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Guest FrigidSoul

Just out of curiousity

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

...isn't that sort of the purpose of the board? to some extent, anyway..

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Guest FrigidSoul

Ya, but where would you put political debate matters? I mean its not general chat as far as I see it

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

Current Events. It's usually a fun place to pick a fight, but the partisan bootlicks on both sides get pretty tedious. Harrumph, liberal. Fie, conservative!

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

Oh, and even worse, JMA, the most wishy washy poster of 'em all.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

I've never seen you go out of your way to completely neutralize and castrate your opinion so as not to ruffle feathers, or some shit. I swear, that dude always reaffirms his swissdom on any hot button topic.

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I've never seen you go out of your way to completely neutralize and castrate your opinion so as not to ruffle feathers, or some shit. I swear, that dude always reaffirms his swissdom on any hot button topic.

No shit. We should ban him for being a pussy! B-)

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Current Events is indeed the place to debate important issues and events. That's why I don't go ban-happy on the "flaming" that might happen in there, and it's also why I've been trying to keep the fluff out.

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I've never seen you go out of your way to completely neutralize and castrate your opinion so as not to ruffle feathers, or some shit. I swear, that dude always reaffirms his swissdom on any hot button topic.

I think it's wrong to criticise someone for criticising others because they criticise someone else. You're just overgeneralising here. We should all be more sensitive to the fact that just because some people can't stand to see anyone make a comment about anything under the sun without shrieking indignantly about sweeping and unjustified generalisations, it doesn't mean that everyone who does that deserves to be mocked and denigrated. There could be good reasons for their passive-aggressive snivelling. And besides, aren't there some Swiss people who do take a stance on some issues? I'm sure there must be. You're characterising all Swiss people as spineless wishy-washy whiners, and that's wrong. Some Swiss people might have one or two vertebrae, surely? I think you're a racist. Why are you so filled with hate? What's wrong with the Swiss? Can't we all just get along?

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I've never seen you go out of your way to completely neutralize and castrate your opinion so as not to ruffle feathers, or some shit. I swear, that dude always reaffirms his swissdom on any hot button topic.

I'll try harder, I promise.







Slayer is GHEY~!



No, they're ok I guess


they rule


they're alright if you like that sort of thing.



That's better.

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they're alright if you like that sort of thing.

You need to account for the fact that some people might disagree. Try this:


"They can be all right if you like that sort of thing. But I can understand that some people might hate them. And I respect people who think they're great because it could just be a matter of taste. "


Congratulations! You're well on your way to becoming a spineless waste of oxygen without a thought worth expressing in your uncritical, undisciplined, and utterly miserable excuse for a mind!

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High five!



If, of course, you feel comfortable with that type of brief yet strong form of physical contact in a context such as the celebration of the achievement of a goal such as aiding the conversion of saturnmark4life into an altogether less opinionated and more inconsequential poster, if you considered that possible.

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