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Who was banned here?

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I remember Jay saying in one post only five people have been banned on this board. I am just curious who were the five that were banned here? Does anyone know for sure? thanks

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Guest Maurizio C... Version 2

I think they were Bradshawthehoss, xkiller, baron von ruthless... god, I can't remember the other 2.

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Guest J*ingus

Another one was Ultimo9399, that guy who went around telling fairly outrageous lies about the "behind the scenes" goings-on in the WWF.  As for the fifth, I don't know, maybe one of Judas's various bannings happened on this board?

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Guest Tony149

"HHH HAIRY BALLS" or whatever his name is was probably banned. Besides that one weekend when trollmaina was running wild, the board has been clean.

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Guest EI Cubano

Besides the first three mentioned, HHH "hairy ballz" or whatever and Dr. Vencum (?) no one has been banned, we like to reserve banning for extreme cases.

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Guest alfdogg

Why were Bradshawthehoss and xkiller banned, exactly?  I'm not saying they shouldn't have been, I just missed what happened.  I don't think I even saw BTH on this board.  I know BARON VON RUTHLESS!, HUNTER HAPPY HAIRYBALLZ, and ultimo9399 were all banned.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

i don't think xkiller got banned he just stopped showing up (thank god). bradshawdahoss got banned about a month and a half ago.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

can't remember. i think it was just everone got tired of his act and the mods finally came down on him

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Guest EI Cubano

Bradshaw was banned about a month and a half ago. As everyone knew, we were on Mike's server and because he runs a server company he didn't want anything pornographically objectionable on his system because it could understandably turn off future customers.

Well, Bradshaw took it upon himself to start posting pictures of some fat kid jerking off and refused to stop doing so. He was given a ton of warnings and he eventually started opening flaming threads in the WWF folder so he was banned.

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Okay so I counted all these guys-


Xkiller (who is that by the way?)

Baron Ruthless (who?)



Dr Vencum (who again?)

Andre The Giant


What about GatesFW and Profesor Beljin? Were they banned?


So Jay who were the five who were actually banned because that's 7 and 9 if you count the last two who are maybe banned.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

xkiller was, xkiller gona hit em up. he was around more on the old ezboard than here.

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Guest AlwaysPissedOff
I was banned on EZBoard, but I have a clean record here.

What were you banned for?

Rob was a part of the Great Dissention that happened back on the ezBoard when the Flaming forum got deleted and the WDI guys got pissed at Scott and Don.

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Guest alfdogg

I'm pretty sure "BARON VON RUTHLESS!" = "mr. x the spooky secret phantom man."

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Guest RetroRob215
Rob was a part of the Great Dissention that happened back on the ezBoard when the Flaming forum got deleted and the WDI guys got pissed at Scott and Don.

Actually, I got away with all that stuff...lol.  I got banned because I posted a picture (chart) showing that yellow is the most hated color in a thread that was talking about colors.  Then I posted a few various scientific findings on the color yellow.  Botter didn't appreciate my contributions and banned me.  SO I got away with ripping Scott and Botter for a few weeks, yellow was the death of me.   :D

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Guest alfdogg
Andre The Giant

Andrew the Giant, maybe?  Or was there really one called Andre the Giant?

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I have been banned from a Friday the 13th chat, by mods who start sit, and just want to ban people, I was also banned by the Ghostbusters board, for posting the Marine Corps logo.

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I have been banned from a Friday the 13th chat, by mods who start sit, and just want to ban people, I was also banned by the Ghostbusters board, for posting the Marine Corps logo.

Thats a stupid-ass reason to ban someone.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

he rejoined the board. he's like member 1958 or something.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

i don't know. but someone noticed that he was back and posted the heads up. hopefully a mod notices and bans him again.

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Guest AlwaysPissedOff
Rob was a part of the Great Dissention that happened back on the ezBoard when the Flaming forum got deleted and the WDI guys got pissed at Scott and Don.

Actually, I got away with all that stuff...lol.  I got banned because I posted a picture (chart) showing that yellow is the most hated color in a thread that was talking about colors.  Then I posted a few various scientific findings on the color yellow.  Botter didn't appreciate my contributions and banned me.  SO I got away with ripping Scott and Botter for a few weeks, yellow was the death of me.   :D

Heh.... I stand corrected then, Rob.


Yellow is the DEVIL!!! :D

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