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Hogan refusing to do backstage segments

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What is next for the Hulkster?


The skepticism in TNA about Hulk Hogan continues to rise with many feeling that he will never actually work for the company. Hogan continues to throw out excuses about not appearing on the PPVs or even taping segments for them. His knee also continues to be a problem which has now delayed the planned Bound for Glory PPV indefinitely. Jeff Jarrett recently told the TNA wrestlers that the PPV was delayed indefinitely.


Jerry Jarrett actually flew to Tampa recently and met one on one with Hogan. Hogan told Jarrett that his knee was not responding but that he was 100% with TNA. Hogan then said they could push back the "big show" until May or June and bill it as TNA's two year anniversary show.


When asked about whether he would work WrestleMania XX, Hogan told Jarrett that he and Vince McMahon no longer got along regarding business and would not work together again.


Jarrett told people after the meeting that Hogan's knee was swollen, but that he was walking alright on it. This situation has made everyone in TNA suspicious because, again, Hogan has not signed a contract, backed out of his scheduled match months in advance, and does not want to do a taped segment or in-ring appearance for the promotion.


Another source indicates that Hogan wants to spend all his time right now launching the musical career of his daughter, Brooke, he is trying to become a pop star. Hogan has a handshake deal with Disney. To launch her career, Hogan would have to do lots of work opening media doors for her. The thinking is that if he did a TNA PPV, he would also have to do all the media tours for that and thus doesn't have time for both.


Credit: Wrestling Observer Newsletter

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Guest Dave O'Neill, Journalist

Are we down to less than 100 days to Wrestlemania???

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes
Are we down to less than 100 days to Wrestlemania???

If Wrestlemania is in the middle of march, then yes.

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Guest Dave O'Neill, Journalist

If he's holding out because TNA won't give Hart control over the compnay, then fuck him. If he's holding out because he's waiting for Vince then fuck him.


I think this whole thing is hilarious though. Jarrett deliberately staring a feud with someone who isn't even under contract to the company. And yet certain people still believe this compnay is a viable alternative to the WWE??

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Man, I've lost all interest in TNA the last few months. I mean, if Xplosion is on, I watch for like ten minutes, get bored, then turn on the ps2.


Fuck Hogan.

Fuck Hart.

Fuck Mantell.

Fuck Jarrett.

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Guest Dave O'Neill, Journalist

Hart's the real danger here. If he gets his hands on the compnay, then it becomes the XWF, and its dead in the water

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Guest Peter_Griffin

TNA just have to tell Hogan he isn't getting into TNA. Why should they make things harder for themselves ?

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Guest Douche

How is Hogan to blame for this? I'd play the second rate fed's owners for bitches too if I had them on my balls. They're the idiots. How many times has this happened where they didn't have the person under contract? That's what makes this fed seem so bush league. A lot of the people do come back but how many don't or come back sporadically?

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I don't think people are really blaming Hogan for making a conscious decision to not be tied to a bush league promotion unless his demands, however ludicrous they may be, are met, but are rather saying "fuck Hogan" for MAKING such demands, and postponing a match that was agreed upon verbally.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes
I don't think people are really blaming Hogan for making a conscious decision to not be tied to a bush league promotion unless his demands, however ludicrous they may be, are met, but are rather saying "fuck Hogan" for MAKING such demands, and postponing a match that was agreed upon verbally.

Thats a pretty long fuck list in your signature about TNA. I'm surprised the Security angle isn't in it yet.

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Guest MikeSC
I don't think people are really blaming Hogan for making a conscious decision to not be tied to a bush league promotion unless his demands, however ludicrous they may be, are met, but are rather saying "fuck Hogan" for MAKING such demands, and postponing a match that was agreed upon verbally.

Thats a pretty long fuck list in your signature about TNA. I'm surprised the Security angle isn't in it yet.

OMG, I think the list has gotten longer.


So, Corey, what do you think about Erik Watts still being employed? ;)


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Guest Peter_Griffin
How is Hogan to blame for this? I'd play the second rate fed's owners for bitches too if I had them on my balls. They're the idiots. How many times has this happened where they didn't have the person under contract? That's what makes this fed seem so bush league. A lot of the people do come back but how many don't or come back sporadically?

I'm not against Hogan, but I'll be against TNA if they let Hogan do this to them.

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Guest Dynamite Kido

CoreyLaz, I must thank you for FINALLY putting Hogan on the fuck list.


:cheers: to you my friend!!!!!

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It's a long "Fuck" list because I dislike the vast majority of those on it. I'm contemplating removing Jarrett and AMW, as Jarrett's been VERY good lately, and AMW are not the tag champs (thankfully), but something about them drives me to dislike them.


I actually think the Security angle isn't too bad, because Legend is a very good brawler, and Northcutt has something about him I dig. He can sell decently enough, has a good look, and can do pretty good moves. Plus, he's being kept in short singles matches and tag brawls, which are apparently his strengths, so I don't hate him. Green, a rookie, and if given enough time to grow as a worker, I think he can be something to look at one day.


Mike, surprisingly enough, I've liked Watts since he came to TNA. Sure, shitty wrestler, but he's charismatic in that "dude, he's such a nerd" way that I find oddly appealing. He also is rather good in his role (the face authority figure), and he keeps out of matches for the most part (and when he IS in matches, they're brawls, which he's decent enough at).


Kinda odd that I dig the Red Shirts and Watts, yet hate almost every other booking decision, eh? A big issue that I will forever have with the Red Shirts, though, is the "Red vs. Black" angle, which sucked all kinds of ass, and was put to a silent death. Now, the Red Shirts are the muscle for Callis, which I think is good booking.


EDIT: Oh, and Dynamite looks like Billy Kidman with a mustache in that pic.

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Guest Dynamite Kido
Oh, and Dynamite looks like Billy Kidman with a mustache in that pic.

::Gives CoreyLaz a flying headbutt for making any kind of Dynamite/Kidman comparisons::



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When asked about whether he would work WrestleMania XX, Hogan told Jarrett that he and Vince McMahon no longer got along regarding business and would not work together again.


I smell bullshit.

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Guest Dave O'Neill, Journalist

Smell? For Gods sake, its right in front of your face

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