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Mystery Eskimo

IZ after Deadly Game

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-Special bonus footage from backstage at OaOasT Deadly Game: Unlucky 7 concerning Puerto Rican Lightning and a certain someone else.


-Can we start the show with a Puerto Rican Lightning promo? The promo will be about the results of the Elimination Chamber Match and what happened after the match backstage at Deadly Game. Expect PRL to confront this person in the ring also.


-Cuban Wall vs. another jobber.


-Colombian Heat vs. some jobber with Thomas Rodreguiez as the referee.


-OaOasT North American & Puerto Rican Championship Match:

Puerto Rican Lightning vs. A Puerto Rico "Ledgend"

Can this be the main event?

Edited by The #1 MST3K Mark

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Guest Dids

Money and I may have plans- however, if we don't (Money- I'm looking at you)- I'd like a rematch with Logan.

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Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20

- A certain "Reject" may make his return to the OAOAST. Not much is known / confirmed at this point, so take this as a grain of Salt.


Source: OAOAST.com

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Guest belgarion

i'm not sure what the match results are going to look like after deadly games but count me in on a skit or a match whatever i'm done for it

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I'll write a promo challenging B. Dids to one final match between the two of us.

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Guest Dids

As I mentioned in the other thread- if Logan's in the 6 man- Shuffle is taking the night off to rest his neck.

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Guest Dids

Shuffle's killing (or at least wrestling) Money next week. I could kill Logan the week after that?

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I think we can find better things for Shuffle than Mario. No offence to him :)


How about Shuffle takes on PRL for the NA title?


Oh, and as all I have is SJ stuff at the moment, tonights deadline is extended waaaaaaaaay long, so if anyone is even thinking of writing, you have plenty of time, please do.

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Guest Dids

Mario hurt the Shuffle- he'd like to beat him up some more.


After I blow off things with Money, I'll take on whoever. PRL might not be good 'cause I think we've got some things planed for later on- but I'm open- #1 MST3k Mark*- your thoughts?



*- I have never felt so foolish as I did typing that out...

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