was over!!


Rando then measures Parka and goes for the Standing SSP, but Parka gets his knees up and Rando bounces off in pain. Parka starts to crawl for his corner, but Rando grabs a hold of his foot and stops him. Parka begins kicking back to break his hold, but Rando stands up and pulls him to the middle of the ring. Eddy begins slamming his hands on the mat on the outside and gets the crowd to clap along for Parka. He even gets a “let’s go Parka” chant going. Rando pulls Parka to his feet and whips him to the ropes. As Parka comes bouncing back Rando hits a Hurricanrana, but Parka counters into a Sitout Powerbomb! Parka begins crawling for his corner again and almost makes the tag, but Zero is in to stop him. Zero quickly returns to the apron as Rando reaches out and makes a tag. Zero comes back in and pulls Parka to his feet. Parka tries to fire off a quick right hand, but Zero blocks it and whips him to the ropes. Parka comes bouncing back, but Zero hits a hard Flying Clothesline that knocks Parka for a loop! The crowd lets out a loud “whoa” as Parka is almost knocked out of his boots.



Did you see that!?



Well yeah I’m not blind!!



Cover! One…Two…Three..No!!! Parka got his shoulder up again!!


Zero signals for the end and grabs Parka for the Schoolboy Buster. Parka starts punching away at Zero with all his might to break the hold. He manages to get free and hits a Sunset Flip on Zero!




Both men slowly get up and Parka starts throwing punches to Zero’s head. Zero shoves him off, but Parka comes back and hits a hard chop that draws a “whoo” from the crowd. Parka chops him again and then hits the ropes for a Float Over DDT!!



Wow we haven’t seen that in awhile!!!



Parka still needs to tag out though!


Parka slowly crawls to his corner and reaches out his hand…and makes the tag!! The crowd erupts as PK comes in and kicks Zero in the gut before lifting him up for the Knight Roll! One Vertical Suplex…two Vertical Suplexes…and finally the Falcon Arrow! Cover.


One…Two…No! Rando breaks up the count!!


PK signals that it’s over and the crowd cheers as he places Zero on his shoulders for the Knightmare, but Rando comes in and clips PK’s knee causing Zero to come down on top of PK. Cover.


One…Two…No! Parka breaks up the count!!


Zero pulls PK to his feet and goes for the Schoolboy Buster, but PK breaks free and boots him to the gut. He then picks him up for the Knightmare, but he sees Rando out of the corner of his eye and hits a Back Elbow that sends Rando to the mat outside. PK then grabs Zero again and hits the Knightmare!!







What a match! The Dream Machines successfully defend their titles again!!



Here are your winners…and still Tag Team Champions…THE DREAM MACHINES!!!!


PK helps Zero to his feet and both men shake hands. Zero then raises PK’s hand into the air as Eddy and Parka join the celebration. California Love starts back up and the Dream Machines make their way back to the El Camino to make it bounce one more time before leaving.



I have a feeling these guys will be on top of the mountain for awhile!



Those guys climbed the mountain, but when we come back, one of the men who climbed a Stairway To Hell this past Sunday, Mad Matt, will be heard from. Fans, stay tuned, we'll be right back!

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MC:"Fans, what an exciting, brutal contest we saw this past Sunday at Dirty Deeds. Despite a valiant effort from Mad Matt, Ragdoll has maintained his iron grip on the X Title. Here now we go to Mad Matt, who has asked for this time. Matt, it's all yours."


The camera cuts to the back, and we see Mad Matt, but then the screen starts to flicker. We hear a voice say "cut to camera 2", but it doesn't seem to be a RAW-esque blooper. Instead, we cut right to the other camera shot. A shot of the OAOAST World Champion!


Calvin Szechstein grins as the camera fades in on his smiling face, grinning for the camera.


"Ladies and gentlemen," he says. "Tonight, all of you will be treated to an exquisite event, as the number one contender to the Heavyweight title will be determined tonight!"


"Pepsi-Cola is proud to assist me in introducing you to the two competitors. First, we have a real diamond in the rough, somebody who deserves all the credit they can get, somebody who I think could be The New Me... Crystal."


"And her opponent..."


"Yo, Cal."


Calvin stops, looking to his right to see Ragdoll walk into the room. Rags grins at the camera, before focusing his attention on the champ. "You said you had an offer for me?"


"That I do," Calvin says with a grin. He turns to the camera. "Crystal, let me introduce you to your opponent. Good luck."


Calvin grins as we fade to black...

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We return to HeldDOWN~!, to...darkness? No, a figure is visible through it all. We see Mad Matt sitting in a dark room with his face hidden in the shadows of the arena.


Mad Matt: "All things of greatness are temporary. You can go along with all the momentum in the world until some unfortunate twist of fate derails you from getting the task at hand. Last Sunday once again I fell to the numbers game. That is the past however. The present is now. The present is what I need to focus on. The present is reestablishing myself as a threat in the title rankings. There are people who go on without a care in the world. I am not one of those people. I do not walk with a spring in my step and a song in my heart. I walk with a concussed head, and bitterness in my heart. I am nobody's friend. Cheer me. Boo me. I don't give a fuck what you do. I am here to win and to wrestle some pretty legendary matches. One thing will be for sure. When it comes time, you will respect me. Respect me for not being a lazy prima donna and putting in every bit of energy plus more into every match."


Mad Matt pauses before taking a deep breath.


Mad Matt: "This leads me to believe that I need a challenge. I need to prove that I can hang with any superstar at any level. I am issueing an open challenge to anyone on HeldDown. Next week. For a match. Taking this match is your own risk. You have been warned that I will not show any remourse. I have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Does anyone have the guts to step up to the plate and take a shot at Mad Matt? I guess we will find out the answer to that next week."


Mad Matt turns around and the camera fades out. Mad Matt's face was never shown during the promo. The darkness becomes even darker, as we fade to black.

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Coach: "Did I hear Calvin Szechstein right a few moments ago, Michael? He put Crystal in a Number One Contenders Match against Ragdoll...TONIGHT?"


MC: "Man, what a chance this could be for her. No doubt Rags is still on the recovery from the matchup at Dirty Deeds. This could be her night!"


Coach: "Or not. Talented is one way to describe Ragdoll. Borderline psychotic is another. The man is scary in his determination!"


MC: "For once, I can see your point."


Coach: "Really?"


MC: "However that's going to be all for naught, since I've been told we're cutting back to Crystal now, and I expect you to drool like my two year old nephew."


Coach: "Your two year old nephew likes Crystal too? Well, he can just step aside, playa."


MC: "Coach...you're a simpleton. Let's take it to the back."


::Cut to Crystal warming up backstage for her #1 contenders match. Calvin walks by, at first ignoring her, but then stops, and turns to Crystal::


Calvin (smirking): "Good luck in your match tonight, Chrissy."


Crystal (confused): "Uh, thanks."


::Calvin begins to walk away when Crystal grabs his arm to stop him. Calvin looks down at his arm with disgust, then expectantly at Crystal::


Crystal: "So, Calvin, why put me in the number 1 contenders match tonight? I would think that you would be mad that I humilated your boy Sly last Sunday."


Calvin: "Why do you think I put you in the match?"


Crystal: "Well, it always seems the answer is that I'm a woman."


Calvin (sneers): "Oh come on, Chrissy. We're all gender-undifferentiated here. You're a wrestler, I'm a wrestler, and to be perfectly honest I think I could take you under my wing... you could be my legacy, Chris."


Crystal: "Oh, so you see a little of you in me? Calvin, the only you that should be seen in me is future World Champion."


Calvin: "Bit early to think of that, don't you think? I'd focus on getting through tonight first."


Crystal: "Oh don't worry, I'm planning on it."


::Fade to Black::

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*Cue "Smells like teen spirit"*


Announcer: The following match is scheduled for one fall and a time limit of thirty minutes and it is for the 24/7 title, now making his way to the ring from Abbotsford, British Columbia...COBAIN WAS MURDERED!


The crowd breaks into a round of reluctant appluase at sight of CWM. He hits the ring and leans against the ring post. He doesn't acknowledge the fans who have given him years of support.


Cole: Would you take a look at that twisted sick man?


Coach: He's obviously a very disturbed dude, but doesn't he have a right to be?


Cole: The right? Are you trying to tell me had the right to stick his big Canuckuckle head nose in an awesome match between Poet and Zack at Dirty Deeds? What gave him the right to the viscous things he did to an innocent victim like Zack?


Coach: Zack gave him the right by stabbing CWM in the back with bull shit political games! You heard CWM, he's all about that world title belt and Zack never even offered him a world title shot.


Cole: Zack had to deal with Popick, Shattered Dreams and Calvin!


Coach: According to CWM, Zack wasn't fighting those three all the time! There was an opportunity to give CWM a title shot, but Zack didn't care to do so. Why? That's what I'm asking! Why couldn't Zack help out his ol buddy?


Cole: Well, CWM's got a 24/7 title shot against Northstar. I'd hate to say it, but since he dropped the Shattered Dreams name and ditched the Sminky deal, Northstar's become the OAOAST's version of a career killer and a legend killer rolled into one.


Coach: Damn skippy. He put Choko in the hospital and all but retired Slacker. He's beaten Tim Moysey. He eliminated guys like Caboose and CWM in a battle royal. He beat Anglesault in a match and we haven't seen Anglesault since. Two weeks ago he beat Spider Poet and even shook his hand as a sign of respect. Now he gets to go one on one with CWM. I can't wait!


*Cue "More to life" by Stacie Orrico"


Announcer: Now making his way to the ring by way of the PCH, being accompanied by The Acolytes of Northstar the 24/7 champion.....NORTHSTAR!


Northstar struts down the ramp, flanked by his Acolytes. He casually rolls into the ring. He kisses the 24/7 title before giving it to the ref.


The time keeper rings the bell.


Northstar offers a lock up. CWM stares at Northstar. He angrily kicks Northstar in the gut. He grabs Northstar's head and rakes his face across the ropes. Northstar points to his goggles showing CWM that he can't hurt him that way. CWM kicks Northstar in the gut once more and hammers him in the back with a clubbing fore arm.


Cole: CWM's taking it to Northstar early. Just trying to wear him down for the Pollycutter.


CWM tosses Northstar back first against the turnbuckles. His avalanche attempt is met with a boot. Northstar hops to the top and comes off with a CROSS BODY BLOCK!! CWM CATCHES NORTHSTAR IN MID AIR! MINCHONOKU DRIVER! CWM mocks Northstar's body builder poses for about a minute. Pin attempt 1..2..kick out!


Coach: CWM didn't hear what I said about Northstar's resiliency. You can't give that kid any time to catch his breath.


CWM hooks Northstar in a sleeper hold. Northstar wiggles his way out! He bounces off the ropes and comes at CWM with a flying clothesline! DUCKED! CWM taps his forehead to show his high wrestling intellect. CWM drops a series of knees onto Northstar's throat.


Coach: There's gotta be more to life than getting your ass kicked by Cobain Was Murdered.


CWM drags Northstar to the ropes and uses the second one to choke out Northstar. CWM starts to taunt the Acolytes of Northstar, most specifcally Alix.


CWM: You like that, girl? Like watching me put your boyfriend in a body bag?


CWM rolls Northstar to the center of ring and locks on the dreaded sleeper hold. Once again, Northstar wiggles out. Both men to their feet. Northstar heads for the ropes but CWM grabs his mop like blonde hair and slams the back of his head to the mat THUD!


Cole: Ouch! I feel the hurt!


Coach: Northstar does to. He's tough, but he hasn't had control of this match at all. It's been all CWM and you can't win if you never get any offense in.


CWM whips his adversary into the ropes. Northstar tries a LIONSAULT but gets caught by CWM! CWM flips Northstar into a fire man's carry position. DEATH FUCKING VALLEY DRIVER BY CWM!!!!! SICK!


Crowd: Oooooooh!


CWM exits the ring and positions himself on the apron. He slingshots himself back into the ring by body splashing Northstar! CWM taunts the crowd and makes wild threats to a little girl in the front row wearing a Zack Malibu T-shirt that's three sizes to big! CWM doesn't notice that Northstar is back on his feet. Dragon suplex by Northstar! CWM pops right back up but is met a somersault kick!


Coach: Second wind. Northstar's got a lot of catching up to do.


Northstar hits a wheel barrel suplex! He heads up top. CWM staggers to his feet. Northstar comes off the tope with a flying forearm! COUNTERED INTO A POLLYCUTTER BY CWM!


Coach: Oh shit! What ring presence by Cobain Was Murdered!




"WAKE ME UP...Wake Me Up Inside..."


Cole:........It's Zack!!!!


Zack Malibu charges down the ramp! The crowd pops huge as he slides into the ring. CWM mouths curse words at Zack, who charges and does a Cactus Jack style clothesline to the grunge rocker, taking them both over the top rope and to the floor!


Cole: This match has gone to hell in a basket. Much like my sex life, but that's another story!


Security rushes out, and tries to break up the humbug but Zack and CWM shove them all aside as they continue the fisticuffs. The Acolytes of Northstar try to get involved but Zack dispatches them in short order. CWM takes advantage of the distraction and nails Zack in the back of the head, and then goes to ram him into the post, but Zack puts his foot up to block, and then smashes CWM's head into the steel ringpost! CWM hobbles around in a daze, leaning over on the announce table and knocking a monitor over.


Coach: Hey, these things don't come cheap!


Zack throws CWM up on the table, just in frong of Coach and Cole! He starts pounding away on CWM, and then steps up onto the table himself. He pulls CWM up...AND CALLS FOR A POP DROP ON THE TABLE~!


Crowd: Zack! Zack! Zack!


Security recovers, and several road agents and backstage officials have come out. Malibu readies CWM, but two security crew members pulls CWM down and try to drag him away. The crowd boos the move...AND ZACK DIVES FROM THE TABLE ONTO THE SECURITY CREW AND CWM, TAKING THEM ALL DOWN!


Coach: He just wiped them all out!


Cole: Look at them go! Plus this match is still going on!


Malibu picks CWM up and rolls him into the ring, as due to the 24/7 rules, this match is still taking place! Zack goes and grabs a steel chair from ringside, and slides into the ring behind CWM. Malibu winds up, and blasts CWM in the forehead, just as he turns around!


Coach: That's what I call an eye for an eye!


Northstar has recovered and comes over, but Malibu takes the chair...AND BLASTS HIM OVER THE HEAD TOO!


Cole: He's taking them all out!


Zack looks at the carnage all around him, and goes and drags Northstar over, putting him on CWM for a cover! The referee counts, as Zack ducks out of the ring!




Announcer: Your winner and still 24/7 champion...NORTHSTAR.


"More To Life" begins to play, as the referee gets the 24/7 belt from the timekeeper and holds it up, all while trying to raise the arm of the dizzy Northstar. Zack has backed up the ramp, looking at the end result of the match, and turns to disappear back into the dressing room, when he hears a voice over the mic.


"Wait...you too Malibu, just wait!"


Northstar has grabbed a mic and heads back into the ring. He sprawls stomach down out on the mat.


Northstar: I...Co..Cobain Was..(panting)...Murdered....(heavy panting)...Zack....Morris...Malibu (panting). You fuckers....(panting)...next week....(heavy panting)....three way.....24/7.........(Northstar passes out).


Cole: Did you hear that? Northstar has just challenged CWM and Zack to a three match for the 24/7 title!


Coach: For all we know he could be inviting them for a non stop gang bang.


The referees and crew members drag a kicking and screaming Zack Malibu away from ring side. Various medical personnel attend to Northstar and Cobain Was Murdered, as HeldDOWN~! takes a much needed break, after that melee.

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MC:"Fans, it's time now for our main event. The winner of this match is...what? A limo in the parking lot?"


Coach:"How cliche."


MC:"Hush, you. Fans, I apologize, we're taking it to the parking lot."


::A limosine pulls up in the parking lot::


Cole: Who could this be?


Coach: In a stretch like that its got to be Tony or Joseph...


The window rolls down and Caboose is seen sipping champagne with a beautiful woman.


The diehard fans in the parking lot run over to the limo and start asking Caboose for an autograph.


Caboose smirks.


Caboose: Back to the Hotel, Jeeves.


Jeeves: As you wish sir. But may I ask why?


Caboose: I'm done with this place. Theres nothing left for me to do, no one left for me to beat...


The window rolls back up and the limo drives away...


Cole: I cant believe Caboose's attitude!


Coach: He's hollywood now...


Cole: But what happened to the real Caboose?


::Cut back to our announcers.::


Coach:"Nothing left to do here?"


MC:"I...I don't know what to make of it. Caboose came back with a bang months ago. It was the most awaited return in OAOAST history. Now he's just walking away, with no remorse? Something doesn't add up."



CUE: I'm Just A Girl



Oh yeah, Mikey. It's time!


Crystal comes out to a substantial pop.


CUE: Deceptacon


Ragdoll comes out to some serious booage, alongside his loyal valets Josie and Melanie.


:Ding Ding Ding:


Crystal and Ragdoll lock up, Rags gaining the advantage and shoving Crystal back into the corner. Quickly, he cups under her chin, reaching back with the right hand and coming DOWN with the knife-edged chop!




And another!




Crystal stumbles out of the corner... right into a Ragdoll bulldog!





Crystal flops over onto her back, and Ragdoll, seeing his chance, goes to the ropes, springboarding off and looking for a Lionsault...THAT MISSES~! Crystal rolls out of the way, and under the bottom rope, onto the apron.



They're taking off at a quick pace here tonight, Coach.


Crystal pulls herself up with the aid of the ropes, but Ragdoll has fully recovered, and comes over, suplexing the Female Phenom back into the ring...but she floats over! Rollup by Crystal, but Rags kicks her off at 2! Crystal uses the momentum to run to the ropes, and Ragdoll lays flat on his stomach, as she hops over him, running towards the far side. Ragdoll gets up and tucks his head, ready for a backdrop, but Crystal flips over him, landing on her feet, and then hitting a German Suplex, complete with bridge! One, two...KICKOUT BY RAGDOLL!



Come on babe! YOU CAN DO IT!


Ragdoll rolls around on the mat, as Crystal goes over to the apron, hopping up onto the second rope! She springboards off it, turning around in midair and landing on the top rope, springboarding off it and falling backwards with a moonsault...





She went for the Diamond In The Rough, but Ragdoll was able to block!


Crystal rolls on the mat, clutching her ribs in pain. Ragdoll stands above her, looking down and slapping at the top of her head, basking in the fact that he's just come out ahead. He reaches down to pick Crystal up, but she quickly grabs him with a small package!













That was three, Cole! That was SO three!



You're letting your emotions blind you to the obvious, Coach.



Since when do you root for Ragdoll, huh? Traitor!



Easy off, Coachman. Besides, I know people, and I've got connections. Nevermind Nemo, they'd find your ass at the bottom of the ocean.


Ragdoll stands up, annoyed at the fact that Crystal nearly got over on him. He reaches down and locks her in a facelock, then lifts her for a delayed vertical suplex, but drops her forward, down onto his knee! Crystal is hunched over in pain, and now Ragdoll bounces off the ropes, and CRACKS Crystal in the head with the Devil Doll! Smirking, Ragdoll stands up and poses for the fans, not bothering to take advantage of Crystal's state and go for the cover.



This could cost him!


Ragdoll then lay across Crystal in an almost seductive fashion, and doesn't bother to hook the leg. The referee makes the count...BUT DOES NOT GET TO THREE, AS CRYSTAL GETS HER FOOT ON THE BOTTOM ROPE!


Ragdoll pounds the mat, and stands up, gettting into the referee's face. The ref holds up two fingers, and Ragdoll grabs his hand, threatening to snap his fingers if his counts aren't a little quicker. He turns back to Crystal, who suddenly leaps up onto his shoulders, and then takes him over with a huracanrana!



C'mon babygirl, you can do it!





Crystal urges Ragdoll on, and catches him coming at her, so takes him over with a hip toss. Ragdoll scurries to his feet, as Crystal backs up and bounces off the ropes...INTO AN INVERTED ATOMIC DROP BY RAGDOLL...THAT HAS NO EFFECT!



He obviously failed biology.


Ragdoll stares wild eyed at Crystal, who just smiles at him, then PUNTS him, right in the nether regions! Ragdoll squints his eyes and his smirk turns to a painful frown, as Crystal runs the ropes and comes off with a bulldog that smashes his face into the canvas! Crystal hooks a leg, and feels that this could be it...but it's not! Ragdoll gets a shoulder up before the three!


Crystal groans, as she thought she had the match put away. She picks Ragdoll up and sends him into the ropes, but he counters and instead levels her with a short arm clothesline! He sets Crystal up just near the corner, and starts to climb the ropes, but Crystal starts to stir as he does. When he puts his foot on the top rope, Crystal gets to her feet and runs up the ropes, hammering on his back, but Ragdoll kicks back with his left leg, and basically shoves her back to the canvas with his foot. He turns around and now props himself up, facing into the ring, and she gets up again and runs up the ropes, hitting a flurry of forearms to try and daze him. Desperate, Crystal jumps up to Huracanrana Ragdoll off the top...BUT HE HOLDS ON! Crystal floats all the way over, landing on her feet on the mat, and goes to run up the ropes again, but gets NAILED by a slap across her face by Ragdoll! He then stands up on the top rope, while grabbing her up from the second rope...AND POWERBOMBS HER OFF THE TOP ROPE...NO, CRYSTAL COUNTERS INTO A HURACANRANA IN MID MOVE~!





Ragdoll goes across the ring, laying out of breath and in shock. Crystal is on the mat as well, and the fans burst into a frenzied "Crystal" chant. She picks herself up off the mat, and sees Ragdoll down near the ropes. Crystal runs, then springs up and off the ropes...DIAMOND IN THE ROUGH...NO, Ragdoll moves...CRYSTAL KNOWS THIS AND LANDS ON HER FEET! Ragdoll turns to meet her, but Crystal tries a backslide! One...Two...Ragdoll gets free! He rolls to his feet and grabs her in a facelock...COUNTERED TO THE CRYSTALLING...COUNTERED TO A ROLLUP BEFORE SHE CAN LOCK IT IN...TWO COUNT! Ragdoll rolls over backwards and to his feet, and goes for a White Label superkick that Crystal ducks, and she dropkicks his other leg out from under him! She takes both of his legs, and now has The Crystalling locked in!



She's got him, Michael!



Can she make him tap?


Ragdoll squirms around, not willing to give up his chance to someone he views as less than him. Ragdoll lifts his head a bit, locking eyes with Josie at ringside. Josie nods, and then gets up on the apron, drawing the referee away from the possible submission.



What is she doing?


Josie continues to distract the referee, while Melanie sneaks in through the other side. Clutching the Singapore Cane, she takes a swing, but Crystal quickly lets go of Ragdoll and ducks the swing, taking Melanie down...AND LOCKING HER IN THE CRYSTALLING! The crowd pop is HUGE as Melanie is wriggling in pain. Ragdoll gets to his knees, and grabs the cane, and now he goes to swing it, but Crystal ducks the cane shot, and shoots herself into Ragdoll with a spear! Crystal gets up, and rushes towards Josie...AND DROPKICKS HER OFF THE APRON!



She's on fire!



You sound like that old NBA Jam game.


The referee sees the Singapore Cane, and goes to get rid of it, but Ragdoll grabs the other end of it. It's a tug of war between Ragdoll and the referee, and Crystal takes advantage of the situation by levelling Ragdoll with a spin kick! She covers...BUT HE KICKS OUT AT THE LAST SECOND!






Easy killer, I'm right next to you.


Crystal picks Ragdoll up, and takes him in a facelock, then runs up the ropes, spinning around into a Tornado DDT...NO! Ragdoll blocks, and tries to suplex her over...BUT CRYSTAL COUNTERS WITH A DDT! Ragdoll takes an RVD vertical bump off the move, his head spiked hard into the canvas! Crystal lays on her back as well, taking a few breaths to catch her wind. She gets herself up, as the Crystal chants have gotten louder and louder with each passing opportunity she's had to win. Finally, with both Josie and Melanie down, Crystal runs the ropes...



She'll never hit it. He's too far out!





Hook the leg!!


Crystal covers, holding the pin for all it's worth...










Crystal gets off Ragdoll, celebrating like mad as the fans begin to chant her name!



She did it, MC! You close the show, I'm outta here!



Where are you off to?



That convienience store down the street has roses. They look real, so I'm gonna go buy some for our new Number One Contender~!



Oh...fine. Go.



I'm already gone.


*Coach runs off in a hurry*



Crystal wins! Ladies and gentlemen, for the first time ever a woman will be main-eventing an OAOAST pay-per-view! We've got to go, but you won't wanna miss next week!

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