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One And Only TNA 12/17/03 Thread

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Northcutt is better than almost any big man in the WWE and Legend has always been considered a solid rassler/athlete.


I take it you're never going to learn how to use the quote button. I haven't seen much of Northcut but Legend is not that good. The feud with Jarrett was awful.


Because it's evolution of the product and makes for better TV to the average fan.


It doesn't make for better tv. Why do a convoluted 4-way when you can put two guys in the ring and just tell them to have a good match. And TNA's fanbase isn't really the average fan- it's people on the internet.


Yes I do and no I still think AMW and Simon and Swinger are the best.


Then you are on drugs. AMW and Simon and Swinger are good teams but they're not the best out there. WGTT and Spanky/London are better then both of them. Ditto the Briscoes.


I did, saying theyw ere better than anyone on Raw.


RAW is free. TNA is $10.


heat grabber


Considering he's one of the few recogniseable names and has all the product booked around him- he SHOULD be getting some sort of heat.




You mean like when people threw crap at him when he beat Raven.


I don't see that by I suspend my previous misconceptions on all rasslers.


STOP CALLING THEM RASSLERS!!! AND LEARN HOW TO QUOTE!!!! (sorry- just a bit frustrated)


Just because you don't notice Jarrett as a midcarder who couldnt cut in the main except in a company that lost 60 mil a year doesn't mean everyone else cant notice.



it is , every week.


Unless TNA has improved 100% since August then no its not.


like what? With Raven, Daniels and AMW title runs on the horizon what more do you want.


Not giving Shane a 5-month reign. Not giving Jarrett the belt. Not getting dicked around by Hogan.



I think it is great and you've yet to say how it isn't.


I think the fact that he doesn't like the wrestling is a big reason.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes
A lot of the Micheal Shane hate stems from the fact that Shane ROH and Shane TNA appear to be two different wrestlers. Either that or the hicks can appreciate pure wrestling, and Shane dogs it deliberately, and people get on his case for it.


For the record, of all the TNA stuff I've seen, I haven't seen any of Shane's stuff (apart from the ultimate X debacle), but I liked him in ROH

Shane in TNA is like a watered-down HBK trying to be Bret Hart.



He hits some HBK spots, but h'es like Bret cause he does THE EXACT SAME SHIT EVERY FUCKING MATCH.


I swear, I think a few weeks ago I was just pulling his moves out of thin air 30-40 seconds before each one, thats how predictable he is.


I thought the X-Division has no limits, so why are we getting loser Shane versus random Cruiserweights? I thought the "X" person was a good idea, because he can move for a big man, and it shows anyone can challenge for the title, not just spot monkeys.

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Guest Dave O'Neill, Journalist
I thought the X-Division has no limits, so why are we getting loser Shane versus random Cruiserweights? I thought the "X" person was a good idea, because he can move for a big man, and it shows anyone can challenge for the title, not just spot monkeys.

Because in Jarrett's fantasy land (the smae one where Hogan shows up), Shawn Micheals' nephew is a draw because of his fanily connections, i.e. "Hey, Jethro, lets go watch the nephew of that HBK guy"


After re-reading this post, i promptly booted up EWR and renamed Shane "Shawn Micheal's Nephew", just because I could

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes

TNA seems to be promoting him as his cousin with 10% of the talent and 0% of his charismas. Ok I made up the last part, but WHY ARER THEY SAYING HE'S HBK'S COUSIN!

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Guest MikeSC
For months: "When is CM Punk turning? He need to feud with Raven..." finally it happens and this is somehow a bad thing and oh, it's Jeff Jarrett's fault too

*****First this may be the smartest comment I've read on a message board this whole year.


Second, last night's show was AWESOME. Your just refusing to be satisfied if you believe that the show wasn't very, very solid.

I don't see why using the quote function is, for you, MORE DIFFICULT than using five stars, but whatever.


The show was AWESOME? Man, standards HAVE taken a beating, haven't they?

On the same week the WWF did something worse than necrophilia (Orton spitting on Foley) you people still can't give TNA their due, that's just pathetic.

Orton spitting on Foley is WORSE than NECROPHILIA? Umm, WOW. Just wow.


And, to give you a hint, RAW being weak doesn't automatically make TNA good.

It's a shame too because there are plenty marks out there scanning this board and being influenced by your insanely biased remarks. As a result their not buying the show and allow VKM to continue is stranglehold on the industry (this week's Raw may have been the worst one ever).

Pot, meet kettle.

Am I just a happy go lucky mark for the TNA product? Maybe. But dear god people you wouldn't be satisfied with a ROH undercard that included main events of Hart-Angle and Steamboat-Flair in their prime.

Actually, the general assumption here is that you are a troll.

You don't like the storyline's that's your chocie (your wrong)

You LIKE them? Again, wow.

but this promotion more than makes up for it by having classic athletes in every single match.

Michael Shane is a classic athlete? STING is a classic athlete? Red Shirt Security are classic athletes?

Please don't criticize the in-ring product even if it only goes 8 mins. It produces greatly for the time it has and dear god their giving you an Ultimate X match in 2 weeks.

If the product isn't good, it'll get bashed.


And the FIRST Ultimate X match sucked the meat missile. I have little hope of this being BETTER. Why not let Shane job CLEANLY to SOMEBODY?

Yes JJ is a solid main event champ.


Yes the two best tag teams in the world are in TNA.


Yes Daniels, Lo-Ki, Elix, Sabin are all better than anyone on Raw except Y2J

RAW is full of crap workers. No big accomplishment. And Elix is sloppy as all get out. I'll take Matt Hardy over ANY of them, though.

Yes Styles is better, right now, than anyone on SD! with the exception of Eddie and Benoit. And that includes Lesnar AND Angle.

It's official --- you're on crack. Styles is decent --- he's WELL behind a LOT of people on SD.

It's the holiday season folks, get over your hatred of everything that is rassling and appreciate the great athletes (better than any your grandfather watched) that you currently get to watch, expecially on Wednesdays.


This is my last post, nah it probably isn't but whatever, I'll return under a different name to save your souls (literally).

Great, a gimmick troll. Just what we need.


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TNA seems to be promoting him as his cousin with 10% of the talent and 0% of his charismas. Ok I made up the last part, but WHY ARER THEY SAYING HE'S HBK'S COUSIN!

I think they are legit cousins- HBK is just much more older then him that ROH decided to say nephew

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes
TNA seems to be promoting him as his cousin with 10% of the talent and 0% of his charismas. Ok I made up the last part, but WHY ARER THEY SAYING HE'S HBK'S COUSIN!

I think they are legit cousins- HBK is just much more older then him that ROH decided to say nephew

Damn PWI! Last time I check them for facts. Suddenly I feel so dirty.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes
For months: "When is CM Punk turning? He need to feud with Raven..." finally it happens and this is somehow a bad thing and oh, it's Jeff Jarrett's fault too

*****First this may be the smartest comment I've read on a message board this whole year.


Second, last night's show was AWESOME. Your just refusing to be satisfied if you believe that the show wasn't very, very solid.

I don't see why using the quote function is, for you, MORE DIFFICULT than using five stars, but whatever.

He gives out more 5-Stars than Scott Keith.



And whats wrong with Sting? (in his prime that is) I wouldn't say he was great, but he was one of WCW's top names for its entire existance (since they went from NWA to WCW that is) and isn't an egomaniac like some guys like Hogan & Luger.

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Guest MikeSC
Oh man....


Classic Atheletes? The Red Shirt Security?

*****Northcutt is better than almost any big man in the WWE and Legend has always been considered a solid rassler/athlete.

Northcutt is worse than Kane, Undertaker, Big Show, and Albert. So, what big guy IS he better than?


And Legend is mediocre. M-E-D-I-O-C-R-E.

And what if I don't like seeing wrestlers that can have better regular matches being shoved into circus acts? A regular 4-way with 20 minutes would be better than a rope-climbing contest, why not just have the regular match?

*****Because it's evolution of the product and makes for better TV to the average fan.

Seeing as how the "average fan" clearly isn't WATCHING this product, you might want to listen to what the IWC is saying.

The TWO BEST TAG TEAMS IN THE WORLD? Are you on drugs? Or do you see nothing other than TNA and WWE? Half of the teams entered in the PWG tourney in January are better than any team in TNA.

*****Yes I do and no I still think AMW and Simon and Swinger are the best.

Then you're completely delusional.

And the Styles comment is wrong. He's not better than Paul London. Not that London is really on SD, anyways. The irony of this point is that Chris Daniels is better than AJ Styles, you should be making the point using Daniels.

*****I did, saying theyw ere better than anyone on Raw.

Except Jericho and Hardy.

By the way, what makes JJ a solid main event champ?

*****heat grabber

The same kind of heat that translates to an inability to sell out the arena after a year and no real increase in PPV buys?

The groan every time he wins?


The only heat is the pen writing down figures in the debits column, while the pen writnig figures in the credits column is doodling right now.

His lack of any good matches since his match with Raven?

*****come on, both matches with Styles.


His midcard-for-life stigma that will never go away?

*****I don't see that by I suspend my previous misconceptions on all rasslers.

Of course, you call them "rasslers", so how worthwhile your opinion is is already a debate in and of itself.

I refuse to appreciate a product just because it's better than shit (Raw). TNA is like dry dog shit to the WWE's wet dog shit.


A sub-par worker with limited heat burying everybody on the show (Jarrett). Titles being given to people with no real reason behind it and with MUCH better choices available (Shane). A stale tag team division. Illogical and pointless booking. Really bad production values.


Shall I go on?


TNA doesn't DO backstage skits and promos well --- so maybe, just maybe, THEY SHOULD AVOID THEM.

And once again, you have to pay 10 bucks a show, so it SHOULD be way better than Raw.

*****it is , every week.

This week, yes.

TNA could be so, so much more.

*****like what? With Raven, Daniels and AMW title runs on the horizon what more do you want.

An AMW title run is hardly something the world anxiously awaits. They are a boring tag team. The Dudley Boys without the table gimmick.

They have access to every Indy wrestler in the U.S. that would love to get on nat'l TV. How can the show *not* be great?

*****I think it is great and you've yet to say how it isn't.

See above.

TNA last night was a decent show.

*****you'll never be happy.


Decent is not good enough when you're paying. If every week was like last night, I would not pay 10 bucks for it.

*****Seriously you haven't answered this what more do you want?

See above. Again.


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Guest MikeSC
He gives out more 5-Stars than Scott Keith.



And whats wrong with Sting? (in his prime that is) I wouldn't say he was great, but he was one of WCW's top names for its entire existance (since they went from NWA to WCW that is) and isn't an egomaniac like some guys like Hogan & Luger.

Sting hasn't had a legit good match since VADER LEFT WCW. He has become lazy to a shocking degree. He doesn't care about his ring work and he makes it painfully obvious. Heck, the volume of Sting's "Great" matches is slim. He had some really good ones with Flair and Vader --- but the remaining 85% of his work was just blisteringly blase.


At a certain point, you can't rest on your laurels --- and Sting didn't develop laurels worth resting on to begin with.


I USED to think Randy Savage was hot stuff. Now, I think he's one of the workers I LEAST want to see on TV.


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Guest MikeSC
Shane in TNA is like a watered-down HBK trying to be Bret Hart.


Actually, I disagree. After watching the show last night, it hit me.


You know who Michael Shane is?


He's Honky Tonk Man WITHOUT the heat. Think about it --- crap matches ad nauseum, a WAY too long title reign with MUCH better choices to be champ. But, unlike Wayne, Shane lacks HEEL HEAT, which HTM, to his credit, had in DROVES.


Let's not insult good workers by comparing RHK to them.


...Then again, HTM might have sucked in the ring --- but he did draw like wildfire. Shane doesn't do that. Maybe he's David Arquette without the talent...

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes
Shane in TNA is like a watered-down HBK trying to be Bret Hart.


Actually, I disagree. After watching the show last night, it hit me.


You know who Michael Shane is?


He's Honky Tonk Man WITHOUT the heat. Think about it --- crap matches ad nauseum, a WAY too long title reign with MUCH better choices to be champ. But, unlike Wayne, Shane lacks HEEL HEAT, which HTM, to his credit, had in DROVES.


Let's not insult good workers by comparing RHK to them.


...Then again, HTM might have sucked in the ring --- but he did draw like wildfire. Shane doesn't do that. Maybe he's David Arquette without the talent...

I don't think anyone pays to see Michael Shane, so he'll keep the title until he gains heat.

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Another thing-


HTM reigns really only work when you have a lot of tv and house shows since making the customer pay $10 every week to see a match where THIS TIME they're gonna lose the title is just gonna bite you in the ass.


That's why Honky worked- he only came to your area every so often so you thought he would lose it since you haven't been witness to his other house show and tv shenanigans

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Guest MikeSC
It seems like Ultimate X is setting him up to lose but still keeping his heat.


At least when Honky went out- He went out in STYLE.

And he then jobbed to every single person put in front of him.


Michael Shane, despite no real gift in terms of mic work, ring work, or charisma, is being protected more than Randy Orton.


But what do we know? We're just too angry to ever enjoy anything.


BTW, to paraphrase a line from comment from Jim Cornette about Sable:


Giving AMW a live mic ought to be a criminal offense.


They are HORRIBLE. Jesus, I can't think of people WORSE at cutting promos than them. I know Benoit got heat over that --- but Chris' promos blow THEIR promos out of the water. Warrior's were so bad they were comical.


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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes
It seems like Ultimate X is setting him up to lose but still keeping his heat.


At least when Honky went out- He went out in STYLE.

And he then jobbed to every single person put in front of him.


Michael Shane, despite no real gift in terms of mic work, ring work, or charisma, is being protected more than Randy Orton.


But what do we know? We're just too angry to ever enjoy anything.


BTW, to paraphrase a line from comment from Jim Cornette about Sable:


Giving AMW a live mic ought to be a criminal offense.


They are HORRIBLE. Jesus, I can't think of people WORSE at cutting promos than them. I know Benoit got heat over that --- but Chris' promos blow THEIR promos out of the water. Warrior's were so bad they were comical.


I love that Cornette line. Hehehe.


Usually I'm the one defending TNA, but Michael Shane really sucks (in TNA at least, I haven't seen him else where)

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AMW suffer from the Hardyz hick syndrome- They have deep thick Southern accents and I can't understand a word they say.


I liked when Dusty was their manager- sure you cant understand a thing he says either but at least people pop for it and go crazy for whatever he does

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Guest The Last Free Voice

I liked the show alot last night. The wrestling was good, the angle progression was great. I'm glad they finaly pulled the trigger on the Punk Turn. Also I'm interested in UX2 and who will get the shot on the seventh. I don't see what was so bad about the show.

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Guest PowerPB13
No, at the end where they said "fuck you if you think anyone but Triple J gets to look good tonight".



What the hell are you talking about. This type of comment takes away credibility.

Well, maybe this wrestling fan is quickly approaching the point where he's getting sick and tired of waiting for his favorites to get their due...waiting for a moment that looks like it will never arrive.


And when your main motivation to watch is gone...what reason is left? Workrate is all fine and good, but I want to see my favorites win, first and foremost.




P.S. And I never had any credibility to begin with, so HA!

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Guest vicvenomjr

I take it you're never going to learn how to use the quote button.

*****show me, show me


I haven't seen much of Northcut but Legend is not that good. The feud with Jarrett was awful.

*****because no one knew who he was. It wasn't awful, he can rassle. He also fits in perfectly for what he's doing.


It doesn't make for better tv. Why do a convoluted 4-way when you can put two guys in the ring and just tell them to have a good match. And TNA's fanbase isn't really the average fan- it's people on the internet.

*****First 4 ways have been done before, how many times has a Ultimate X match been done, not many. Once. What a great way to open the year. It's evolution right from the start. With all due respect if it's just us IWC'ers on the net watching why are their only about 15 of us on this thread. This is the busiest TNA thread in the IWC and the same 15 people are always on it. 8-10,000 order the shows every week. I think their just regular people who want a rassling fix and don't like the WWE. They're not smart amrks.


Then you are on drugs. AMW and Simon and Swinger are good teams but they're not the best out there. WGTT and Spanky/London are better then both of them. Ditto the Briscoes.

*****Sorry I don't go for the midget madness in my tag teams.


RAW is free. TNA is $10.

*****Raw insults your intelligence ever week, TNA rarely does. It's worth the money for that afct alone.



Considering he's one of the few recogniseable names and has all the product booked around him- he SHOULD be getting some sort of heat.

******Setting up a title change with Raven where the Asylum's roof will literaaly come unhinged. It's all about the chase for the title and no one is doing it better than TNA.



You mean like when people threw crap at him when he beat Raven.

*****It all works out when he finally does win it and people go insane in the arena.


STOP CALLING THEM RASSLERS!!! AND LEARN HOW TO QUOTE!!!! (sorry- just a bit frustrated)

******uhm wow.


Just because you don't notice Jarrett as a midcarder who couldnt cut in the main except in a company that lost 60 mil a year doesn't mean everyone else cant notice.

*****He's the best heavyweight, name wise, they have right now.


Unless TNA has improved 100% since August then no its not.

*****It's a story, it's a continuous process. There's ups and downs, has there been more ups. Without a doubt.



Not giving Shane a 5-month reign.

*****They did Shane's run better than the WWE did HBK's return. Who suffered in TNA? No one, no one at all.


Not giving Jarrett the belt.

*****When Raven wins it will be all worth it.


Not getting dicked around by Hogan.

*****Did they? I don't think so. They gave the Babe Ruth of the sport a chance. In doing so they came out looking good, storyline wise. Business wise, they'll still get the same WGN deal. Definately worth the chance.


I think the fact that he doesn't like the wrestling is a big reason.

*****More than anything else I like being entertained. But just to defend my actual rassling enjoyment me and a bunch of friends did drive 6 hrs to see Super 8 2003, we have seen at least 8 ROH shows, we did drive over 4 hours to see CZW COD5 last week. I like rassling, excuse me professional wrestling, I just like entertainment much more. The problem comes in that the rest of television, outside of sports, provides no "good" free entertainment of note. That's why it's worth spending money on TNA.

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Guest Dave O'Neill, Journalist
This is my last post, nah it probably isn't but whatever, I'll return under a different name to save your souls (literally

I'd love to know what the fuck happened to you. You started off as a reasonably intelligent defender of Vince Russo, then, once everyone took your arguements apart, you started flamebaiting about your intelligence and "rasslers"(btw, everytime you use that word I'm insulted). Notice how, once I realised that certain people here had me over a barrell, I SHUT THE FUCK UP. I dont like Slapnuts (I refuse to call him that other name) but he at least has better access to the product than me, and is therefore more qualified to speak on it.


Now, youv'e turned into this rampaging troll, pissing off both the pro and anti TNA camps. I especially like your assessment that the entire TNA roster is better than Smackdowns (I can think of at least 10 SM workers who are better than say, AJ Styles, or Daniels). Equally asinine was your statement about AMW. I've seen a grand total of TWO AMW matches, but I can safely say that they are bad workers. Not terrible, but nowhere near say, The Basham's.


Also, your support of Ultimate X DISGUSTS ME. I've seen the first one, and its an insult to every other wrestling match I've ever seen (and that includes XPW, who, at the very least don't feel the need to turn wrestling into a circus)


This is the second time you've said you were leaving here. Just fuck off, and stay out

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(Quote) To "quote" text (/Quote)


Edit: Replace the parenthases and have it with brackets instead like-



and then have the second one look like that but with a / in front of a Q

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Guest Dave O'Neill, Journalist

or you could just hit "Add Reply" and use quote tags, like everyone else

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Guest vicvenomjr

Northcutt is worse than Kane, Undertaker, Big Show, and Albert. So, what big guy IS he better than?

*****Better than all but Kane.


And Legend is mediocre. M-E-D-I-O-C-R-E.

*****not last night.


Seeing as how the "average fan" clearly isn't WATCHING this product, you might want to listen to what the IWC is saying.

*****like I said if only the iwc watched they'd have 100 fans at most, instead of the up to 10,000 they have right now.


Then you're completely delusional.

*****While I appreciate smallish single rasslers, I like heavyweight tag teams.


Except Jericho and Hardy.

*****Said Y2J and definately including Hardy. Hardy is a ll gimmick, nothing in the ring.


The same kind of heat that translates to an inability to sell out the arena after a year and no real increase in PPV buys?

*****Both falsehoods I guarantee both increased.


The only heat is the pen writing down figures in the debits column, while the pen writnig figures in the credits column is doodling right now.

******Which is fine, if the money is available. If they go to WGN and it pays off then all is great and the money spent is worth it. If not well, hey it provided many people with an outlet away from the WWE.



*****Both matches were very good. That's just my opinion.


Of course, you call them "rasslers", so how worthwhile your opinion is is already a debate in and of itself.

*****It's not a critical word, just an old fashioned term.


A sub-par worker with limited heat burying everybody on the show (Jarrett).

*****The most recognizable heavyweight


Titles being given to people with no real reason behind it and with MUCH better choices available (Shane).

******Simon and Swinger, 3LK, Styles. Great stroy's in regards to the chase.


A stale tag team division.

******A lot better than the Bashmans and Bautista and flair.


Illogical and pointless booking.

*****Really, where? Raven's chase. A Daniels title win, possibly. XXX reuniting. Punk/Dinero's turn. JJ showing Crips how a ego maniac should be played. Every week at least 1 great, great match. Gang feuds. D'lo getting a solid push.


Really bad production values.

*****ah, no.


Shall I go on?

*****you really ahven't proven anything besides the fact you refuse to be happy.


TNA doesn't DO backstage skits and promos well --- so maybe, just maybe, THEY SHOULD AVOID THEM.

*****Hudson best backstage interviewer in the biz. On a level better than most sports side line or on field reporters. And Goldy was darn good before him.


This week, yes.

*****No, every week.


An AMW title run is hardly something the world anxiously awaits.They are a boring tag team. The Dudley Boys without the table gimmick.

*****To you but not to the Nashville fans, believe me it all about the chase. They're doing it perfect with AMW.


No offense but jeez most of all appreciate being able to see some of the best rasslers in the world every week in Lo-ki, Daniels, AJ and Sabin.

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Guest Dave O'Neill, Journalist

I forgot, last week you had the nerve to suggest that TEDDY HART!!!! would be the biggest star in the business in a year. Thats when I lost all respect for you (maybe YOU ARE teddy Hart, which would explain....a lot). Thats when I lost all respect for you.


Also, you said that you were leaving, but yet, here you are again,. posting.

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Guest vicvenomjr

I'd love to know what the fuck happened to you.

*****wow, tick tock on maturity


You started off as a reasonably intelligent defender of Vince Russo, then, once everyone took your arguements apart, you started flamebaiting about your intelligence and "rasslers"(btw, everytime you use that word I'm insulted).

*****just a term my grandfather used to call wrestlers.


Notice how, once I realised that certain people here had me over a barrell, I SHUT THE FUCK UP.

*****that's great, I defend myself I don't run and hide. Sorry just my nature, yours is the opposite


I dont like Slapnuts (I refuse to call him that other name) but he at least has better access to the product than me, and is therefore more qualified to speak on it.



Now, youv'e turned into this rampaging troll, pissing off both the pro and anti TNA camps.

*****how, I'm over the top pro TNA.


I especially like your assessment that the entire TNA roster is better than Smackdowns (I can think of at least 10 SM workers who are better than say, AJ Styles, or Daniels).

****** Styles or Mysterio. For me Styles. Styles or Lesnar. To me Styles. It's just opinion. Why do you take such offense. DOES IT REALLY MATTER?


Equally asinine was your statement about AMW. I've seen a grand total of TWO AMW matches, but I can safely say that they are bad workers. Not terrible, but nowhere near say, The Basham's.

*****why does Meltzer and Miller always praise them. Why were they Sempervive's (pwtorch) tag team of the year last year and Apter's tag team of the year this year. why are they thinking about centering the whole company around Harris?


*****why are you so pissed. Seriously. Every argument thrown to me I defend. Is it asinine? To who, you. Your all more knowledgable than me? Jeez it's called a message board, I literally go on them, maybe one month a year.


I felt the need to respond after an AWESOME show was ripped apart yesterday by a bunch of smarks who just refuse to be ahppy. Look Meltzer praised the show, so did Miller so did everyone. But people on this message board bashed it. Why? Because they refuse to be happy. I'm just trying to point out that everything isn't all dark and bad. The product is good and after I felt Orton spit in my face, the importance of TNA has never been greater as we enter into a new year.

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Guest vicvenomjr

I forgot, last week you had the nerve to suggest that TEDDY HART!!!! would be the biggest star in the business in a year. Thats when I lost all respect for you (maybe YOU ARE teddy Hart, which would explain....a lot). Thats when I lost all respect for you.

*****He is, think evolution of Pillman.


Also, you said that you were leaving, but yet, here you are again,. posting.

*****Like I said the Foley-Orton pissed me off more than anything I've ever seen in the world of wrestling. I just wanted people to realize what a goldmine they had in TNA.

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Guest Dave O'Neill, Journalist
Northcutt is worse than Kane, Undertaker, Big Show, and Albert. So, what big guy IS he better than?

*****Better than all but Kane.


Despite never having seen Northcutt wrestle, I can safely say that Taker, Kane and Albert could WRESTLE circles around him.


*****Both falsehoods I guarantee both increased.


Why don't you provide facts befpre coming out with dumbshit like that.


*****It's not a critical word, just an old fashioned term.


It's an insult to the people you pay to entertain you.


No offense but jeez most of all appreciate being able to see some of the best rasslers in the world every week in Lo-ki, Daniels, AJ and Sabin.


Yes, Teddy, but you have to pay to see these, in addition to 90minutes of JJJ yakking or burying Raven. Watch Smackdown (free) and you get to see Benoit, Lesnar, Kurt Angle and Jimmy Yang (for starters)

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Guest Dave O'Neill, Journalist
I forgot, last week you had the nerve to suggest that TEDDY HART!!!! would be the biggest star in the business in a year. Thats when I lost all respect for you (maybe YOU ARE teddy Hart, which would explain....a lot). Thats when I lost all respect for you.

*****He is, think evolution of Pillman.


Also, you said that you were leaving, but yet, here you are again,. posting.

*****Like I said the Foley-Orton pissed me off more than anything I've ever seen in the world of wrestling. I just wanted people to realize what a goldmine they had in TNA.

Oh my god, thats what his DAD said!


If you continue to compare Pillman to Annis, he'd be spinning in his grave, to the point where he's crawl out and kill himslef again.


Foley-Orton was the start of what, potentially, could be a killer angle. I bet it kills you that Orton is getting the push from the Gods, while Hart pisses off every promoter he works for. As for TNA, the compnay will be dead in a year, so stop promoting it


-By that I mean thinking that paying a TV station that doesn't promote nationally to air friggin Xplosion will do anything but bankrupt them (think ECW)

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Guest vicvenomjr

Despite never having seen Northcutt wrestle, I can safely say that Taker, Kane and Albert could WRESTLE circles around him.

*****The 55 year old Taker or the Albert who almsot killed Benoit at SD! only PPV in Oct.


Why don't you provide facts befpre coming out with dumbshit like that.

*****easy on the language, tough guy. Look at the crowds last year.


It's an insult to the people you pay to entertain you.



Yes, Teddy, but you have to pay to see these, in addition to 90minutes of JJJ yakking or burying Raven. Watch Smackdown (free) and you get to see Benoit, Lesnar, Kurt Angle and Jimmy Yang (for starters)

*****Watch the TNA stars evolve or be pissed that Benoit gets buried. Angle plays a goof. Lesnar is overrated when he should be the ultimate superstar or Eddie is getting treatment worst than RVD.


Please call me Teddy, the guy is a genius.

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