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Guest Trivia247

WWE RAW House Show results 11-28-03

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Guest Trivia247

WWE RAW House Show Results From Las Vegas, NV (11/28/03)





Reported by Steve Fox on November 29, 2003





Thanks to Robert Maniaci for the following report:


The crowd was estimated at 80% full, and was hot all night, which reflected in the effort of the wrestlers, as they seemed to feed off the crowd’s energy.


Coach is the host of the evening and asks the fans to rise for the National Anthem. Shortly thereafter La Resistance music interrupts and they do the usual anti-USA bit, enter Val Venis and Lance Storm. Match was batch and forth with solidly paced action. Finish saw Val pin Conway with the Hart attack clothesline.


John Heidenreich pinned Nick Dinsmore. Pretty much a squash as Dinsmore really could not showcase his talents in this one due to John's inexperience.


Lita/Trish def Jazz and Molly, when Lita pins Molly with the Litasault. Lita was way over with the crowd. Fans were very into this match and it showed as all 4 ladies turned it up another notch.


Spike Dudley def Test w Stacy. Stacy threw a chair Test did the chair bounce off the rope spot setting up Spike for the Dudley Dog and the pinfall. After the match Test beat down Spike until Jindrak and Cade ran him off. They lifted Spike to his feet and gave him a beatdown saying what are you gonna do without your brothers, getting a decent heel reaction from this. An immediate challenge was issued to the Dudleys whom promptly responded.


Dudleys def Jindrak and Cade in a Tag Team Title match with the 3D on Jindrak for the pinfall.


Steven Richards w Victoria def Rico w Miss Jackie. Victoria was very over with the crowd as she and Stevie played the faces here. Stevie did a Crash Holly tribute by walking to the ring in the same manner as Crash did. Rico played to the crowd with his homosexual antics, which seemed to amuse the crowd as he has done in previous shows.


Hurricane def Matt Hardy. Matt got a huge face reaction when he came to the ring, but then turned the crowd with a heel promo. Fanish saw Matt smemingly have the match won, until Lita came out giving Matt the Lita-curanna which allowed Hurricane to deliver the shining wizard for the pinfall. Again fans were huge into Lita and seemed to enjoy this match.


Batista/Randy Orton def Booker T/Maven. All 4 seemed to have the working shoes on tonight as they all gave solid effort. Finish saw Booker T and Orton brawling outside which allowed Batista to give Maven the sit-down powerbomb for the pinfall.


RVD def Chris Jericho and Christian in a 3-way IC title match. RVD was over HUGE had the 2nd biggest pop of the night(hint hint Vince!!!) Pre-match saw Christian Jericho and Coach cut a promo saying how proud they were they got rid of Austin. It was basically a 2 on 1 the whole way with Jericho and Christian double teaming RVD. Christian turned on Jericho when Jericho was about to make RVD submit to the Walls and they started going at it. Finish came when RVD was left alone in the ring with Christian and hit the 5 star frog splash for the pin. RVD got an even bigger cheer when he won, and took about a 10 minute exit as he walked around the entire ringside area shaking hands with as many fans as possible.


Main Event for World Heavyweight Title

Goldberg def Kane via DQ due to Orton/Batista interference. Match was very fast paced and was much much better then you would expect between the 2. Fans were very into Goldberg as he was over huge. Finish saw Goldberg have Kane setup for the spear and Orton/Batista ran in for the DQ. Goldberg speared Batista, then speared and Jackhammered Orton to a huge pop. This allowed Kane to get up and Chokeslam Goldberg to close the show. Show ended when it was announced that Goldberg was still the champ and the fans went home happy with that.


All in all a very hot house show which as mentioned earlier the wrestlers fed off the crowds energy, and the crowd had a very enjoyable evening.


Biggest pops were for Goldberg, and RVD by far. Lita also was very over with the crowd as was Victoria.

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Here is a report from Dave Meltzer for yesterday which had the same card


by Dave Meltzer


[email protected]


WWE house show report from last night at the Cow Palace in San Francisco.


I didn't get the attendance figure but looked to be in the 4,000 range. Good show overall. No super matches, but it had no down time and the people who were there liked most of the show. Coach handled ring announcing but no Eric Bischoff tonight. Coach does a good job with the show and was involved in the most memorable incident, when he invited a young fan (6-7 years old) into the ring and the kid had this look on his face like he was mad, and he started throwing crazy punches and kicks at Coach. Coach never came close to getting hit and the kid blew up fast and actually told Coach he liked him. Fans were chanting "Cody" like crazy when they found out his name and nothing on the show got as big a reaction.


1. Val Venis & Lance Storm b Rene Dupree & Rob Conway. Short match. The USA chants were funny if you think about it. They used the old Hart Attack finish on Conway for the pin. Storm now waves his hands at the crowd after winning, and a lot of people, even though it's not over from TV, waved back. I think we may have a new gimmick here.


2. John Heidenreich b Nick Dinsmore. The idea of this match was to try out Heidenreich as a heel because nobody had sympathy for Big Bad John against Dinsmore selling in Vegas. Crowd hated the match and gave it no chance, with boring chants starting within the first minute. It fell apart as well. Heidenreich won with a spinning side slam, like the Abyss black hole slam.


3. Lita & Trish Stratus b Molly Holly & Jazz when Lita pinned Holly with a sick looking DDT on the top of her head. This match had the most heat of anything on the show when Stratus played face in peril. Stratus and Molly were very good.


4. Spike Dudley b Test with the Dudley dog after distraction from Stacy Keibler. Test was much better at working the audience than I've seen him and both did well. Short match, with the big man beating up little man until the fluke pin deal. Test beat on Spike after the match until Garrison Cade & Mark Jindrak made the save. They talked about how Spike is the toughest guy in the company, and then, of course, turned on him, establishing themselves as heels.


5. Dudleys b Jindrak & Cade to retain the tag titles with the 3-D on Jindrak. Shorter match then the Dudleys usually do at house shows. Cade has made some noticeable strides and was good in there with them. Probably the second most heat on the show and maybe the best match.


6. Hurricane b Matt Hardy when Lita came out and gave Hardy a flying huracanrana and Hurricane won with the final cut deal. Crowd was getting tired at this point. Hardy also spent a lot of time working he left arm trying to tell a story but people weren't buying it and no crowd reaction until the big pop for the finish. The Lita move looked great.


7. Rico b Steven Richards with a spin kick after Richards turned around after kissing Jackie. Considering how little both are pushed, the crowd was into this a good deal. Entertaining for what it was and Rico was tremendous. The women did their part as well.


8. Randy Orton & Batista b Booker T & Maven when Batista pinned Maven when he met him coming off the top with a sick clothesline, and then used the sit out power bomb. Orton has improved greatly when it comes to mannerisms and carrying himself as a star. Maven played the face in peril. There were rough spots with Batista. Only match on the show to go 10:00.


9. RVD won a three-way to keep IC title over Chris Jericho and Christian. Jericho was entertaining but crowd only popped for the trademark RVD stuff. Finish saw him kick a chair into Jericho's face and then do the five star on Christian. Last minute or so was good but RVD was off a lot in the first half.


10. Bill Goldberg b Kane via DQ in the main event. What they did was hard hitting, probably more than anything on the show. But crowd was into Goldberg selling much at all. Even though they've done angles on TV, it felt like a cold match. Of course, they went nuts for all the spears at the end. Solid execution but not a good main event. Orton & Batista ran in and both got spears. Kane choke slammed Goldberg and everyone left but Goldberg, which is a weird ending. The post-match was a lot more over than anything in the match and neither guy got the reaction you'd expect coming out.

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