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Lightning Flik

Fire Emblem (GBA)

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I rented this game, Fire Emblem for the GBA recently and I must say that it is a hell of a play. I'm currently into Chapter 14 and battling my ass off, trying to get through that stupid battle.


It's kinda cool how you are the tactician, planning out the battles and the guy who is responsible for the wins. Yet, you aren't the person the game revolves around. It's your adventure with such and such person (not naming names, as I'd spoil it), and what they currently are going through.


It's pissing me off though, because I really am having to think about what I need to do to win. In Chapter 14, I'm trying my hardest to stay alive, but I just ran into the problem of my ax-wielders can't hit anything in the Chapter worth a damn (you get three of them at this point), my characters are getting bashed up good, and I keep making stupid errors. I just got back some character's from Chapter 8, who are a pain in the ass lowly leveled, and are off on their own in a little corner and most likely will get shelled if I don't move, move, move.


Then, I've got bandits just popping up out of nowhere, trying to kill my squad and my tent (it's basically out so I can stop having to give up items I don't want to when I get a new item); while the forces of evil rain down upon me (30 guys to my like 11), and trying to keep everyone alive at all times (someone dies, he's gone for good). Add in the fact that three characters are esseciential to the whole game, must never die or game over, and well... I'm just rolling my eyes anytime something screws up. And lately screw ups a plenty, as I've died a ton in Chapter 13 and 14 doesn't seem to be getting easier.


Overall, fun time as I'm enjoying the challenge. And definitely intrigued with the story as it's quite sound. Although most "extra" characters that have been introduced have been flat, they've still been given relatively good backstory to understand the characters and whom they are.


So anyone else played this yet? If so, where you at? Chapter 14+ or something? Whaddya think of this game?

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