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Saturday RoH Predictions

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Samoa Joe vs. Homicide: Homicide and Joe lit it up at Do Or Die, and with no holds barred, the brutality is going to be off the charts. This is a non-title match, and I think they're doing that because they don't expect attendance in Rochester to be very good. If the crowd is good, they may reward them by making it a title match. This has **** written all over it. Joe wins it with some sort of insane killer move.


Daniels vs. Walters: This could be really great, Walters is the best new guy they've brought in, and Daniels rocks of course. This could be the match that make John Walters. If this gets more than 20 minutes, and I think it will, it may be match of the night. I predict Walters gets the major upset victory, just because he's not in TNA and they need more stars without that schedule conflict.


Corino vs. CM Punk: The battle of the 2 most hated heels in Ring Of Honor. Could be good, Punk is great and Corino is good sometimes. Punk is going to win this, he's been on a losing streak as of late. Someday down the line, these two would make a sweet tag team.


Credible vs. Cabana vs. Hart vs. Rave: 4 good workers will make this yet another good match on the show. Hart won't win his first match, I pick Jimmy Rave.


Chris Sabin vs. Xavier: Xavier is really getting better, and I love Sabin, so this should be a fun match. Sabin faces elimination if he loses, and I think it will happen at this show.


Dan Maff vs. BJ Whitmer: Man, this card is really fucking solid. This should be really good too, and I'll go with Whitmer getting what I guess is an upset.


Jack Evans vs. Hydro: Hydro has a lot of talent, and I hear all good things about Jack Evans. Sounds like another good match, I think this one will go to Hydro.


Jimmy Jacobs & Alex Shelley vs. Outcast Killazs vs. Dunn & Marcos vs. Fast Eddie & Don Juan: I'm not a fan of scramble matches, but they can be fun sometimes. I'll pick Jacobs and Shelly.


Special K vs. Carnage Crew: They wouldn't switch the tag titles again, would they? Special K will win somehow.


Looking at this card, every single match except for Special K vs. CC could be ***+, which is pretty amazing. If Joe/Homicide and Walters/Daniels deliver, this could be show of the year.

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November 1 will blow this show out of the water, A.J. Styles vs. Bryan Danielson, C.M. Punk vs. Christopher Daniels vs. Samoa Joe vs. Steve Corino, Homicide vs. Low Ki, and the Scramble Cage.

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Guest Dynamite Kido
November 1 will blow this show out of the water, A.J. Styles vs. Bryan Danielson, C.M. Punk vs. Christopher Daniels vs. Samoa Joe vs. Steve Corino, Homicide vs. Low Ki, and the Scramble Cage.

I definately agree with that......

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Guest juvvy



CM Punk



Dan Maff


Jimmy Jacobs & Alex Shelley

Special K

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Guest j.o.b. squad

homicide over joe to finaly take the title off of joe

daniels over walters

corino over punk

cabana over credible, hart, and rave colt is being pushed in the tourney heading into the meating of the unbeatens with maff so they wont job him in a four way

xavier over sabin to set up 2-0 vs 2-0

maff over whitmer to set up 2-0 vs 2-0

team iwa over killaz , rce , & team twa

special k over cc to retain

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Guest ToddRoyal
homicide over joe to finaly take the title off of joe


It's non-title, so no-go there.


* Joe over Homicide, since they're pushing that Joe wants to win every match, title or not.

* Daniels over Walters.

* Punk over Corino, as Punk's been on a losing streak.

* Colt in the 4 way, since he's getting the push right now.

* Xavier over Sabin, since Xavier seems to be pushing towards a playoff in his block w/ Stryker.

* Whitmer with the upset over Maff, to keep some interest in the B Block.

* Jacobs and Shelley in the Scramble, since the RCE and Outcast Killaz never win these things, and the TWA guys haven't been on recent shows.

* Special K over the Carnage Crew to retain, and set up EVERYONE to chase the ravers in the NJ Cage match.

* Hydro over Evans by Special K intereference, to set up Evans as Teddy's partner in the cage


Seems like a solid show, with the 4 way, Punk/Corino and Joe/Homicide looking good, and Daniels/Walters being the sleeper. I agree though, the big show is gonna be the NJ show, with AJ/Danielson and Homicide/Ki.

Edited by ToddRoyal

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Guest Real F'n Show

my predictions...


Joe over Homicide

Daniels over Walters

Punk over Corino

Credible wins the four way

Sabin over Xavier

Maff over Whitmer

Evans over Hydro

Jacobs and Shelley win the scramble

Special K over Carnage Crew

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