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WWE Byte This Report

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411's WWE Byte This Report: Angle, Cornette, Dreamer

Posted By Ashley Nicholas on 12.04.03


A plethora of special guests on a controversial Byte This. That's right, a plethora.


Read this: Across the Pond Issue 3 , tell Mr. Philip how much you love him, then come back.


Byting on the WWE’s internet hook today are Dr. Tom and Tommy Dreamer, who got rid of Josh Matthews in his own special way… This afternoon’s guests are Kurt Angle and Jim Cornette. Good guests? With something to say? On Byte This?


Joined by Droz, and for all those tentatively waiting for an update on his condition, he has been regaining a little feeling in his thumbs. Look out also for a Confidential piece on Droz in the not so distant future.


On Mick Foley, Droz is very happy to see him back in the mix – with Austin gone, it seems right. You have no idea what will happen when he’s on RAW, but especially when he’s on the mic, you look forward to it. Tommy Dreamer also loves Foley, who he says brings RAW emotion to the WWE.


Dreamer has also become a Goldberg fan and is looking forward to Armageddon, where the champion will take on Triple H and Kane in a three way dance for the title. Droz agrees, and adds that Kane always keeps people in suspense – you know he’s going to try and wreck someone.


Concerning the Foley’s petition for Austin’s return – according to the WWE corporate machine over half a million people have signed already. You can do this at WWE.com.


Dr Tom wants to ask about the forthcoming match between Randy Orton and Shawn Michaels, before being helpfully informed by Tommy Dreamer that the Legend Killer is actually facing Rob Van Dam for the Intercontinental Championship. Really, it was that funny. According to the informant, Orton’s definitely earned his shot at the title, with names like Cuban and indeed Dreamer under his belt.


Dr. Tom points out that it might be a defining point in Orton’s career. RVD will put on a big match. Droz sees Orton coming out on top.


On Batista, Droz sees HBK coming out on top and putting on an unbelievable show. Although Batista is a monster, he won’t be enough for Shawn Michaels.


Dreamer says he can feel the excitement in the RAW locker room. After Austin went, the wrestlers wondered where they were headed – and were pleasantly surprised by Mick’s arrival in a suit. According to Dreamer, the stakes have been raised – the atmosphere is great, especially with the women’s division, who had their first cage match on Monday.


On the phone with Kurt Angle, who has just been on the phone with Dr. Tom’s brother Bruce (Brother Love). His voice is getting better, and he says hi.


On Angle’s accident with Brock Lesnar’s chair shot, it has set him back in his recovery, but not by much. The blood clot on his neck has gone down as well, from the size of an orange and the point at which he found it difficult to breathe. It was not the doctor’s fault but just a reaction to the surgery.


Angle has always stepped into the ring fearlessly, and so didn’t feel too much apprehension recently getting back in the ring. He says he will keep going full tilt in the ring, but hopes not to have to take any chair shots any more. It won’t be a problem for the fans, as they want to see him wrestle. Dreamer offers to take the chair shots for him though, but not as a body double!


Dr. Tom informs us that Kurt Angle recently had a conversation with Bret Hart. Angle says he put the word out that he wanted to fight him at WrestleMania XX. He thinks Bret is the best wrestler ever seen. It would therefore be good to see the then best wrestler and the now best wrestler bring it on. According to Angle – Bret was exited at the possibility but wouldn’t want to wrestle not being able to give 100%. Again, Dreamer offers his services – but this time as an opponent at WrestleMania.


Apart from Bret, Angle says there has been a lot of talk about wrestling Ric Flair at WM. He would also like to see some sort of shoot fight against a guy from UFC. He wouldn’t say no to anything though, he believes he is currently at his peak and would like to put on his best performance. Dreamer adds that Angle’s 80% is even better than many wrestlers’ 100%. Angle also mentions Benoit, although he doesn’t imagine that would happen, and Edge.


Joey from Phonesville asks if he thought his match with Benoit at the Royal Rumble was one of the best ever. Angle replies that although he didn’t really watch wrestling before he entered the WWE – as he was training for the Olympics since he was six – he hasn’t seen a match which rivals the Rumble one. He gives the credit to Benoit though; whom he has the utmost respect for.


Dr. Tom reveals many on the roster say Angle has become both a ring general and a locker room leader. Angle believes the reason he was so good is because he was always a good follower. Also, he has always been surrounded by good wrestlers – Benoit and Jericho in the beginning, and guys like Triple H and the Rock later on. Angle picked up things a lot quicker, he gives the credit to those guys though – all he did was soak up the information like a sponge.


Jake, from Mailstown wants to know Angle’s thoughts concerning John Cena. Although Cena is not a technical wrestler or as good as Benoit, Angle sees Cena as a dangerous individual and rock solid in the ring. He can go toe to toe with anyone and doesn’t doubt that in the next 8-10 months that Cena will have the title, and has the same energy as the Rock, Austin and Hogan.


Someone asks Angle if he would like to take part in an IronMan match with Benoit, partly to elevate Benoit to the main event scene. Angle would, although he believes Benoit doesn’t need the elevation. People say that there isn’t much wrestling in the WWE nowadays, but you just have to look at a match that Angle and Benoit put on. They mesh so well with submission holds and ‘real’ wrestling. Angle refers to their match at the Rumble as an example and points out that there was only one punch thrown in the entire match.


On if he would remain in the business in some capacity if forced into an early retirement, Angle says he would like to enter a role like Austin’s – although he’s not so sure he could perform it as well.


Did he ever think at the start that he would have such a passion for the business? Angle says he didn’t, but every single day he has grown to love it more. He says his daughter is doing well, she had her first birthday recently – and he was actually able to be there!


Angle leaves the show and Mark from Mailstown asks Tommy Dreamer when he expects to be back on RAW. Dreamer offers some inside information and reveals that he will return to a huge feud with Triple H, where he will become the new leader of Evolution!


Josh Matthews sends a message through the chatroom – and tells Dreamer how sexy he is, and asks for a lapdance.


Dreamer would love to see the Hardcore Championship brought back to RAW, and believes that would see his real return to the ring.


Joined by Jim Cornette, who speaks about a try-out camp being held by OVW in March. It will be a week long, Dr. Tom and a number of other WWE developmental guys will be there and it is limited to 50 members. You have to visit OVW’s website for further details, but bear in mind that it costs $995.


Cornette wants the cream of the crop for the camp, and is frustrated that he hasn’t yet received tapes from indie guys, high school athletes and MMA guys. He reminds them that OVW is the best way to get into the WWE. Most guys don’t realise that they have to take an intermediate step to the WWE.


OVW has had 30 people gain developmental contracts from the WWE – the programme works people.


Nigel from Phonesville asks Cornette if he thinks Matt Morgan and Nathan Jones were ready to step up the WWE. Cornette believes Jones has come a long way since he arrived in OVW and that Matt Morgan is going to become a big star. Cornette believes you are never ready to step up, you are constantly learning. He would have loved to have kept Morgan for another six months though and that he needs to find his niche.


The obligatory OVW name check brings up Johnny Jeter and Mark Magnus, two guys on WWE contract.


Cornette says this camp will bring OVW the cream of the crop. OVW can give them the opportunity, but they need to bring the drive and the determination. If the participants blow the scouts away, they will be asked to return on a full time basis. OVW’s weekly show is watched by the developmental guys in Stamford, who keep an eye on the non-developmental contract guys as well. OVW doesn’t give special favours to the guys with WWE developmental contracts, Cornette as the booker features the guys who are outperforming the others.


On Nick ‘call me up guys, I’m ready!’ Dinsmore, Cornette explains that he was the second of Danny Davis’ students and is a 7 year veteran who has had a developmental contract for four of those. So far there has been no place for him in the WWE, but he has had a hand in training a lot of the guys who are there now. However, he’s now on the road with the WWE working dark matches, and will hopefully make his TV debut in the not too distant future. Cornette references Randy Savage, who was sleeping on a mattress on a floor because he couldn’t afford furniture, only one year before he became the WWF Champion.


Cornette tells guys who are 22 that if they have ‘it’, they should keep going in the wrestling business, but if they are getting on 33 they should start to maybe reconsider. OVW is not a fast food wrestling school; they won’t take everyone’s money and merely teach them how to sign checks.


A unique bonus for OVW is that the rehabbers from WWE are working with both the developmental and non developmental guys. He cites Benoit vs. Dinsmore and Jericho vs. Jeter as examples.


On whether he is going to write an autobiography, Cornette says he hasn’t finished living yet! Although he will write one when he’s done and annoy everyone.


Dreamer claims to be able to bring back the Cornette of old with only two words…Paul Heyman. Cornette remains calm but claims that Heyman would rather climb a tree and lie than stand on the ground and tell the truth!


Cornette exits and so does the show.


Josh is back next week and his co-hostess is Victoria in a special ‘one-handed’ Byte This!

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Guest Choken One

God Damn...


Angle is a desperate fucking man.



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Dreamer offers some inside information and reveals that he will return to a huge feud with Triple H, where he will become the new leader of Evolution!



Tommy has a wacky sense of humor. Let's hope Triple H didn't hear it or Tommy might be jobbing to Stacy Kiebler on house shows next week.

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"He would also like to see some sort of shoot fight against a guy from UFC"




COUTURE?! WAS IT COUTURE! I've been waiting for that match for like 3 years.





Name sounds familar but I got nothing.

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Guest Choken One
"He would also like to see some sort of shoot fight against a guy from UFC"




COUTURE?! WAS IT COUTURE! I've been waiting for that match for like 3 years.

Tabk Abott.



he wants the rights to the THREE COUNT enterprise.

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Randy "The Natural" Couture. Current UFC Lightheavyweight Champion. Former UFC Heavyweight Champion. Greco-Roman Wrestler. Pan-Am Games Gold Medalist. Olympic Hopeful, never quite made it.


I've had him in my sig a couple of times.


Though it could have been Mark "The Hammer" Coleman - who Angle beat in the Olympic Qualifier. I believe Mark has done some pro wrestling over in Japan as well. Oh I've dreamed about an angle where Coleman, Couture, and Randleman show up in the WWE and Angle spots them in the crowd and they help elevate Angle to another level...


Of course, in a shoot, Angles shitty punches would be no match for Coutures DIRTY BOXING~!



Couture vs. Randleman... NOT dirty boxing...

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Yes. But Randy spanked Tito :)


Andre Arlovski, Kevin Randleman, Quinton Jackson and Wanderlei Silva would be the most marketable for Vince - MMA-wise. Unfortunately, 2 of them don't speak english, and the other 2 barely do ;) (GREAT promos though)

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Maybe it's just Shamrock?





It's amazing how much I miss the complete and utter stupidity of that.

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Guest JMA
Bah. Shamrock only has one of the three I's.


Angle > Shamrock


Yeah but, he can do a way better anklelock then Angle could ever do.

Not in my opinion. I prefer Angle's version.


But that's just me.

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Not me. When Shamrock put on the anklelock he really put it on. It looked painful and it was very hard to reverse it. When Angle does it it looks like Angle is humping the guys leg instead of putting him in a painful hold. And the way he does it makes it easy for guys to reverse it. I mean have many times have we've seen someone reverse Angle's anklelock? Lots of times.

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Guest Choken One
Not me. When Shamrock put on the anklelock he really put it on. It looked painful and it was very hard to reverse it. When Angle does it it looks like Angle is humping the guys leg instead of putting him in a painful hold. And the way he does it makes it easy for guys to reverse it. I mean have many times have we've seen someone reverse Angle's anklelock? Lots of times.

There are Six Types of Counters.



1. Stand Up and Twist. (Most common)


2. Bend and roll


3. Back kick


4. Enuerzui


5. Pull to ropes and throw Angle out


6. Grab angle's leg and trip him down (Benoit's counter)


But the sitdown Ankle Lock hasn't been countered as far as I know...

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There are Six Types of Counters.



1. Stand Up and Twist. (Most common)


2. Bend and roll


3. Back kick


4. Enuerzui


5. Pull to ropes and throw Angle out


6. Grab angle's leg and trip him down (Benoit's counter)


But the sitdown Ankle Lock hasn't been countered as far as I know...


Yeah which is why I like Shamrock's anklelock better. Most times the only way to get out of his was to get to the ropes.

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And the anklelock is why I said Ken Shamrock.


That and everytime he gets mentioned to good ole JR it seems the WWE is open to him returning.


I think Angle vs Shamrock would be a damn good match since the styles seem very close


Angle- Lots of suplexes, intense, ankle lock

Shamrock- Lots of suplexes, intense (well, by WWE standards), ankle lock.


Seems like the perfect fit to me.


Plus I need to hear "ARRRRRRHHHHH! GET OUT OF MY WAY!!!" at Wrestlemania in a match.

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Cornette references Randy Savage, who was sleeping on a mattress on a floor because he couldn’t afford furniture, only one year before he became the WWF Champion.


Um, how much coke was Savage doing that he blew all his money from his contract, IC title run, 'Mania and house show pay offs?

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Guest OnlyMe
Bah. Shamrock only has one of the three I's.

Internal bleeding?


...He seemed to do it at every PPV in 1999...




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