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Guest DVD Spree

How do I get rid of the f***ing Network Password

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Guest DVD Spree

We're using Windows ME and my dad was fucking around with things he doesn't understand. Now there's a password prompt that interrupts every bootup:


"Network Password


Please enter your password for Microsoft Networking"


We're not even on a bastard network. It's easy enough to get rid of - just hit ENTER, ESC or click OK or Cancel and the box disappears, but it always fucking comes back. Any ideas?


Cheers as always.

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Guest I'm That Damn Zzzzz

Stuff I found. Give it a try:



Disabling the Windows 95 / 98 password (should work for ME as well)


No Local Network


Please Note: When following the below steps upon rebooting the computer you may get a Network login however it may have a message explaining if you do not enter your password you will not see this window again. If you see this message enter your user name with no password and verify the password. Once this is completed reboot the computer and you will not receive the log in again.


Select All users in Password - Click Start / Settings / Control Panel / Passwords / click the User Profiles tab / select the first option "All users of this PC use the same preferences and desktop settings." Reboot computer.


Delete Stored Passwords and Profiles - If you continue to get the password click Start / Shutdown / Restart the computer in MS-DOS mode. Once at the prompt type cd\windows and press enter. When at the C:\WINDOWS> directory type del *.pwl and press enter and delete all files found. The pwl files are the actual encrypted password files windows stores. Once each of these files have been deleted type deltree profiles and press enter. Once this has been completed press CTRL + ALT + DEL to restart the computer.


Local Network


Please Note: If the Network you log into is run by somebody other then yourself it is recommended that they handle the passwords as additional issues may arise if user does not have the correct privileges. Additionally when following the below steps this will also disable your network login.


If you wish to not have a login prompt each time you turn on the computer it is recommended that you create a log-in script for your network.


Remove Protocols - Click Start / Settings / Control Panel / Network / select any TCP/IP, IPX/SPX, NetBEUI and remove the protocols. When removing protocols if you wish to continue to connect to the Internet do not remove any Dialup adapters / protocols. Once completed click Ok and restart the computer.



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Guest DVD Spree
check your network settings maybe. I dunno, I'm just guessing.


Hey Naitch. Yeah, that's how the problem started - he was messing about ni the Network options for whatever reason and managed to get a Network password installed. Parents + technology = oh no.


Thanks for thetips Zzzzz - I've tried some of them, but I'll give the DOS one a shot and see what that does.

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