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King of Fighters 2000/2001 for PS2

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*raises hand*


I'm liking 2000...


But 2001? Eh...the select screen art absolutely sucks (*sees "Athena", screams in horror at what looks like a beakless newborn sparrow with purple hair*), I'm not feeling the characters added to it, and unlike 2000's Zero (who may have been almost too easy), 2001's boss is a real bastard, reminding me of getting my ass kicked by the boss Rugal in KOFDM'99.

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Igniz is the SNK boss of SNK bosses; he's widely considered to be the hardest fighting game boss of all time. To beat him, you can either play hyper defensively, or so aggressive that it messes up his AI routines. Anything in between and he will KILL you.


It's interesting, 2000 and 2001 have their own merits. 2000 has quicker load times and cleaner sprites, but 2001 has a better presentation, completely overhauled art... etc.


The characters added to it... you mean the NESTS team? Kula was from 2000, Foxy makes her one time KoF appearance in 2001, Angel is the coolest girl ever, and she has a very unique style, and K9999 is... well, I love him. As for May Lee... yeah, she sucks. You can have your own opinion, but I think 2001 is the better game of the 2. Not a knock against 2000.


I am also digging the unlockables. Loving it.

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Igniz is the SNK boss of SNK bosses; he's widely considered to be the hardest fighting game boss of all time. To beat him, you can either play hyper defensively, or so aggressive that it messes up his AI routines. Anything in between and he will KILL you.


It's interesting, 2000 and 2001 have their own merits. 2000 has quicker load times and cleaner sprites, but 2001 has a better presentation, completely overhauled art... etc.


The characters added to it... you mean the NESTS team? Kula was from 2000, Foxy makes her one time KoF appearance in 2001, Angel is the coolest girl ever, and she has a very unique style, and K9999 is... well, I love him. As for May Lee... yeah, she sucks. You can have your own opinion, but I think 2001 is the better game of the 2. Not a knock against 2000.


I am also digging the unlockables. Loving it.

I'm guessing they havent removed any of the Angel bugs have they?


Yeah I prefer 2k1 to 2k, the engine is much better and the strikers arent as cheap. Plus 2k1 has all my favorite teams, hero, japan, garou and aof. Also cant forgot Tet...I mean K9999


Oh and I cant fucking stand Kula or Foxy.

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There is no way Igniz is harder than the Eternal Champion/Dark Champion battle in EC:CFTDS! That is IMPOSSIBLE!

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Igniz is the SNK boss of SNK bosses; he's widely considered to be the hardest fighting game boss of all time.  To beat him, you can either play hyper defensively, or so aggressive that it messes up his AI routines.  Anything in between and he will KILL you.


It's interesting, 2000 and 2001 have their own merits.  2000 has quicker load times and cleaner sprites, but 2001 has a better presentation, completely overhauled art... etc.


The characters added to it... you mean the NESTS team?  Kula was from 2000, Foxy makes her one time KoF appearance in 2001, Angel is the coolest girl ever, and she has a very unique style, and K9999 is... well, I love him.  As for May Lee... yeah, she sucks.  You can have your own opinion, but I think 2001 is the better game of the 2.  Not a knock against 2000.


I am also digging the unlockables.  Loving it.

I'm guessing they havent removed any of the Angel bugs have they?


Yeah I prefer 2k1 to 2k, the engine is much better and the strikers arent as cheap. Plus 2k1 has all my favorite teams, hero, japan, garou and aof. Also cant forgot Tet...I mean K9999


Oh and I cant fucking stand Kula or Foxy.

I believe Kula's a hidden in 2000, but I don't recall if she's playable here. I don't like Angel (her character design sucks and her moves don't thrill me either). While I don't play May Lee, she isn't terrible--she reminds me of Hwaorang who I liked in Tekken 3. However, I never liked stance-changing in 2D fighters, so that counts against her.


Out of the new 2000 characters, the only one I really like is Hinako. I like grappler characters anyway, and she has speed on her side plus the palm-strike kinda attacks. Sort of reminds me of a cross between Karin Kanzuki and Rainbow Mika. A female character, of rather average size...as as sumo; that's just a cool concept. Despite the fact that it seems the whole concept was dreamed up to give us a GPS during her intro.


You say the 2001 Strikers are "less cheap." I say they suck.


Did I mention I hate 2001's music?


Ignitz is the name, eh (no names by the life bars in 2K1)? I guess he's another clone, or someone who was cloned. Whatever. SNK is lucky it's a fighting game, or else the fact that they flushed away the Orochi saga storyline for this stupid NESTs/cloning bullshit would really, really hurt the game. At least unlike DM Rugal, he doesn't have a non-super projectile that can kick the ass of any of your super projectiles.


As I said, I hate the 2001 art, so that's no plus for me.


Also cant forgot Tet...I mean K9999




Jesus, could they possibly be more blatant? Oh yeah--I guess if they changed the hair color.


At least Rei--er, Kula, isn't quite as--familiar.


I'm with Ren on Foxy sucking as well.


So, I got one fighter I like and one that's rather average; that's still a good deal to me.

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2k1 has sucky backgrounds and music, but I still stand by the fact that its just soooo much better in terms of gameplay than 2k. It has the best gameplay out of the striker games.


Oh in case you didnt know Andrew they even used Nozomu Sasaki (Tetsuo's voice actor) for the voice for K9999.

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Oh in case you didnt know Andrew they even used Nozomu Sasaki (Tetsuo's voice actor) for  the voice for K9999.

Didn't know that. Of course, while considered a classic, the Akira movie sucked. I'd heard it butchered the manga to try to fit as much as possible, and added some GTSs. So, that's a reason a lot of details make no damn sense.


Oh, and 2K1 has the better gameplay IN YOUR OPINION. Don't be Sakuraing on us now. (/Mighty Damararu)


Shame the NESTs games have been rather disappointing overall, because 98(DM99) should have gave them a chance to recharge their batteries and blow off the the Orochi stuff instead of just ignoring it and making OG Kyo an afterthought character.


Where was my Geese and Krauser in 98/DM99 SNK?

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I think I'm going to get this today.


Is it true they censored Mai's bounce?

Yup--you'll miss it? :P


KOF '94 had a "blood and bounce" code, though, so who knows what will be discovered soon.

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Oh, and 2K1 has the better gameplay IN YOUR OPINION. Don't be Sakuraing on us now. (/Mighty Damararu)


Shame the NESTs games have been rather disappointing overall, because 98(DM99) should have gave them a chance to recharge their batteries and blow off the the Orochi stuff instead of just ignoring it and making OG Kyo an afterthought character.


Where was my Geese and Krauser in 98/DM99 SNK?

heh, well it does. Using strikers is actually tactical rather than just throwing strikers out whenever. I didnt mind the NESTs storyline, its no Orochi saga but good enough.


Not related to the two games in particular but I'm sick of the Kyo/Iori thing. Its gone on for about a full decade and nothing has happened. If you stick to the official storyline they have never actually fought each other properly. I think they should just have Iori kill Kyo in future games. This way Iori looks even more badass and it would give other characters a chance develop. And they could always keep Kyo in the games by making him a secret character.

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No bounce = ruined game.


Is there milk blood?

Lemme get this straight, *you're* complaining about no bounce? :P


Actually, there is bounce when she's walking. It's more realistic, in fact. When a woman of Mai's...figure is standing in one place (even if she's in a stance like Mai's where she's moving around a little bit), her chest shouldn't be wildly out of control, swinging back and forth, threatening to put an eye out. Although if they wanted to make it realistic she'd be bouncing during her dash but there's no movement at all.


As for blood, I don't see spurts of milk--just hit sparks (in 2000 at least--not sure about 2K1 since I haven't played it as much). So maybe a Blood/Bounce code is on the way?


Renegade: I'm not complaining as much about the Orochi Saga being over as I am them not truly blowing it off, and just going straight to the NESTs saga. They didn't finish with the other story before moving to the next. one. Also, yeah, it should have probably been blown off with SOMEBODY dying--and since you could easily stick in a Kyo clone as an afterthought to keep him on the roster, I don't see why they didn't do that.

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The bitter enemies teamed up to defeat Orochi. What more of a blow off do you want?

Yeah, because hated enemies teaming up without ever really resolving their differences worked terrifically with HHH/Austin. :P


In KOF, somebody should have died. Iori isn't supposed to be a babyface, either.

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Iori killing Kyo defeats the purpose of the story. The whole idea is that the two clans had to come together to fight a mutual enemy. That IS the blow off. Putting aside their feud to save the world.

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Iori killing Kyo defeats the purpose of the story. The whole idea is that the two clans had to come together to fight a mutual enemy. That IS the blow off. Putting aside their feud to save the world.

Wrong, that is is how Iori clenses his Yagami bloodline but he still wants to kill Kyo.


Iori’s only motivation is to kill Kyo, ever since king of fighters 95 Iori has wanted to kill Kyo. When he finally gets his shot at Kyo the fight is interrupted by Chizuru Kagura who tells them that they need to help each other in order to stop orochi. Kyo disappears while Iori searches for him. He finds Kyo fighting Goenitz and kicks his ass as only he should have the privilege to kill Kyo. Iori goes through riot of blood, knocks off Vice and mature and goes missing. Iori enters kof 97 as a single entry, as wants to use all his focus to kill Kyo. Iori goes through riot of blood again but Iori clutches Orochi by the neck and lets Kyo lay the final punch. Somehow and somewhere Iori comes to and sees Kyo clones popping all over the place. Iori goes to tear NESTS a new one after they tamper with his plans for revenge. A revenge which he never gets since NESTS hq crashes into earth.

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Wow, this got a lot of replies. Starting from the top:


I forgot about the Kyo/Angel glitch. I'll see if it turns up in practice mode.


Yes, the blood and boobs were censored. On top of that, try to do Whip's gun move or K9999's shotgun super and watch the fun. There's a lot said about the censoring debate, and I say this: The changes do not affect the gameplay. I am disappointed about the censoring, bu tthe game is alreayd out. Whaddya gonna do.


Kula was hidden in 2000, but for the home release, she is immediately selectable.


Honestly, Igniz is that hard. Just watch yourself get hit by his SDM. It's demoralizing.


In general, I think Strikers were considered to be a failed experiment, which is why they are gone in 2002 and 2003. I liked the 2000 Strikers better, myself. I don't know how to use Strikers that well, though.


Igniz's motivation is that he has a God complex. He wants to become God by using the Zero Engine, which is a device that takes fighters battle ability and gives it to someone else. Originally, that is why he was cloning Kyo Kusanagi; he was planning to use them to give their power to him. However, his first couple of attempts (K, Kula, Whip) don't really appreciate that. K9999 is a slightly different story, as he was created from scratch, as opposed to from Kyo's DNA. He is batshit insane, and Angel is his only friend. Strangely, in the manga (which isn't really canon, but it's fun to pretend it is), when Angel dies from the X Virus, K9999 acknowledges his humanity before disappearing forever (or until he needs to bring him back for a Deus Ex Machina).


Yeah, I think the NESTS storyline paled to the Orochi storyline. The Kyo/Iori thing has been completely deemphasized as far as they can go. They can't completely get rid of them, because they are popularc characters.


I'm hoping that the rich backstory created so far for KoF 2003, and the Dragon Power storyline (which is set up in the Psycho Soldier ending to KoF 2001), translates to lots of fun stuff.


And here is a list of everyone who has died in KoF:


Rugal, KoF 95: When the transplated Orochi power inside him explodes.


Goenitz, KoF 96: If you use Kyo, Iori, and Chizuru, which is the correct storyline team, Goenitz does actually die.


Vice, Mature, KoF 96: As a parting gift, Iori is hit with the Riot of the Blood for the first time, and he kills Mature and Vice.


Yashiro, Shermie, Chris, Orochi, KoF 97: Chris kills Yashrio and Shermie to get the energy needed to become Orochi. But then he dies anyway due to the power of the Kagura mirror.


Krizalid, Zero, Original Zero, Igniz, NESTS Saga: They're all bosses, and they all die. Yes, Krizalid reappears in 2001... but then he dies again anyway.


Foxy, KoF 2001: K9999 gets her right through the heart.


Seth, Vanessa, Ramon, KoF 2001?: This one is heavily debatable, but rumor has it that after KoF 2001, Iori, doing what he does best, kills his teammates.


The Kyo/Iori partnership is described in the manga very well; Kyo gets sent back through time temporarily to see the Kusanagi and Hakeshuu (Yagami's real name) battle a giant serpent. Kusanagi almost dies, but Hakeshuu saves him. Kyo sees that they used to work closely together, and they have to again combine powers in order to kill Orochi.

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I agree with Thoth here, Igniz is the mother of all bosses. His DM makes you want to do bad things to your console. Talking about his DM I remember somehow avoiding it and from behind nailing him with Joe's tiger knee blast thing (damn that is a cool DM) to finish him off.




Yeah alot of people were looking at me kind of funny when I errupted with that.


I dont really accept the manga as anything but fan stories since its not canon (like the Kyo and Kasumi relationship), although I do like how badass they make Terry look even though the Fatal fury team has yet to win a kof.


Its hard to say if Iori killed 2001 teamates, I cant see Vanessa dying since she's a very popular character. It all depends on how official Iori's ending is (or if he tripped up on a loose rock and was knocked out cold :) )



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The only evidence for Iori killing his teammates is that they are nowhere to be found in 2003. However, since NESTS is dead, they have no purpose to be in KoF anyway.


The latter is the more likely scenario.


Yeah, the manga is really out there, but I like it, I even got some of the 2002 manga from kofonline.com. Love the art.

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Yeah, but they also used to offer the KoF 2002 manga for sale by registered mail, and by getting them, you got access to members-only translations.

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Been playing 2k1 quite a bit now with my team of Terry, Vanessa and K' and was just wondering does anybody actually use super cancels? There are very few times where its actually useful and the fact that it uses a stock doesnt make it any more helpfull.

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The story to 2000 makes like no sense. WTF is up with Ling and Zero? It's funny how messed up it is. The text goes by so fast it's hard to keep up with and what you can read makes little sense.

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The story to 2000 makes like no sense. WTF is up with Ling and Zero? It's funny how messed up it is. The text goes by so fast it's hard to keep up with and what you can read makes little sense.

Welcome to the wonderful world of SNKlish. YOU SICK PSYCHOPATHS!

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The story to 2000 makes like no sense. WTF is up with Ling and Zero? It's funny how messed up it is. The text goes by so fast it's hard to keep up with and what you can read makes little sense.

Welcome to the wonderful world of SNKlish. YOU SICK PSYCHOPATHS!

Pft you havent read true pain if you havent seen the kof neoblood translation.

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