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Bret Hart's heel turn in 1997

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Here's how I would've booked Bret Hart's heel turn & the Hart Foundation in 1997.






It all starts at Wrestlemania 13 where Bret beat Austin with the sharpshooter after Austin passed out. Bret begins a post-match attack on Austin, and Shamrock suplexes him. Bret leaves the ring to a chorus of boos from the fans while Austin leaves the ring while the crowd cheers him.




The next night on RAW, Bret comes out for an interview with JR. Bret takes the mic, and instead of just turning against the American fans, he turns against everyone. He takes the mic, and just blasts all the fans for turning on him, and calls every single one of them "ingrates". He calls them ungrateful bitches & bastards for stabbing him in the back and talks about how he gave the fans 14-21 years of his life to them with blood, sweat, and tears, and they thank him with contempt. He talks about how Hulk Hogan was the #1 mainstay in WWF years ago, and how he was there to pick up the pieces after Hogan left. He says that when Hogan left, he was there to hoist the WWF on his back and lead it back to the promissed land, and this is how they thank him. He tells the fans that he doesn't owe them anything, anymore. They owe him, because if it wasn't for him, the WWF would've died, a long time ago, and that the fans wouldn't even be in the building for RAW, that night. Bret calls himself "The Franchise" of the WWF, and that everyone in the audience & in the company should thank him.




HBK comes out to counter The Hitman by saying that the reason why the fans have turned on him is because Bret came back a shell of his former self and that the fans now see him for what he truly is. A self-centered, egomaniac who is spoiled rotten. HBK says that the fans have "smartened up" and they can see right through Bret, now.




Bret tells Shawn to get the hell out of his sight, and get a life. Shawn tells Bret that he that he doesn't respond well to authority, and calls Bret a hasbeen. As HBK turns to leave, Bret absolutely snaps, dives out of the ring, grabs a sledgehammer from underneath the ring, comes back in, and as Shawn turns around, Bret nails him in the head with the sledgehammer. He then delivers repeated shots to Shawn's gut, causing internal bleeding. Shawn's head is busted open as well. Bret grabs a steel chain from his tights, wraps it around his fist, and starts bashing HBK's face in until Sid comes out to make the save. As Sid checks on Shawn, bret escapes through the crowd, only to return moments later with the sledgehammer from the other side of the audience and whack Sid in the back with the sledgehammer, causing his back injury. Bret spits on both Shawn & Sid before finally leaving the ring and back to the locker room area, flipping everyone off along the way.




Later, Bret returns to do commentary during the Rocky/Cassidy match. McMahon berates him, while Lawler praises him. Bret then said he would everyone wickedly bad. With that, Bret jumps into the ring and attacks Rocky Miavia to cause a DQ. Bret leaves Rocky a crippled mess in the ring.




Earlier in the night, Bulldog & Owen were defending their tag team titles against The Headbangers. Owen & Bulldog get into a big fight, and the match is thrown out. Owen gets on the mic, and challenges Bulldog to a European Title match, next week. Bulldog accepts, buts says that it will be Owen's last shot. Owen then throws down his tag team title belt, and says he doesn't want to be a tag team champion, anymore. He wants to be a singles champion.





Before the night was over, President Gorilla Monsoon decides to book a tag team match, next week in which both the Intercontinental & European Titles will be on the line.



British Bulldog (Euro Champ) & Rocky Miavia (IC Champ) vs. Bret & Owen Hart.




To be continued.....

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