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Lil' Bitch

When did WWE...

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Its not really important, but I'm really nitpicky about it since I prefer things to be left in their original format. Its bad enough they have to edit wrestler's themes, but yeah, and they edited stupid things like Jericho's middle finger at the camera at WM XIX, they showed HBK's back instead on the DVD where its supposed to happen. Another one I hated that they changed was Victoria's ass shot at WM XIX.


But anyway, the earliest I can remember is Royal Rumble. On the DVD, they edited Steiner botching his own double underhook powerbomb which really didn't make any sense because you can still see that Steiner fell down and also when Brock saved the Undertaker from eliminating himself which was also stupid because you can still see the original moment on the Titantron.


Just wondering.

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Guest wwefan4ever_brethartrulz_18
Its not really important, but I'm really nitpicky about it since I prefer things to be left in their original format. Its bad enough they have to edit wrestler's themes, but yeah, and they edited stupid things like Jericho's middle finger at the camera at WM XIX, they showed HBK's back instead on the DVD where its supposed to happen. Another one I hated that they changed was Victoria's ass shot at WM XIX.


But anyway, the earliest I can remember is Royal Rumble. On the DVD, they edited Steiner botching his own double underhook powerbomb which really didn't make any sense because you can still see that Steiner fell down and also when Brock saved the Undertaker from eliminating himself which was also stupid because you can still see the original moment on the Titantron.


Just wondering.

It's called Censorship.

They have done it for years on Internaional TV.

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Guest hosserific

i hate when they constantly change camera angles....they do it everytime someone hits the mat. i first noticed it when they didnt do it all the time on my WMX7 dvd

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Its not really important, but I'm really nitpicky about it since I prefer things to be left in their original format.  Its bad enough they have to edit wrestler's themes, but yeah, and they edited stupid things like Jericho's middle finger at the camera at WM XIX, they showed HBK's back instead on the DVD where its supposed to happen.  Another one I hated that they changed was Victoria's ass shot at WM XIX.


But anyway, the earliest I can remember is Royal Rumble.  On the DVD, they edited Steiner botching his own double underhook powerbomb which really didn't make any sense because you can still see that Steiner fell down and also when Brock saved the Undertaker from eliminating himself which was also stupid because you can still see the original moment on the Titantron.


Just wondering.

It's called Censorship.

They have done it for years on Internaional TV.

Man, I have to say...


you have THE WORST and USELESSLY LONG username, I have ever seen:



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But anyway, the earliest I can remember is Royal Rumble. On the DVD, they edited Steiner botching his own double underhook powerbomb which really didn't make any sense because you can still see that Steiner fell down

Ahh man, I was looking forward to watching that again when I picked up the DVD somtime this month

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^ You can download the original match footage off Kazaa though so you're still good.

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