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Guest Korrosive

What the hell what hte hell what the hell what the

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Guest TheLukester

I feel that some of you are out of line. Lil Naitch has explained that the picture of him that we are discussing is two years old. It is also not indicative of how he usually looks, which is different from how he looks in the picture that we are discussing. I do not even think that the picture is that bad. He looks respectable and mature. I would not even want to speculate as to how respectable and mature he looks now, which is two years later. I also think that it is wrong to insult his mother. That is out of line. If someone insulted my mother, I would be peeved. I could not predict what I would do if someone insulted my mother. I would probably throw something at them. I can see how that would be difficult to do when the person who has insulted your mother did so on an internet message board. I do not know what Lil Naitch should do. It is okay to get angry sometimes.

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I don't know that there was anything logical about any of your arguments. You claimed to not care what people on a message board thought, and yet you threatened to bludgeon someone with a baseball bat for insulting your mother, who he or she has obviously never met. You also attempted to deflect some of the criticism of your hilarious picture by claiming that a co-worker of yours--who just so happens to be a cheerleader--thinks the picture is nice. That doesn't seem like the action of someone who is completely unconcerned with what a bunch of strangers--many of whom are unbelievably hideous--think of him. And you're trying too hard. Seriously, get a grip, Marcy.

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I've read this thread from pages 1 to 5 and still have no idea what this fight is about. Lil Naitch, grow a thicker skin. His insults were jokes, they were weak, they were petty. Your lack of sense of humour or even acceptance that there was humour in those posts shows that you are riled up too easily and shouldn't take yourself so seriously. The fact that you are so quick to defend yourself about that picture shows you really are insecure about it and need to become stronger in terms of people disliking your outer self, as it is the inner beauty that counts.


In closing, get over yourself. Really, this is just asinine.

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