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Nonsensical booking

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I just wanted to discuss some of the great booking decisions WWE writers have made. It's pretty outrageous how dumb or clueless they seem to be most of the time.



Scenario 1 ---- Chris Jericho enters a heated rivalry with Stone Cold becoming his #1 nemesis for a few months. Develops a clan to try to rid Stone Cold. Survivor Series would have been the perfect scenario to have him win the match and get rid of Austin for good right? Nope, instead a guy who had nothing to do with the angle and entered the match at the very last minute for no apparent reason gets the duke in an attempt to get his sorry ass over. There's exhibit A.


Scenario 2 ---- Kane......a monster who was built as untouchable for months comes off a PPV destruction of RVD. Who's sent out to give him the fights of his life? A nonwrestler who's been off of tv angles for about a year. The nonwrestler continuously gets the better of Kane and takes him to the limit. RVD could barely get a 2 count on Kane, but this guy makes his life hell. Van Dam looks inferior to a nonwrestler and is buried in the process basically. There's exhibit B


Scenario 3 ---- Rewind to Smackdown.......Paul Heyman gives Chavo Guerrero a choice to postpone the title match for Survivor Series, or take a handicap title match now which would take place of the Survivor Series match. Chavo chooses the handicap match and loses, but wait......What's that? The Guerreros somehow get their Survivor Series title match anyway despite the stipulation. So, what was the point of Chavo taking a handicap match if they were gonna get the title shot at SS anyway...Nice waste of time.


Scenario 4 ---- You've got a great cruiserweight tile match lined up for the PPV. What do you do? Give them at least 10 minutes to steal the show? Nope, you replace the match with an angle where the attempt is to get over an unover nobody.....No good long term affects from the angle, or even immediate as Orton gets no heat anyway, and you remove a potential showstealer for that garbage.


Scenario 5 ---- You have a little face off with the World Champion from Raw and the WWE champion fro Smackdown.....Do you have them get into an intense staredown and talk trash to each other? Nope, Goldberg taunts Brock and makes him look like a bitch while Lesnar stands there with puppy dog eyes looking like he doesnt think he has a chance against Goldberg. Making Lesnar looking fantastic.



There's more but these are the 5 that irked me the most. I mean, who in their right mind would look at these scenarios and not think they are ridiculous to go through with. IT just doesnt make any freakin sense at all.

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