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wwe dvd's

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Guest Username

what video rentals rent out a lot of wwe dvd's?


i was browsing through amazon checking out wwf/wwe dvd's and there's quite a lot of em that i'd like to check out.


but most of em are only for a match or two...or even just the extras ha, sooo purchasing these dvd's wouldn't be the smartest thing. what video rentals do you guys suggest i check out for wwe product?

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Guest Bret Hit Man Hart

Here are a few I would get.


Wrestlemania 3,8,9,10,13,17,18,19

No Mercy (Brock Lesnar vs Undertaker hell in the cell)

All of the Smackdown brand ppvs.

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I've pretty much resigned myself to the fact that if I want a wrestling DVD, I'm gonna have to buy it


The big two (BBV and Hollywood) around here have jack shit when it comes to wrestling or anime or really anything outside of the Hollywood norm

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Guest Salacious Crumb
Here are a few I would get.


Wrestlemania 3,8,9,10,13,17,18,19

No Mercy (Brock Lesnar vs Undertaker hell in the cell)

All of the Smackdown brand ppvs.

Ummm...... most of those aren't even out on DVD.


What's it cost to rent first? If your paying $4 or $5 your better off just buying them.

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Is that the one on Erin Centre Blvd. Rudo? I only saw WMX8 there for rent. Needless to say, I bought it once it went on the "previously viewed" rack. I can't say I'm a fan of the bilingual cover and the non cd sleeve insert though.

Edited by C-Bacon

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Guest Bret Hit Man Hart

Sorry I listen a bunch of Vhs & Dvds. If you want some great dvds then dont get Bad Blood because it sucked. Here are a few you should get


Best of Survivor Series

Best of Wrestlemania

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