DerangedHermit 0 Report post Posted October 7, 2003 Shane trying to kill Kane = me watching Colts vs. Bucs Shane trying to kill Kane <<<<<<<<< two awesome games (Chokeland vs. BoSox, Clots/Bucs) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest TheZsaszHorsemen Report post Posted October 7, 2003 They could've used any number of actual roster members. Who cares is Kane fucks up Shane "I'm here because of my daddy" McMahon? Because.... A.) The talent pool is stretched so thin right now, that doing the scenario that Ripper was talking about would deprive RAW of either a good worker, or an over worker and RAW has very few of those. B.) Wrestlers get the shit beat out of them on a daily basis. It works better when it's Shane because he isn't prepared for what he'd gotten into, and was mercilessly destroyed. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites