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Guest MikeSC

Question for the Left

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Guest MikeSC

OK, I'm trying to find an intelligent, left-wing site --- to at least get a clue where you're coming from.


The main left-wing sites I know of are buzzflash and moveon --- and neither have anything resembling intellect (or anything outside of outrageous hatred). Can anybody recommend a site?


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Are there any intelligent political sites if you don't agree with what they're saying? If someone showed me the best right wong site, I'd think it was unintelligent.

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Guest MikeSC
Are there any intelligent political sites if you don't agree with what they're saying? If someone showed me the best right wong site, I'd think it was unintelligent.

I can respect an intelligent left-wing site. Nationalreview.com is an intelligent, conservative web site. There are, no doubt, asininely hateful right-wing sites (I honestly don't know as I never frequent them).


For the left, buzzflash and moveon are just hateful, bitter sites. Borderline evil and you are LESS enlightened having visited it. I can appreciate intellect is sites I don't agree with.


The New Republic website is pretty down to earth imo. It's one of the few leftist mags I can stand...

I'll give it a shot Cerebus, thanks.

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