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Manny Ramirez

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Vlad likes being able to go around pretty much un-noticed, which is why he likes it in Montreal (where he is VERY popular, despite the Expos poor attendance). I doubt very much he'd be able to do that in Boston.

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Hey, Vlad can come to Philly.  I'd take him over Abreu any day of the week.

You and me both. Abreu is one of my pet peeves with the Phillies in that I really don't feel like he lives up to his potential.

You know, if a .400+ OBP along with 100 walks, 20 home runs, and 20 steals won't make you heppy, what will? Philly fans have this sick mentality that if the team doesn't win, its obviously the fault of the best players. The fact is, the Phillies have 24 positions they could improve before Abreu (23 players, and the manager).


As for Vlad. First off, I don't buy the "he doesn't want to play for a big market" argument. Vlad will go wherever the best offer comes from.


As for Manny, the Sox win either way, since if he's taken by another team, the Sox instantly gain $20 million to use on the free agent market. And I bet they'd target Gary Sheffield, who actually had a better year at the plate than Ramirez.

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As for Vlad. First off, I don't buy the "he doesn't want to play for a big market" argument. Vlad will go wherever the best offer comes from.

Just let me grasp to the faint hope that he'll stay in Montreal, please. This is about the only piece of information that supports the fact that he'd stay with the Expos, so I'm clinging to it.

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"You know, if a .400+ OBP along with 100 walks, 20 home runs, and 20 steals won't make you heppy, what will? Philly fans have this sick mentality that if the team doesn't win, its obviously the fault of the best players. The fact is, the Phillies have 24 positions they could improve before Abreu (23 players, and the manager)."

My problems are not with Abreu's numbers. There's no arguement there, the numbers are solid. And I'm not a Philly fan who blames the best players (I wasn't even down on Pat the Bat this year, which should say a lot. I would have liked him to do better, but I don't blame him for the season).


It's just that watching the Phillies day in and day out I never feel like Abreu comes through in the clutch or hustles. There are several plays where if you watch you can really see him loaf. That and his outfielding is probably the worst in the league.


I'd still rather have him than a lot, but I'm not sold that he's one of the Phils best.

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Guest FrigidSoul
As for Vlad. First off, I don't buy the "he doesn't want to play for a big market" argument. Vlad will go wherever the best offer comes from.

Vlad's mother doesn't want him playing in NY, and Vlad is actually going to listen to mommy. I shit you not

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Sorry, guys, but Vlad is staying in Montreal. The team's value would drop so drastically without him that MLB could not unload the Expos to any owners without posting a loss in the transaction.

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Guest Choken One
As for Vlad.  First off, I don't buy the "he doesn't want to play for a big market" argument.  Vlad will go wherever the best offer comes from.

Vlad's mother doesn't want him playing in NY, and Vlad is actually going to listen to mommy. I shit you not

Vlad's Mother wouldn't happen to be Theo Epstein would it?

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Guest FrigidSoul

Seriously, Vlad's mom is afraid that somebody will kill Vlad and/or mug him...its funny

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Guest Choken One

and Montreal doesn't have those people? I don't buy that and besides, Didn't Vlad's Little Brother Wilmer play in NY?


I know he played in Cincy...

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Sorry, guys, but Vlad is staying in Montreal. The team's value would drop so drastically without him that MLB could not unload the Expos to any owners without posting a loss in the transaction.

The Expos have value??? Whoa...



Actually, I doubt Vlad stays. First off, why would all the other owners pony up some dough to pay a guy whatever obscene amount he'll get to play AGAINST their own teams, while getting little financial return on that investment?


Secondly, why would Vlad stay? He might not like the big markets (if that's even true), but there are plenty of other places he can go, stay under the radar for the most part, win some games, and still get paid plenty of cash, all without having to play 100+ games on the road each year. There really is no incentive for him to stay there; I know I wouldn't.

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I still don't get how MLB is going to let the Expos keep Vlad, just for selling value. The Expos have been on the market, for a while now with no takers, right? So obviously Vlad alone is not going to bring in a buyer. And the owners are not going to let the Expos spend 100 mil of their money just to keep Vlad off to the side, just in case someone wants the team.


And a note on Abreu, he just makes it so damn easy to hate him. The way he looks on the field, just looks like he doesn't give a shit. Whether that is the case or not is a different story, but that is the appearance and that hurts in Philly. Plus there is still the season from a couple years ago, that made people think that he was a 30-30 guy moving into the 35-35 with a batting title class and that is not going to happen.

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Guest FrigidSoul

Hey Phillies fans, keep off Abreu's back...if you wanna hate anybody then go hate Burrell who did absolutely nothing

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and Montreal doesn't have those people? I don't buy that and besides, Didn't Vlad's Little Brother Wilmer play in NY?


I know he played in Cincy...

Wilton, and, unless he played there this year, he never played in New York (a few stints in Montreal, and stays in LA and Cincy).


If I were running things, I'd try and sign Vlad to a 1 year deal around what he made in 2003. The sale value of the team is higher with a bonafide superstar, as it's easier to sell a team to a new market with a name that everyone (or, most casual sports fans, at least) knows as opposed to a bunch of low priced no-names.

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He is deathly afraid of her or something

Yeah, he's a momma's boy. He still lives with her in Montreal, so he's probably going to at least listen to her opinion when picking a new place to play/live in.

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Hey Phillies fans, keep off Abreu's back...if you wanna hate anybody then go hate Burrell who did absolutely nothing


Burrell's largely gotten a pass because he at least busts his ass trying.

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Guest FrigidSoul
Hey Phillies fans, keep off Abreu's back...if you wanna hate anybody then go hate Burrell who did absolutely nothing


Burrell's largely gotten a pass because he at least busts his ass trying.

Not from the games I saw. He looked lost and like he just wanted to go home

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Gee, what a shock THAT was, huh?


The thing is, Manny was cool with the whole thing, like a team actually was going to pick up a 5 year, $104 million contract without a second thought.


I am getting kind of worried about this team.

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Sox are fucked until his contract expries because no one wants him at all, whether as a free agent or in a trade...even the fucking Yankees.


They'll just have to get as much as they can out of him, even if he's out in fucking Manny's World everyday of his life.

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Gee, what a shock THAT was, huh?


The thing is, Manny was cool with the whole thing, like a team actually was going to pick up a 5 year, $104 million contract without a second thought.


I am getting kind of worried about this team.

Cool with it? He ASKED FOR IT!


When your player says "I don't want to play here" you try to trade him, or release him.

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And don't think us Boston fans are bashing Manny...because yeah, he put up great post-season numbers and came through.


Where was he the rest of the year?


Manny lives his life on Manny's terms and no one else's...and if he doesn't want to be in BOSTON of all places, then he might as well go somewhere like Tampa Bay, take his 25 million or whatever a year, and just leave everyone alone.

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In Manny's defense he never wanted to play in Boston in the first place. His agent got Dan Douquette to give him WAY more than any other team would, and his agent said "Your going to play for Boston because they will pay you insane money." Manny, being the 5th grade mentality basically said, "Ok Boss".


Also, Manny's numbers were slightly down this year for one reason, because everyone else in the lineup was knocking in runs. Nobody on base = No RBI's for Manny. Oh and don't forget the countless times Nomar was the 3rd out of an inning thus forcing Manny to leadoff ALOT.


Take this from a guy with no life that watches every single game :)

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Guest FrigidSoul

There's talks of a Manny for Shawn Green and prospect trade.


It makes sense as their salaries are similiar(Manny makes about $4mill more a year), Dodgers want more offense, Green would benefit from Fenway offensivly, all parties would be happy

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In Manny's defense he never wanted to play in Boston in the first place. His agent got Dan Douquette to give him WAY more than any other team would, and his agent said "Your going to play for Boston because they will pay you insane money." Manny, being the 5th grade mentality basically said, "Ok Boss".


Also, Manny's numbers were slightly down this year for one reason, because everyone else in the lineup was knocking in runs. Nobody on base = No RBI's for Manny. Oh and don't forget the countless times Nomar was the 3rd out of an inning thus forcing Manny to leadoff ALOT.


Take this from a guy with no life that watches every single game :)

Points well taken.


And considering I'll be honest and I watched little - to no regular season cames for the Sox this year for a various of reasons, I shouldn't really comment on that.

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Their hands are tied. They can't trade Ramirez because no one wants the salary. And there's no way they can release him because they'd still have to pay him.

By how much, in estimation, did they overbid the second highest team to get Ramirez? I ask this, because I remember the Rangers blowing the Braves and Mets away by $35-50 million to sign Rodriguez three years ago.


I'd feel bad for Boston, had they offered anything resembling a NORMAL contract.

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