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Guest Trivia247

WWE Raw houseshow results 10-4-03

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Guest Trivia247

Thanks to Chris Bowman for the following report:


The Fink comes out to sing (!!!) the National Anthem. When did he start doing stuff like that? My only problem with this is that he messed up some of the words.


Curtain jerker was Maven vs. Rodney Mack. Maven wins with an inverted neck breaker thingy from the top rope. I heard what could quite possibly be the world's first Maven chant! Average start to the card.


Trish and Lita beat Molly Holly and Gail Kim. Decent match. Jazz was the special ref, and got involved, attacking the faces part-way through. Lita took Jazz out with a Twist of Fate, then Trish won with a Stratusfaction when Charles Robinson came down to make the count.


"Dancing" Lance Storm (my nickname, not his) beat Test with a superkick. Very good match...Stacy was up to her usual tricks, cheering Lance and eventually dancing with him post-match. Lance then did a standing backflip and left to a decent pop.


And now, for the "Who on earth booked this match?" of the night. Garrison Cade and Mark Jindrak came down as a heel team, and faced Steven Richards and Tommy Dreamer (with Victoria) who were in the face role. The trio came down in St. John's Maple Leaf jerseys and played to the crowd all match long. Not only that, but Cade and Jindrak were playing the homo-erotic heels, with the classic material that Chuck-a-Billy, Too Cool, and the New Age Outlaws used when they were heel teams. Weird cheering on Stevie Richards, who was really very good. Cade and Jindrak get the win with their super-high dropkick move.


Then came a 3-minute match, which was Shane McMahon vs. Kane in a Street Fight. Weird that this match was so short. Shane wins with his top-rope-across-the-ring-jump-into-a-trashcan-against-Kane's-face move. Odd that this, the advertised main event, was such a short one.


Mark Henry squashed Val Venis. *yawn*


RVD beat Randy Orton to retain the I.C. belt. Good match, crowd was behind RVD all the way. Victory after the five-star frog splash.


And in the main event, Dudleys beat Rob Conway and Rene Dupree. Surprisingly good match that the crowd was totally into. Fink did a great segment before when he informed the crowd that Stone Cold had given the fans permission to pick the stipulation for the match, and despite my loud cheers for a submission match or an evening gown match, the chosen stip was a tables match (what a shock). These guys tore the place up, playing the crowd like a violin. Some really great comic moments. Spike came down at the end to Dudley-Dog Dupree, and Conway was powerbombed through the table to end the match. I guess they didn't count it when part of the table was broken off after Bubba was suplexed near it. That would've been fun to explain...tag titles change in St. John's, Newfoundland after a technicality.


All in all, a fun night. No matches really stood out in terms of in-ring ability, but none were terrible either. Nice to see the effort put forth by all the guys, although some bigger names would have been appreciated.


Face pops:

1) The Table (I kid you not)

2) Dudleys

3) RVD

4) Kane (again, I'm dead serious)

5) Trish


Heel heat:

1) Test

2) Cade and Jindrak

3) Randy Orton

4) Conway and Dupree

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RVD is still over,the Duds get pops just because people want them to use the tables and Shane beats Kane with an RVD move, unbelievable. :bonk:

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Guest subliminal_animal
I wrote a WAY better House Show Report for that show, here.

Sorry, but I am too disgusted by your arrogance.

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