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Andre/Slaughter, Benoit&Angle/Guerreros

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WWWF @ Bridgeport, CT - October 15, 1963

WWWF World Champion Bruno Sammartino defeated Hans Mortier via disqualification


WWWF @ Washington DC – October 15, 1964

WWWF World Champion Bruno Sammartino defeated Robert Duranton


WWWF @ Newark, NJ – October 15, 1966

WWWF World Champion Bruno Sammartino defeated Baron Mikel Scicluna


Toronto, Ontario – Maple Leaf Gardens - October 15, 1967

WWWF World Champion Bruno Sammartino defeated Tiger Jeet Singh via disqualification


WWWF @ New York City, NY - Madison Square Garden - October 15, 1973

Andre the Giant defeated Blackjack Lanza


WWF @ Highland Park, NJ - October 15, 1981

Johnny Rodz defeated Jerry Johnson

SD Jones fought Larry Sharpe to a draw

Bulldog Brower defeated Baron Mikel Scicluna via disqualification

Tony Atlas defeated the Masked Executioner

Rick Martel & Tony Garea fought Mr. Fuji & Mr. Saito to a double disqualification


WWF @ Poughkeepsie, NY - Mid-Hudson Civic Center - October 15, 1981 – perhaps a TV taping

Hans Schroader defeated Steve King

Jose Estrada fought Tony Altimore to a draw

WWF IC Champion Don Muraco defeated Joel Cox

Andre the Giant & Pedro Morales defeated Angelo Mosca & Killer Khan via disqualification


WWF @ Landover, MD - Capital Centre - October 15, 1983

The Masked Superstar vs. Chief Jay Strongbow

Sika vs. Tito Santana

Rocky Johnson vs. Afa

WWF IC Chamion Don Muraco vs. Jimmy Snuka (Fijian Strap Match)

Andre the Giant vs. Sgt. Slaughter

Also included: Tiger Chung Lee, Swede Hanson, and Don Kernodle


WWF @ Inglewood, CA - Forum - October 15, 1984

WWF World Champion Hulk Hogan defeated Big John Studd in a No DQ match; there were two referees for the bout


WWF @ Hershey, PA - Hersheypark Arena - October 15, 1990

Boris Zhukov pinned Jose Luis Rivera

Jim Brunzell pinned Iron Mike Sharpe with a dropkick

Koko B. Ware pinned Conquistador #1 with a dropkick off the top

Bushwhacker Luke pinned Pat Tanaka after Bushwhacker Butch interfered

Rick Martel pinned Tito Santana with his feet on the ropes

Mr. Perfect defeated WWF IC Champion Kerry Von Erich via count-out

The Legion of Doom defeated Demolition in a steel cage match


WWF @ Prince Edward Island - October 15, 1992


WWF @ Reno, NV - October 15, 1992


WWF @ Landover, MD - USAir Arena - October 15, 1994

The Bushwhackers defeated Well Dunn

Bob Holly defeated Kwang

Lex Luger fought Tatanka to a double count-out

WWF Women's Champion Alundra Blayze defeated Bull Nakano

WWF Tag Team Champion Diesel defeated Fatu via disqualification

Jeff Jarrett defeated the 1-2-3 Kid

WWF World Champion Bret Hart defeated Jim Neidhart

The Undertaker defeated Yokozuna in a casket match


WWF @ Bourne - October 15, 1994

Abe Schwartz defeated PJ Walker

King Kong Bundy defeated Doink the Clown

Adam Bomb defeated Nikolai Volkoff

WWF IC Champion Razor Ramon defeated Bob Backlund via count-out

The Smoking Gunns defeated the Heavenly Bodies

IRS defeated Mabel

Davey Boy Smith defeated Owen Hart


WWF @ Utica, NY - October 15, 1995

Hakushi defeated Skip

King Kong Bundy defeated Barry Horowitz

Bob Backlund defeated the 1-2-3 Kid

Marty Jannetty won a battle royal

WWF Women's Champion Bertha Faye defeated Alundra Blayze

Marty Jannetty (sub. for Shawn Michaels) defeated Davey Boy Smith

WWF Tag Team Champions the Smoking Gunns defeated Men on a Mission


WWF @ Grand Rapids, MI - October 15, 2000

K-Krush defeated Joey Abs

Mideon defeated Gangrel

Val Venis defeated Crash Holly

The Goodfather & Bull Buchanon defeated the Acolytes

The Dudley Boyz defeated Test & Albert in a tables match

The Dupps defeated Rodney & Pete Gas

Billy Gunn defeated WWF IC Champion Eddie Guerrero via disqualification

Kane defeated Road Dogg

Triple H defeated Kurt Angle


WWF @ Ottawa, Ontario - October 15, 2001 – unable to find any dark matches / Jakked results

Raw is War:

WWF Tag Team Champions the Dudley Boyz (w/ Stacy Keibler) defeated the Big Show in a non-title handicap match when D-Von scored the pin after Bubba used the title belt as a weapon

The Acolytes & Jackie defeated the Hurricane, Lance Storm, & Molly Holly (w/ Ivory) when Bradshaw pinned the Hurricane with the Clothesline from Hell

WWF Hardcore Champion Rob Van Dam defeated WCW World Champion the Rock via disqualification when Chris Jericho crotched RVD on the top rope as the challenger attempted the five star frog splash; after the match, RVD and Rhyno double teamed the Rock as Jericho returned to the announce table

WCW Cruiserweight Champion Billy Kidman pinned Tazz in a non-title match with a roll up after a modified face buster

Chris Jericho defeated WCW US Champion Rhyno via disqualification in a non-title match when Mike Awesome, Raven, and Stephanie McMahon interfered as Jericho had the Walls of Jericho applied; after the match, the Rock cleared the ring of the Alliance members and hit the Rock Bottom on Jericho

Edge pinned WWF Light Heavyweight Champion X-Pac in a non-title match by avoiding the X-Factor and hitting the DDT

WWF World Champion Steve Austin & Booker T defeated Kurt Angle & the Undertaker after RVD interfered and hit the five star frog splash on Angle, with Austin making the cover; prior to coming off the top, RVD considered hitting the frog splash on Austin


WWE @ Toronto, Ontario - Air Canada Centre - October 15, 2002

Bull Buchanon & Redd Dogg defeated Charlie Haas & Sylvian Grenier when Haas forced a submission with a leglock

Scott Vick pinned Tyson Dux with the Vertebreaker

Val Venis defeated Shelton Benjamin via submission with an arm bar at 6:10


Tajiri pinned Sho Funaki with a kick to the head at 3:55

Albert pinned Scotty Cruz with the Baldo Bomb at 4:41

Crash Holly pinned Shannon Moore at 5:31 with a roll up and using the ropes for leverage


WWE Smackdown! Tag Team Championship Tournament Semi-Finals: Edge & Rey Mysterio Jr. defeated Ron Simmons & D-Von Dudley at 4:37 when Edge pinned Simmons with the DDT; after the match, the Guerreros attacked Mysterio and Edge

WWE Cruiserweight Champion Jamie Knoble pinned Nidia with a roll up at 2:03; after the match, the two made up and double-teamed Tajiri, who was the special referee

John Cena pinned Billy Kidman with a roll up and using the ropes for leverage at 5:38

WWE Smackdown! World Champion Brock Lesnar (w/ Paul Heyman) pinned Chuck Palumbo at 6:30 with the F5; after the match, the Undertaker stormed the ring and busted the champion open with his arm cast until Heyman could pull his man out of the ring

Matt Hardy & Dawn Marie defeated Rikishi & Torrie Wilson at 3:59 when Dawn Marie pinned Torrie after Hardy reversed the pin behind the referee’s back; after the match, Rikishi rather than Torrie hit the Stinkface on Hardy

WWE Smackdown! Tag Team Championship Tournament Semi-Finals: Kurt Angle & Chris Benoit defeated Eddie & Chavo Guerrero Jr. at 10:45 when Angle pinned Eddie with the Olympic Slam after Benoit hit both opponents with a steel chair

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Guest Boo_Bradley
WWF @ Ottawa, Ontario - October 15, 2001 – unable to find any dark matches / Jakked results



October 21, 2001: The Acolytes defeated Kanyon and Hugh Morrus...United States Champion, Rhyno, defeated Billy Gunn...Scotty too Hotty defeated Steven Richards...No Mercy Match: The Acolytes (Faarooq and Bradshaw) defeated Chris Kanyon and Hugh Morrus when Bradshaw pinned Kanyon...WCW World Cruiserweight Title Match (No Mercy Match): Billy Kidman pinned Scotty Too Hotty to retain the title






OCTOBER 21ST 2001:

The Acolytes defeated Chris Kanyon & Hugh Morrus

Billy Kidman pinned Scotty Too Hotty to retain the WCW Cruiserweight Championship




^ Site has every Nitro, Thunder, Heat, Raw, SD! results ever

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Guest Boo_Bradley



WWF Jakked (8/18/01) Recap by Shane Osman







-We open with the requisite showing of the “Bodies” video to hype Summerslam.


-Your hosts this week are Kevin Kelly and Chris Leary (?). Huh? Who the hell is that? There IS a wrestler named “Wildman” Chris Leary. I don’t know if this is the same guy or not. Where are Coach and P.S.? I DEMAND A REFUND!


Hardcore Holly v. Hugh Morrus --


They lock up and Morrus backs Hardcore into the corner. He drives in a series of shoulders, then starts bitching at the referee. Hardcore takes advantage, backing Morrus into the corner and nailing him with a series of chops. He whips him into the opposite corner and follows in behind. He ends up charging into Morrus’ boot though. Hardcore staggers to the center of the ring and Morrus charges him. Hardcore armdrags him and whips him into the ropes. He gives him a hiptoss and follows up with a slam. He misses an elbow drop though, allowing Morrus to come back. He lays in a few punches and whips him into the corner. He follows him in and goes for a splash. Hardcore avoids him and gives him another armdrag.


He locks Morrus in an armbar. Morrus quickly gets to the ropes to break it. Holly backs off, then decides to charge. Morrus backdrops him over the top and to the floor. Morrus follows him out, but only to roll him back into the ring. No shenanigans on the floor! He slams Hardcore and picks up a nearfall. Then he whips him into the ropes and goes for a backdrop. Holly kicks him in the face though. Morrus goes for a clothesline, but Hardcore ducks it and takes him over with a backdrop suplex. He nails him with a forearm and gives him a dropkick. He follows up with his low blow in the ropes, but Morrus comes back with a flapjack. He climbs to the top and drops an elbow. He can only get a two count though. So he goes back to the top. He comes off with a moonsault (actually called the No Laughing Matter by Kelly). Holly avoids it though. He hits the Alabama Slam (or Slamma, depending on the announcer) and gets the win.


This was decent enough. Not really good, not terribly awful. Good enough for me.




-Clips from Raw and Smackdown. I refer you to the awesome recaps of those shows done by Butch Rosser and myself if you’d like to know more.




K-Kwik v. Mike Awesome --


They lock up and Awesome grabs a side headlock. Kwik shoots him into the ropes and gives him a hiptoss. He starts punching away at Awesome, but gets leveled by a clothesline. Awesome starts nailing him in the back with forearms. He goes for a German suplex, but Kwik elbows his way free. He charges right into a big boot though. Awesome goes to the top, but Kwik cuts him off. Awesome shoves him away and comes off with a clothesline for a two count. He whips him into the corner and follows him in with a splash. He chokes him for a bit, then turns his back. Kwik skins the cat onto the top rope and nails Awesome with a missile dropkick.


He follows up with a headscissors takedown and levels him with a leg lariat. He covers him and gets a nearfall. He starts climbing to the top again, possibly going for a moonsault. Awesome cuts him off, though. He goes for a running Awesome Bomb, but Kwik manages to sneak out the back door. He tries to clothesline Awesome, but he ducks it. He immediately picks Kwik up and gives him the running Awesome Bomb to get the win. Hooray! Awesome wins!


This was pretty much a squash. For once, Awesome wasn’t the guy BEING squashed. So this was a good match for that reason alone.




-Clips from Raw. The Rock and Chris Jericho get into a rhyming contest. Rocky wins with: “Booker T and Shane. The punk ass sucka and the silver spoon BLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP. I think you can easily fill in the bleep. Steph is pissed at this vulgarity (also about being called out on her new boobies). So she makes them wrestle RhYno and Booker in the main event. RhYno gets the win. Then he gores Jericho. Booker lays out Rock with a pair of Bookends. Segue to Smackdown, where Booker lays Rocky out again, this time with a Bookend through the announce table.




Shawn Stasiak & Hurricane Helms v. Kaientai --


To my knowledge, TAKA becomes the first person to refer to Stasiak as “Meat.” He also suggests that Stasiak stuffs his tights with bananas. Anyway, Funaki and Helms start. Helms knees him in the gut and starts nailing him with some forearms to the back. He goes for a suplex, but Funaki slips away. Helms tries to clothesline him, but Funaki ducks it and starts laying in some punches. He scores with a headscissors takedown and follows up with a dropkick. Helms whips him into the corner, but misses a charge. Funaki comes back with a bulldog. Helms quickly makes the tag to Stasiak. TAKA also tags in.


Stasiak piefaces him down twice. TAKA responds with the stooge eyepoke. He gives him a karate thrust to the throat as Funaki comes in. They give Stasiak a double suplex. Helms comes in. TAKA gives him a drop toehold and he and Funaki hit the Kaientai dropkick. Then they give Stasiak one for good measure. Funaki seems to be the legal man now, as TAKA goes back out onto the apron. Anyway, Funaki ducks a clothesline from Stasiak, but runs right into a superkick from Helms. Stasiak stomps him down and rams him into the corner. He whips him into the opposite corner and follows him in with a clothesline. A knee to the gut leads into a nice gutwrench suplex for two.


Helms tags back in. He comes in with a fistdrop off of the second rope. He follows up with a backbreaker for a nearfall. Tag to Stasiak. Helms motions for him to go to the top rope. He slams Funaki, but Stasiak misses his attempted splash off the top. Stereo tags. TAKA nails Helms with a spinning heelkick and he and Funaki hit Stasiak with a double dropkick. Funaki goes for a pescado onto Helms, but misses. Helms then hops back up onto the apron and shoves TAKA off the top rope. Stasiak gives him a reverse DDT and gets the win.


Not bad. Stasiak is really starting to improve. He still sucks, but he sucks less than he used to. He was a little out of place with the cruiserweight guys, but managed to make his power moves stand out.


-Commercial break


-Clips from Tough Enough. Greg pulls out because of a back injury.


Chavo Guerrero Jr. v. Essa Rios --


Chavo opens with a side headlock. He chains it into a hammerlock, but Essa reverses It. Chavo counters into a Fireman’s carry and gets a quick two count. Essa trips him up and gets a quick nearfall of his own. They face off and Essa nails Chavo with a stiff right hand. He follows up with a headscissors takedown. He goes for a hiptoss, but Chavo counters into a monkey flip. Essa lands on his feet. He slides between Chavo’s legs, but Chavo catches him by the hair. He pulls him up and nails him with a series of forearms to the back of the neck. He goes for a German suplex, but Essa rolls through and lands on his feet.


He nails Chavo with a spin kick, but Chavo comes right back with a back elbow. Essa backdrops him onto the apron. He rams him into the turnbuckle and climbs to the top. He pulls Chavo up with him. Chavo punches him and Essa does a backflip back into the ring. Then Chavo does a front somersault and immediately drops into a front roll. The Romanian judges only gave it a 9.6 though. Bastards. Essa charges, but Chavo catches him with a quebradora. He stomps Essa down and rams him into the corner. He takes Essa down with a backdrop suplex and picks up another nearfall. He goes for the Gory Special, but Essa counters into a sunset flip for a two count.


Chavo pops right back to his feet and levels Essa with a clothesline. They trade punches and Essa connects with a dropkick. He follows up with a shortarm clothesline and a backdrop. He sets Chavo up for his flippity Lucha armdrag. Chavo counters into a hammerlock, but Essa reverses and hits his move. He uses a powerslam instead of an armdrag again this week. That’s a swank little move. He makes the cover, but Chavo gets his foot on the rope to break the count. Essa then sits Chavo on the top turnbuckle. He goes for a ‘rana, but Chavo hangs onto the ropes. When Essa gets back to his feet, Chavo gives him a Falcon Arrow off of the second rope to get the win.


Easily the match of the night. These two meshed really well. I want a rematch. Quickly.




-Summerslam hype and I’m out of here for another week.

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WWF Jakked (8/18/01) Recap by Shane Osma

I appreciate the link and info - and I'll add them to what I have - but that's about 2 months off

Edited by cawthon777

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Yeah, the best I can remember from being at that show is this:


I know for sure-

Stevie Richards vs. Crash Holly was a dark match and that on Jakked, Kaientai beat Raven/Justin Credible and Mike Awesome beat Scotty 2 Hotty. I also remember the Hardy Boyz beating (I'm 99% sure) Kanyon/Hugh Morrus, too. I also remember Chuck Palumbo and Billy Gunn having matches, too, but I can't remember against who (I'm pretty sure Chuck's was a dark match).

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Much appreciated.


Did a little research and came up with this.


WWF @ Ottawa, Ontario - October 15, 2001

Crash Holly vs. Steven Richards

Chuck Palumbo vs. an unknown


Sho Funaki & Taka Michinoku defeated Raven & Justin Credible

Mike Awesome defeated Scotty 2 Hotty

WCW Tag Team Champions Matt & Jeff Hardy defeated Kanyon & Hugh Morrus

Test defeated Billy Gunn


Was this held at the Corel Centre?

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Much appreciated.


Did a little research and came up with this.


WWF @ Ottawa, Ontario - October 15, 2001

Crash Holly vs. Steven Richards

Chuck Palumbo vs. an unknown


Sho Funaki & Taka Michinoku defeated Raven & Justin Credible

Mike Awesome defeated Scotty 2 Hotty

WCW Tag Team Champions Matt & Jeff Hardy defeated Kanyon & Hugh Morrus

Test defeated Billy Gunn


Was this held at the Corel Centre?

Yes, it was.

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Guest Boo_Bradley
WWF Jakked (8/18/01) Recap by Shane Osma

I appreciate the link and info - and I'll add them to what I have - but that's about 2 months off

Please forgive me, I must've had some bad tomato juice before I posted any or all of my incoherant blather in this thread...


*Falls to Knees*

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