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Matt Young

In Game Holiday Bonuses

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I've heard of several games on newer systems (ever since the DC debuted the internal clock) having special little things on Christmas, Halloween, and other holidays. However, the only ones I had seen were on Sonic Adventure 2 and Animal Crossing. Today, I popped in my rented copy of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and much to my surprise (and delight), Raphael, who was my character of choice, appeared on the loading screen wearing a Santa Claus hat! He kept it on during the entire time I played, in fact. I think little touches like this are great, and I totally marked out for seeing that.


What games have you guys played that included things like this in them?

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Guest TheBigCalbowski

TMNT also has it Halloween where your character of choice has a pumpkin for a head.


In Simpsons: Hit and Run, the menu screen has a holiday theme for Christmas, Thanksgiving, and Halloween. Supposedly for New Year's as well, but I didn't notice anything after I messed with the system date.

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I know in Simpsons: Road Rage, they give you special cars depending on whether it's Christmas, Halloween, etc. Pretty cool.


I also think that in Smackdown: Just Bring it, JR wishes you "Happy Holidays" if it's around the Christmas season. At least, I remember him doing it when I played, but other people have said that he does that randomly, and usually if you play in the Royal Rumble. Not sure about that one...

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Guest FrigidSoul

I remember in Ultima Online they had Santa and 2 Reigndeer next to him in several towns(Rudolph and Blitzen). If you killed him you could take his Santa suit and put it on. You could also skin the reigndeer and also cut out the meat portions to cook or sell.

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Guest I'm That Damn Zzzzz

Philips CD-i system had an internal clock, and the several variations of the 3D0 probably had one too. I doubt any game for those systems used the clock.

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Asheron's Call 2 (an online game) had Santa Sclavus (Sclavus are REALLY big snakes, and Santa's like HUGE compared to the others) recently show up and give us snow globes of Armor, Heal Over Time, Delay, Weapon Damage, and Focus.


Needless to say, everyone who got everything other than Focus (which isn't all that great) were quite happy.


My Defender got a Globe of Armor, and it boosts AR by 50. A big deal, considering that's like double my AR currently at lvl 29.


My Warder (a Ranger of the Kingdom of Order that has gained Hero Class) got the Focus which only heals about 100 Foci, I wasn't impressed with simply because you can gain 100 Foci back easily.

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