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jimmy no nose

Who knows about Alcohol tests?

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Alright so my little cousin is 17 and Saturday night he was drinking with his friends. He goes to drive home at about 10:30, he runs a stop sign, and nails a car into a yard, the car almost hit a house. Being drunk and 17 he decides that driving away is the best idea. Luckily no one was hurt. The cops caught him just a few minutes later and he had to take one of those breathing tests. He blew a .03, for a juvenile in drunk driving cases .02 is the highest you can be without getting in trouble. He had to take a blood test about 2 hours later and he seems to think that his test will come back below .02 and he'll get out of the DUI charge. He'd still be left with the underage drinking, running the stop sign, hit and run, plus whatever he has to pay for the person's car and the other person's yard. Personally I think he should get the DUI charge, but my question is does anyone know if the blood test would some how drop down below the .03 a couple of hours later? I thought the blood tests were supposed to be able to detect it for a longer period of time, so it would still come back about the same. Does anyone know about this?

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Guest HungryJack

What a pussy. He was .03????? and that fucked up???


not to mention driving drunk, only complete fuckoffs do that these days.

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Guest Black Tiger

Dude, your cousin is fucked.


I was/is a CJ major in college and we learned just HOW cops give DWI tests. Cops wait about 20-30 minutes after you get pulled over before you get the test because then you can't use the "I just drank that before driving" excuse as to why you blew such a high level of BAC.

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If he blew over the first time, I bet that will still take precedence over the blood test later. Damn, that isn't a lot of alcohol to be over and fucked up. Maybe the blood test was also giving to check for other substances since the BAC was so low.


Tell his dumb ass to get a lawyer, and a bus pass, because I would be shocked if he gets his license back before he's 21.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

Depends on his record. I can almost guarantee that he'll end up with the DUI charge, though.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

Honestly, it won't really matter if he's got his license or not, his insurance is going to be astronomical.

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I don't think he even hit the car because he was drinking, he's just a really bad driver and it's a tough street, plus it was snowing and possibly icy. Either way, it didn't help that he was drunk. He has no idea how he's going to pay the crazy amounts of money it would be without the DUI charge, because his parents aren't planning on helping him out on it. Losing his liscense isn't even that big a deal now, I don't think he was planning on ever even leaving his house until he's 18 any way. His mom is a pretty insane woman who flips out about really little stuff and I have no idea how crazy she got after this. If he just left his insurance info with the other guy he probably could have gotten out of every thing.

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent

I have no sympathy for these guys. If you are a bit drunk, don't drive like a fucking moron. Not that I am condoning drinking and driving, but I'll admit to driving where I am close to the threshold of being over the limit, I just drive the speed limit and keep it cool. And in the times in my youth when I have been fucked up while driving, I've been near barfing (and death, heh) yet I have never blown a stop sign. Paying attention is necessary. He's a moron.


PS. Hit and runs won't endear him to the cops, he should be just as worried about that as the DUI.

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Guest Retro Rob

That's a direct link to the page I used. If you jump back to the homepage you might find more.

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Guest Retro Rob

That's a direct link to the page I used. If you jump back to the homepage you might find more.

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