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Phoenix Fury Legdrop

Attention Rumble Writers

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I know it's a bit early, but I was wondering if those who know they're assisting in writing the Rumble match itself would like to do an AIM chat or something sometime soon, so we know who's doing what, what stories are we pushing, order of entry, who's actually in the damn thing, etctra.



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Actually, you came out of jail. I think I assumed you were coming back straight away so I kept your character going for a while. But as its wrestling we could probably ignore that! Or you could do a new character.

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Whoa, I had character development and I wasn't even around. That's gotta be a first. Just out of curiousity, what was I doing during this mystery run?

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Well *deep breath* I turned Eskimo heel, unmasked him to reveal Dan Black, who is now IZ General Manager. After about a month Dan Black got Jailbait released from jail, figuring he needed someone ruthless and evil on his team. Jailbait feuded with JINGUS for a little while, then slowly turned on Dan Black, before getting "injured" - I couldn't keep it going!


So, hopefully I havnt spoilt the character for you!

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