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The Rockers and Christian win gold at tapings

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WWWF @ Philadelphia, PA – October 30, 1964

WWWF World Champion Bruno Sammartino defeated Johnny Powers


WWWF @ Baltimore, MD - October 30, 1965

Television taping:

Arnold Skaaland defated Hector Serrano

Gene Dubuque defated Pete Sanchez


Memphis, TN – October 30, 1967

WWWF World Champion Bruno Sammartino defeated Luke Graham


WWWF @ Boston, MA - October 30, 1972

Joey Russell & Little Louie defeated Pee Wee Adams & Sonny Boy Hayes

WWWF Tag Team Champion Mr. Fuji defeated El Olympico

Sonny King fought Mr. Fuji to a draw

The Sheik defeated Chief Jay Strongbow via count-out

Buddy Wolfe defeated Mike Loren

Chuck O'Conner defeated Blackjack Slade

Tony Garea defeated Joe Turco

WWWF World Champion Pedro Morales & Gorilla Monsoon defeated the Spoiler & Lou Albano in a steel cage match


WWF @ Harrisburg, PA - October 30, 1981

Baron Mikel Scicluna defeated Lee Wong

Ron Shaw defeated Steve King

Pedro Morales fought Greg Valentine to a double disqualification

Jose Estrada defeated Jerry Johnson

Tony Garea & Rick Martel defeated Larry Sharpe & Ron Shaw


WWF @ Syracuse, NY - October 30, 1981

WWF World Champion Bob Backlund defeated Killer Khan


WWF @ Baltimore, MD - Civic Center - October 30, 1982

WWF IC Champion Pedro Morales pinned Mr. Saito

Rocky Johnson pinned Mr. Fuji

Buddy Rose pinned Chief Jay Strongbow by using the ropes for leverage

Superstar Billy Graham defeated WWF World Champion Bob Backlund via disqualification


WWF @ Coatsville, PA - High School - October 30, 1985

Crpl. Kirchner defated the Spoiler

SD Jones defeated Tiger Chung Lee

Pedro Morales defeated Ron Shaw

Uncle Elmer defeated Iron Mike Sharpe

The Junkyard Dog defeated Terry Funk

Andre the Giant defeated Big John Studd via count-out


WWF @ Norwalk, CT - High School - October 30, 1985

Included Barry Windham, Mike Rotundo, Hillbilly Jim, Brutus Beefcake, & Greg Valentine


WWF @ Kalamazoo, MI - October 30, 1989

Hercules defeated Akeem via count-out

Mr. Perfect defeated Jimmy Snuka

Dusty Rhodes defeated the Big Bossman

WWF Tag Team Champions Demolition defeated Arn Anderson & Tully Blanchard

Randy Savage defeated Jim Duggan


WWF @ Ft. Wayne, IN - Allen County Coliseum - October 30, 1990

Wrestling Challenge taping:

Al Blake pinned Pez Whatley

Dustin Rhodes pinned the Genius with a bulldog

Mr. Perfect pinned Brad Kramer with the Perfect Plex

Rick Martel defeated Reno Riggins via submission with the Boston Crab

Randy Savage pinned Dusty Wolfe with the flying elbowsmash

The Legion of Doom defeated Jose Luis Rivera & Sean McTracey following the Doomsday Device on McTracey

Shawn Michaels & Marty Jannetty defeated WWF Tag Team Champions Bret Hart & Jim Neidhart in a Best 2 out of 3 fall match to win the titles; fall #1 - Marty Jannetty pinned Bret Hart by blocking a sunset flip; fall #2 - Hart pinned Shawn Michaels with the Hart Attack; fall #3 - Jannetty pinned Hart; after the bout, the Harts shook hands with the new champions; this match was never shown on television because the top rope fell off in the midst of the bout and Vince McMahon felt he could not air it; the titles were later returned to Bret Hart & Jim Neidhart and the title change was never mentioned aside from WWF President Jack Tunney officially reversing the decision of the match on TV stations in the immediate area; clips of the finish were eventually shown in September 1995 prior to Marty Jannetty's return to the WWF; Shawn Michaels & Marty Jannetty did defend the titles on two known occassions, both against Paul Roma & Hercules

The Barbarian pinned Pez Whatley

Davey Boy Smith pinned Iron Mike Sharpe

WWF World Champion the Ultimate Warrior pinned Randy Savage

The Legion of Doom defeated Demolition Axe & Crush when Road Warrior Hawk pinned Axe

Wrestling Challenge - 11/18/90:

Ted Dibiase pinned Koko B. Ware

Tugboat pinned Doug Vines with a splash

Battle Kat pinned Paul Diamond with a Lou Thesz Press

WWF IC Champion Kerry Von Erich pinned Black Bart with the tornado punch

Paul Roma & Hercules defeated Jim Evans & George Anderson when Roma pinned Evans

The Main Event IV - shown 11/23/90 on NBC:

WWF World Champion the Ultimate Warrior defeated Ted Dibiase (w/ Virgil) via disqualification when Virgil prevented the pinfall after Warrior hit a shoulderblock; after the bout, Randy Savage blindsided the champion in the ring and attacked him with his sceptor before dropping the flying elbowsmash

Nikolai Volkoff fought Sgt. Slaughter (w/ Gen. Adnan) to a no contest when Slaughter attacked his opponent before the bell rang; moments thereafter, Jim Duggan made the save by chasing Slaughter from ringside with his 2x4

Mr. Perfect defeated the Big Bossman via count-out after Bossman chased Bobby Heenan, who came ringside moments earlier, backstage; after the match, Bossman chased Perfect out of the ring with his nightstick

Rick Martel defeated Tito Santana via submission with the Boston Crab

Wrestling Challenge - 11/25/90:

Jim Duggan defeated pinned Brian Costello

Haku pinned Gary Jackson

Shane Douglas pinned the Brooklyn Brawler

Jake Roberts pinned Tom Bennett

The Warlord defeated George Anderson

The Bushwhackers defeated the Orient Express via disqualification after Mr. Fuji threw salt into Butch's eyes

Earthquake pinned an unknown with the sit-down splash


WWF @ Monroe, LA - October 30, 1992


WWF @ Oklahoma City, OK - October 30, 1992


WWF @ Rochester, NY - October 30, 1993

Rick Martel defeated Marty Jannetty

Lex Luger defeated Ludvig Borga

Owen Hart defeated Bastion Booger

WWF IC Champion Razor Ramon defeated IRS via count-out

Owen Hart defeated Diesel

WWF Tag Team Champions the Quebecars defeated the Smoking Gunns

Bret Hart pinned Jerry Lawler


WWF @ Scranton, PA - October 30, 1994

Jim Powers defeated Abe Schartz

Duke Drose defeated IRS

Adam Bomb defeated Bam Bam Bigelow

Bart Gunn defeated Tom Pritchard

Lex Luger fought Tatanka to a double disqualification

WWF World Champion Bret Hart defeated Jim Neidhart

The Undertaker defeated Yokozuna in a casket match


WWF @ Baharain, Saudi Arabia - October 30, 1997

Headbanger Thrasher defeated Phinneas Godwinn

Henry Godwinn defeated Headbanger Mosh

Ken Shamrock defeated Billy Gunn

WWF Tag Team Champions the Legion of Doom defeated Rocky Miavia & Farooq

Tiger Ali Singh defeated D-Lo Brown

The Undertaker & Dude Love defeated WWF World Champion Bret Hart & Jim Neidhart


WWF @ Tampa, FL - SunDome - October 30, 1998

Gangrel & Edge defeated Matt & Jeff Hardy

Steven Regal pinned Farooq by using the ropes for leverage

The Headbangers defeated the Oddities

WWF European Champion X-Pac defeated Jeff Jarrett

The Rock defeated WWF IC Champion Ken Shamrock via disqualification after D-Lo Brown and Mark Henry interfered

the Legion of Doom defeated Skull & 8-Ball

The Godfather defeated Jose Estrada with the DVD

WWF Tag Team Champions the Road Dogg & Billy Gunn defeated Mark Henry & D-Lo Brown after one of the title belts was used as a weapon

Steve Austin defeated Kane, Mankind, and the Undertaker by pinning Kane with the Stunner


WWF @ New York City, NY - Madison Square Garden - October 30, 1999

The Godfather defeated Viscera

D-Lo Brown defeated Mideon

The Big Show defeated the Big Bossman via disqualification

WWF Tag Team Champions Crash & Hardcore Holly defeated the Road Dogg & Billy Gunn

Mankind defeated Val Venis

WWF European Champion Davey Boy Smith defeated Test

X-Pac defeated Kane

The Rock defeated Chris Jericho

Edge, Christian, Matt & Jeff Hardy defeated the Dudley Boyz & the Acolytes

Steve Austin defeated WWF World Champion Triple H via disqualification


WWF @ Boston, MA - FleetCenter - October 30, 2000

Ophelia, Charlie & Russ Haas defeated Ivory & the Dupps

Scotty 2 Hotty pinned Paul Fuller


Raven pinned Essa Rios

Gangrel pinned Sho Funaki

WWF Hardcore Champion Steve Blackman pinned Just Joe

Dean Malenko & Perry Saturn defeated JR Ryder & Bob Evans

Raw is War:

WWF IC Champion Eddie Guerrero pinned Chyna at 2:40 after Steven Richards interfered and hit the Steven Kick to the back of the challenger’s head; after the match, Billy Gunn made the save

Bull Buchanon, the Goodfather, & Ivory (w/ Steven Richards) defeated Lita, Matt & Jeff Hardy at 5:00 when Ivory pinned Jeff after Richards interfered and hit the Steven Kick

Test (w/ Trish Stratus) pinned Crash Holly in a hardcore match at 3:05 following a flying elbowdrop onto a trash can, with Crash’s head inside

Steve Austin pinned Rikishi in a steel cage match at 5:14 with the Stunner; prematch stipulations stated that the victory could only come via pinfall

Steven Richards (w/ Val Venis) pinned Billy Gunn (w/ Chyna) at 2:25 after Eddie Guerrero interfered and hit Gunn with the IC title belt; due to prematch stipulations, Gunn could no longer be called Mr. Ass; had Richards lost, he would have been forced to kiss Gunn’s ass

WWF World Champion Kurt Angle defeated Triple H via disqualification in a non-title match at 5:52 when Triple H threw the referee out of his way as he was assaulting the champion

The Rock pinned Chris Jericho at 7:08 with the Rock Bottom; after the match, Rikishi attacked Rock and threw Jericho to the floor before grabbing a microphone and stating that it was the Rock that told him to run over Steve Austin during the previous year’s Survivor Series; due to prematch stipulations, Rock became the #1 contender to the world title


WWF @ Cincinnati, OH - October 30, 2001

Mike Awesome pinned Shelton Benjamin with the running Awesome Bomb

Sunday Night Heat:

Tazz defeated Spike Dudley with the Tazzmission

Trish Stratus pinned Ivory with the bulldog

Chuck Palumbo pinned Raven (w/ Terri) with a roll up; after the match, Billy Gunn came to Palumbo's aid against Raven and Justin Credible

Albert pinned Scotty 2 Hotty with the Baldo Bomb


Booker T & Test defeated WWF Tag Team Champions - WCW World Champion Chris Jericho & the Rock to win the titles when Test pinned Rock with a boot to the face after Jericho accidentally hit a missile dropkick on his partner

Stacy Keibler & WCW Tag Team Champions the Dudley Boyz defeated Lita, Matt & Jeff Hardy following the 3D on Matt after Matt and Lita collided on the apron

WCW US Champion Kurt Angle defeated Kane by reversing the tombstone into the ankle lock and, after applying the hold for an extended period of time, gaining the submission victory; early in the bout, Steve Austin came through the crowd to brutalize Kane's ankles and legs with a steel chair before he was chased back through the crowd by the Undertaker

Christian pinned WWF European Champion Bradshaw to win the title after hitting him with the title belt (the bout was never televised, rather stills of the match were shown on TV to explain the title change)

WWF Hardcore Champion Rob Van Dam pinned WWF IC Champion Edge with the five star frogsplash after Test interfered and kicked Edge in the face; only the Hardcore title was on the line

William Regal pinned Tajiri (w/ Torrie Wilson)

The Undertaker defeated WWF World Champion Steve Austin via disqualification when Kurt Angle broke the pinfall following the chokeslam; after the match, the two double teamed Taker until Shane McMahon came out and all three shared several beers

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Guest MikeSC
Does anyone know why Christian's title win wasn't televised?

I thought, at the time, lack of time was what was blamed.


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The Undertaker defeated WWF World Champion Steve Austin via disqualification when Kurt Angle broke the pinfall following the chokeslam; after the match, the two double teamed Taker until Shane McMahon came out and all three shared several beers


I remember this match being really good. Around this time RVD was getting alot of heat for busting people open and Taker was said to be leading the pack against RVD. And pretty much every other new guy in the company. Then during the match, Taker dropped the chair on Austin head and busted him open the hard way. Irony bites the ass of the deadman.

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