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MLW 1-10-04 Results

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Credit goes to MikeWG from the MLW board:


"Show opens with Corino vs. Funk in barbed wire match. Before the match, commentator Eric Gargiolo (sp?) is introduced and takes his place at the announcing table near the ring.


Show opened with barbed wire because it's faster to put back up the ring ropes than it is to put up the barbed wire. Great match, tons of blood, Funk piledrove Corino through a table. JJ Dillon was at ringside, but didn't get involved at all. At one point, Funk rubbed Corino's head against the barbed wire, and a bloody clump of hair was left hanging off the barbed wire. Horsemen interfered, and finally Corino attacks the ref. Ref recovers, and ends the match, giving the win to Corino, despite the fact that Funk never submitted. Ref had to end the match because Funk was about to pass out but wouldn't give up. Gary Hart hits the ring, yelling at Funk, saying that he has too much pride to submit and that it's time for him to hit the pasture and leave. 10 minute intermission while they take down the barbed wire and put up the ring ropes.


Winner: Steve Corino


Underground TV has new theme music, which was introduced to the crowd both tonight and last night. Stephen DeAngelis comes out, and introduces SoCal Val as the timekeeper, and ring girl Jennifer.


Puma vs. Chasyn Rance vs. Sonjay Dutt vs. Jack Evans


Awesome match, tons of action. A good part of the match had Rance and Evans feuding on the outside, while Puma and Dutt wrestled in the ring. Chasyn Rance had much more opportunity to shine in this match than he did in his match last night. Same for Jack Evans. Dutt wins after a near-missed Hindu Press had Dutt's head hit Puma right in the chest. JJ Dillon was on co-commentary during the match.


Winner: Sonjay Dutt


Fabulous Texan Chad? vs. Rich Criado


This match was a follow up to their argument last night over who won the match. I hate to admit it, but I'm liking Criado more and more each match. He plays well to the crowd, and he's the loser that you can't help but like. Didn't help here though, because he lost. Still not sure if Chad was his name announced, still couldn't catch it.


Winner: Fabulous Texan


Los Maximos vs. Julius Smokes and Norman Smiley


Amazingly, Los Maximos were total heels here, completely hated by the crowd. Well they got a nice pop coming out, but not like that of Smokes and Smiley. Smiley got the wiggle in, of course. Funny spot in the match was Maximos had Smokes sitting in their corner. Jose would stomp him 5 times, tag, Joel would stop 5 times, tag, 5 stomps, tag, 5 stomps, for what felt like forever. Ironic part is that Smokes just sat there and didn't sell anything, causing the crowd to go nuts yelling at him.


Winners: Los Maximos


Chris Hero, PJ Friedman, and Mike Modest vs. Matt Martel (with Persephone), M Dogg 20, and Bobby Quances


Interesting matching of people. Match came out a lot better than the individual matches probably would have been. Martel continued his dancing gimmick, and got M Dogg 20 dancing along with Persephone. Once in the ring, Martel brings Persephone, Jennifer, and SoCal Val to dance with DeAngelis and then again with the ref. Good back and forth action, with the heel team taking the win.


Winners: Chris Hero, PJ Friedman, and Mike Modest


SoCal Val and Jennifer get in the ring to throw out T-Shirts. They argue about who throw the shirts better, and have a mini cat fight. Nice.


Corino comes out to do co-commentary, which he does for the rest of the night.


Teddy Hart vs. Jerry Lynn


I loved this match. Great back and forth action. At one point during the match, Teddy Hart does a backflip right over Jerry Lynn to rub it in his face. End comes when Hart does a his main move, the twisting 450 off the top rope. Arrogent pin, which Lynn reverses for the win. After the match, Jerry Lynn leaves the ring and Teddy Hart wants to do his somersaults off the top rope. Lynn tells him not to and leaves, but he does one anyways. Lynn rushes back to the ring, and tells him to stop. Hart promises he won't do it, but then says "F%&k you!" and does it anyways. Lynn and Hart get into a major brawl, with Lynn hitting the cradle piledriver and leaving.


Winner: Jerry Lynn


At the commentary booth, Corino holds up his sheet of paper, and on the back is written "IDIOT", I'm assuming directed at Hart. Hart actually points at Corino and yells challenges him before leaving the ring.


Stampede Bulldogs vs. Pete Wilson/Dark Fuego vs. Havana Pitbulls


The Bulldogs were introduced first. Wilson and Fuego come out second, but then immediately afterwards the Pitbulls run out and DESTROY Wilson/Fuego in about 20 seconds. Fuego loses his mask (still couldn't see who it was) before they are thrown back through the curtains, not to be seen again tonight. Great match between the Pitbulls and the Bulldogs. Ironic that there are chants of USA, despite neither team being from the USA. Smith hits the running bulldog, and Wilson hops off the top rope with an elbow drop, winning the match. Bulldogs are now the #1 contenders for the Global Tag-team belts.


Winners: Stampede Bulldogs


Corino holds up another paper, this one saying "I'm With Stupid" and an arrow pointing at Gargiolo (sp?)


Chad Collyer vs. Low Ki


Another very good match. Gary Hart and his bodyguard come out to watch his match. Funny "Ki Low" chants erupt from the crowd, goofing on the fact that Hart missaid Low Ki's name last night. For a while, most of the moves they went for ended up in an arm bar, which the crowd began to go NUTS for. Chants of "ARM BAR!" every time another one was put on. Chants of "We Want Arm Bar" began erupting when there was no arm bar. Funny stuff. Low Ki won with the Dragon Sleeper, with help from Hart's bodyguard punching Collyer. After the match, Hart put a towel over Low Ki's face to calm him down, and the bodyguard kicked Collyer once before the three of them left together.


Winner: Low Ki


Vampiro vs. Raven


Raven cuts a promo, saying that he didn't know what a Screwface Match was, but it obviously was named that because Vampiro's face was so screwed up. Anyways, Raven changed this match to a Clockwork Orange House of Fun match, which means falls count anywhere. Match in the ring quickly moves through the entire crowd, all over the place. Lots of them slamming each other into the walls. Match finally returns to the ring, and Raven brings a plastic chair in the ring and drops Vampiro's face on it twice. Finally asks the crowd for a metal chair and gets one. Vampiro reversed it, but the chair tipped over. Raven catches it, throws it at Vampiro but misses and hits the ref. Raven hits the Evenflow, but there's no ref. Vamp ends up getting the win. Vamp goes to the side of the ring and wants to stage dive into the crowd. Asks the crowd if it's okay, and everyone screams Yeah! except one scared girl in the front who kept begging no... so he didn't do it. He did go over and pose with the crowd though.


Winner: Vampiro


Samoan Island Tribe vs. Extreme Horsemen


Weapons match. Samoans introduced, and they start gathering all sorts of weapons and throwing them into the ring. Includes plastic chairs (before finally finding the metal ones), plastic trash cans, and plastic beer bottles. Ended up clearing the ring of everything but the metal. Horsemen come out, tons of action. CW nails Mana in the head with three consecutive chairshots. Another spot included a table set up in the corner, and CW hitting his Anderson Slam onto Mana through the table. Corino runs from commentary and hits the ring, attacking the Samoans. All five knocked down, and JJ Dillon runs into the ring and gives a chair to CW. CW throws it away and shoves JJ Dillon, saying "We don't need you!". So JJ Dillon grabs the chair and gives it to Mana. Dillon then hits Mana in the back of the head, allowing the Horsemen to get the win. Horsemen leave but Corino gets caught and beat up before the Horsemen can pull him out to end the show.


Winners: Extreme Horsemen, with JJ Dillon joining the Horsemen


During the show, it was announced that Friday, February 13th would be in Orlando while Saturday, February 14th would be in Ft. Lauderdale. Don't know if this was a mistake or if the shows were indeed reversed.


After the show was over, Teddy Hart came out to shake hands with the fans. Very nice, said he doesn't care if people like or hate him, he's just happy going out and doing what he loves. Seemed very sincere and the same fans that hated him during the match showed him a lot of respect, and he did the same to the fans. Good for him, looks like he has a bright future in MLW. Jerry Lynn came out for a LONG time, signing things and visiting with the fans.


Overall, great night. Show was over early, like 9:20pm, but it started earlier than last night too. Very fun weekend, can't wait for next month. By the way, there never was a Awards Ceremony where they announced the results of the voting over the last month. Also, no contests - and the only Q&A with a superstar was for the Ft. Lauderdale bus trip, who met with the Extreme Horsemen. "



Sounds like a fun show... the Teddy Hart stuff sounds hilarious.

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Man, I'd love to hear what Corino had to say about Teddy. These two are going to end up killing each other at this rate...

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Guest Markingout

I found the Vampiro stage dive thing too be funny. Seems like a good show. Lynn vs Hart was probabley good.

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