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Guest unleashedfury

Just a reply to "Brock is rude" complaints

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Undertaker held it from Judgment Day (May) until he dropped it to Rock at Vengeance (July).


Although I'm pretty sure HHH would have gotten the title back had his arm not been fucked up.

The title was going to go to Brock anyway.


[Conspiracy Theorist] HHH faked the injury, so that he wouldn't have to job to a new star down the line. [/Theorist]

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A few thoughts...


Until Brock Lesnar is rude to me or caught being rude on camera, he's not rude in my book


Shane Douglas pretty much sucks in the ring now, but he's a very entertaining heel who adds a lot to his feuds and angles. If only he could get back in decent shape, he would be very very good.


I was skeptical of Brock's push in the summer of 2002. I felt like he had no heat going into King of the Ring and/or Vengeance. His feud with RVD became one of my favorites of last year though, as it was one of the few feuds where both guys actually got over from being involved in it. I've been a believer in Brock since his match with Rock at Summerslam though. Since then, he has carried himself well and has presented himself as a credible WWE Champion. History will be good to him.

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I could give 2 shits if Brock is rude or not, personally i feel that RVD should've won at KOR and then win the title @ Summerslam but Vince's fetish with Hosses clouded his judgement.But as far as Brocky is concerned he is doing good entertaining me with his matches, but please stop giving him mic time, the guy sounds like a big uncharismatic doof when he is cutting a promo.

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Unfortunately, Brock (who is one of my favorites) did blow me off 2 times so far. I'm hoping it was just because of kayfabe.

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Unfortunately, Brock (who is one of my favorites) did blow me off 2 times so far. I'm hoping it was just because of kayfabe.

For the sake of enjoying him on our tv screens, lets just hope it was.

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