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Triple H to Ric Flair opponent Comparisons

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Guest Goodear

Triple H wins a whole lot more than Dusty ever did as far as holding titles and stuff. I would go with a Hogan comparison myself.


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Guest Silly Douchebag

Sting = Chris Jericho (Even though HHH didn't put Jericho over)


Barry Windham = Kurt Angle


Harley Race = Mankind


Dusty Rhodes = Booker T


Terry Funk = Cactus Jack


Randy Savage = Kane


Roddy Piper = Stone Cold Steve Austin


Hulk Hogan = The Rock


Ricky Steamboat = Shawn Michaels


Lex Luger = Scott Steiner

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Guest pinnacleofallthingsmanly

I think the Rock was more like Ric Flair than Triple H has been. The Rock would wear the flashy expensive clothes and rub it in people's faces just like Flair did. He also sold for his opponent like Ric Flair did. Watching heel Rocky get his ass kicked was as enjoyable as watching Flair get his ass kicked.

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