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Guest jm29195

LOTR ROTK Extended Edition

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Guest jm29195

I just saw the film again last night and I was wondering how exactly are they going to extend it- I understand they're going to put in the Christopher Lee stuff but what else?

The only thing I can think of is the part from the Trailer where they showed the Nazgul flyer land in front of Gandalf and possibly something explaining what happened to the Orc Commander as he was given a bit of character development and then dissapeared as soon as the Rohirimm charged. Either that or I missed his demise...

Any ideas?

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I'm just assuming that ol Sloth got whacked once the Rohirrim charged. There might be a scene like this.


The Saruman stuff of course will be on the EE DVD. I'd also expect the whole Eowyn/Faramir romance subplot to be put back in as well. That will be a lot of stuff actually.


Aragorn vs. Sauron in the Palantir as well.


The Mouth of Sauron scene at the gates of Mordor.


I'm not sure of this but I heard a rumor that Sauron himself will appear in the EE, though I have no idea where.

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The Voice of Saruman part where they confront Saruman and Gandalf breaks his staff.


The path of the Rohan riders on their way to Minas Tirith. (Their dealings with the wildmen and the secret path.)


More Path of the Dead stuff.


The confrontation with the Mouth of Sauron at the Black Gate.


That's all I think is being added.


Maybe more of the insane king or the battle where his son dies trying to take back the river ports


Faramir doesn't die.

Edited by LaParkaYourCar

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