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The Official College Football Bowl Thread

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Don't blow this Washington St.



Well Texas is playing like shit.

And Washington just got a safety.


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Which part of Fire Mack Brown does UT not understand? FUCK...

"Hey Washington State is blitzing us every play...I know I'll put in our non-mobile quarterback who holds on to the ball too long on every pass."

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Which part of Fire Mack Brown does UT not understand?  FUCK...

"Hey Washington State is blitzing us every play...I know I'll put in our non-mobile quarterback who holds on to the ball too long on every pass."


Yeah, where the hell did Young go?

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As usual its impossible for the Holiday Bowl to not come down to the final minutes. Shit get this game on January 1st already.

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Well Texas........losers........I always knew you were losers....why didn't I go with my gut instinct........god........I'll never support another team from Texas as long as I live.......*shakes head*

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Oh well...but hey PAC-10 REPRESENT MOTHER FUCKER!! Undefeated so far...*tunes over to ESPN2 and sees UCLA getting their ass kicked*...hey at least I picked Fresno State. I'm a winner no matter what tonight. ;)

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Texas loses to fucking Washington State?


Bored, you're a nice guy, but fuck your cocksucking contest!


Yeah, I've gotten bitter after missing something like seven straight games, six of them being losses by better teams.

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And you picked UCLA...ouch. You also have to two "upset" picks tommorrow.


Would this be a bad time to say I'm fucking Stacy Keibler? :lol:


Edit: Realizes that would make me Test...nevermind. Hey UCLA scored things are looking up for you. ;)

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Five games today.


Music City Bowl: Wisconsin vs. Auburn (already started)


Sun Bowl: Minnesota vs. Oregon


Liberty Bowl: Utah vs. Southern Miss


Independence Bowl: Missouri vs. Arkansas


San Francisco Bowl: Boston College vs. Colorado State


Start times are on the first post of the thread.

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Oh I had some crazy lady on the Sports Animal today say

"I think the Sugar Bowl will be 24-7 at the half in favor of OU."

"Well what do you predict the final will be?"

"54-25 in favor of OU."

"Wow....you're really expecting a shootout in that second half."


I don't think that with those defenses they will score that much. Whoever wins I'm thinking the final score will be 10-3 or 14-7 in whoever's favor.

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WTF was Mike Belotti thinking? God damn if he doesn't call timeout, forces Minnesota to spike the ball, and then they have to kick a 47 yard field goal. But no he calls timeout, let's Minnesota run a 3rd down play, pick up four yards, and kick a 43 yard field goal that barely clears the crossbar.


Intecerption...Oregon loses...FUCK YOU BELOTTI!!!!!!

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I might be the only person watching the San Francisco Bowl, but my hometown's hero is Quentin Porter, the starting QB for Boston College. I went to school with his cousin, who said ol Quentin was gonna be the number #1 NFL draft in 2006....I wonder if he still thinks that.

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