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This week in Raw/SD!/Nitro/Thunder history

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January 15, 1996

Lex Luger def. Randy Savage

The Public Enemy def. The American Males

Ric Flair def. Sting; WCW Title Match

Hulk Hogan def. Meng


January 13, 1997

Chavo Guerrero Jr. def. J.L.

Chris Jericho def. Sgt. Craig Pittman

Harlem Heat def. High Voltage

Diamond Dallas Page def. Mark Starr

Dean Malenko def. Eddy Guerrero

Konnan def. Super Calo

Jeff Jarrett def. Chris Benoit

Scotty Riggs def. Billy Kidman

Lex Luger def. Rick Fuller

Rick Steiner def. Arn Anderson by count out

The Giant def. Hollywood Hogan by DQ


January 12, 1998

Bill Goldberg def. Jerry Flynn

Marty Jannetty def. Black Cat

Chris Benoit def. Dean Malenko

Booker T def. Saturn; TV Title Match

Lex Luger def. Hugh Morrus

Steve McMichael def. Chris Jericho

Juventud Guerrera def. Rey Mysterio Jr.; CW Title Match

The Outsiders def. The Steiner Brothers to win the Tag Team Titles


January 11, 1999

The Cat def. Saturn by DQ

Kaz Hayashi def. Rey Mysterio Jr. by DQ

Booker T def. Lenny Lane

Diamond Dallas Page def. Scott Steiner by DQ; TV Title Match

Scott Hall def. Bam Bam Bigelow

Ric Flair def. Curt Hennig by DQ

Kevin Nash def. The Giant


January 17, 2000

Kidman def. Psychosis

Big T def. Booker T

Vampiro def. Disco Inferno

David Flair & Crowbar def. Shane Helms & Shannon Moore; Tag Title Match

Tank Abbott def. The Maestro

Masahiro Chono & Super J def. Rick Steiner & Mike Rotunda

Sid Vicious def. The Wall

Lex Luger def. Bam Bam Bigelow

Diamond Dallas Page def. Buff Bagwell; Special Referee, Kimberly


January 15, 2001

Chavo Guerrero Jr. def. Crowbar; CW Title Match

Rey Mysterio Jr. & Kidman def. 3 Count

Chuck Palumbo & Sean O’Haire def. Kronik; Tag Title Match

Konnan def. Mike Awesome

The Cat def. Bam Bam Bigelow

The Franchise def. General Rection; U.S. Title Match

Kevin Nash def. Scott Steiner by DQ; WCW Title Match




January 16, 1998

The Steiner Brothers & Ray Traylor def. Black Cat, O’Hara, & Gedo

Ernest Miller def. Yuji Nagata

Scott Hall NC Louie Spiccoli

Rey Mysterio Jr. def. Juventud Guerrera to win the Cruiserweight Title

Chris Jericho def. Eddy Guerrero

Bill Goldberg def. Chavo Guerrero Jr. by DQ (no match?)

Diamond Dallas Page & Lex Luger def. Kevin Nash & Randy Savage by DQ


January 14, 1999

Bam Bam Bigelow def. Scott Putski

Norman Smiley def. Prince Iaukea

Chris Jericho def. Van Hammer

The Faces of Fear NC Bobby Duncum Jr. & Mike Enos

Wrath def. El Dandy

Disco Inferno def. Super Calo

Chris Benoit & Steve McMichael def. Curt Hennig & Barry Windham by DQ


January 12, 2000

Vampiro def. Crowbar

Brian Knobs def. Norman Smiley in an Outdoor Match to win the Hardcore Title

Madusa def. Oklahoma in an Evening Gown Match

Booker T def. Stevie Ray and Midnight (pinned) in a Three-Way Match

Bam Bam Bigelow def. Chris Kanyon in a Champagne on a Pole Match

Kevin Nash & Jeff Jarrett def. Sid Vicious & Chris Benoit


January 17, 2001

Rick Steiner def. Kwee-Wee

Meng def. Bam Bam Bigelow; HC Title Match

Ron Harris def. Norman Smiley

Totally Buff def. Kronik

Mike Awesome def. Kidman

Chavo Guerrero Jr. def. General Rection

Diamond Dallas Page def. Jeff Jarrett by DQ




January 11, 1993

Yokozuna def. Koko B. Ware

The Steiner Brothers def. The Executioners

Shawn Michaels def. Max Moon

The Undertaker def. Damien DeMento


January 17, 1994

Owen Hart def. Terry Austin

Tatanka def. George South

Diesel def. Scott Powers

Randy Savage def. Irwin R. Schyster by DQ


January 16, 1995

The 1-2-3 Kid & Bob Holly def. The Heavenly Bodies

Mantaur def. Jason Arndt

Bret Hart def. Jeff Jarrett

Mabel def. Lee Toblin


January 15, 1996

Owen Hart def. Marty Jannetty

The Ringmaster def. Matt Hardy

The Smoking Gunns def. The Spiders

The Undertaker def. Isaac Yankem


January 13, 1997

Hunter Hearst Helmsley & Jerry Lawler def. Goldust & Marc Mero by DQ

Rocky Maivia def. The British Bulldog by count out

The Undertaker def. Crush by DQ


January 12, 1998

The New Age Outlaws def. The Truth Commission and The Godwinns (pinned) in a Triple Threat Match

Kurrgan def. Jimmy Cicero & Lance Diamond in a Handicap Elimination Match

Vader def. Marc Mero by DQ

Rocky Maivia & D’Lo Brown NC Ken Shamrock & Mark Henry

Skull & 8-Ball def. The Rock and Roll Express by DQ

Mankind NC TAFKA Goldust

Savio Vega & Jesus Castillo def. Taka Michinoku & Scotty Taylor


January 11, 1999

Owen Hart & Jeff Jarrett def. The New Age Outlaws

Luna def. Gillberg

X-Pac def. Al Snow; Euro Title Match

Kane def. Mankind by DQ; WWF Title Match

Triple H def. Edge

D’Lo Brown NC Mark Henry

Chyna won the Corporate Royal Rumble


January 17, 2000

Test def. Big Bossman to win the Hardcore Title

The Godfather & D’Lo Brown def. Edge & Christian

Kurt Angle def. Steve Blackman

The Acolytes def. Triple H & X-Pac by DQ

Jeff Hardy def. Buh Buh Ray Dudley

Rikishi Phatu def. Chris Jericho by DQ; IC Title Match

Kane def. Prince Albert

The New Age Outlaws def. The Rock & The Big Show


January 15, 2001

The Hardy Boyz & Lita def. Steven Richards, Val Venis, & Ivory

Raven def. Test; HC Title Match

The Undertaker & Rikishi def. The Rock & Kane

Hardcore Holly NC Steve Blackman

Jacqueline def. Trish Stratus in a Spanking Match

Kaientai & Tazz def. Too Cool & K-Kwik

Steve Austin def. Kurt Angle, Edge, & Christian in a handicap match


January 14, 2002

Spike Dudley def. Bubba Ray Dudley

Billy & Chuck def. The Hurricane & Tajiri

Jazz def. Jacqueline

Kurt Angle def. Kane

William Regal & Test def. Edge & Rob Van Dam

Booker T def. The Big Show

Chris Jericho, Christian, & Lance Storm def. Rikishi & A.P.A.


January 13, 2003

Victoria def. Jacqueline and Trish Stratus (pinned) in a Hardcore Triple Threat Match for the Women’s Title

Test & Maven def. D’Lo Brown & Christopher & Nowinski

William Regal def. Jerry Lawler by DQ

Jeff Hardy def. Raven

Lance Storm def. Booker T by DQ

The Hurricane def. Steven Richards

Chris Jericho def. Rob Van Dam, Kane, and Batista in an Over the Top Challenge




January 13, 2000

The New Age Outlaws def. Bradshaw in a No-DQ Handicap Match

Too Cool & Rikishi Phatu def. The Hollys & Al Snow

Test def. Gangrel by DQ

The Hardy Boyz def. Big Bossman & Prince Albert

Edge & Christian def. Kurt Angle & Steve Blackman

The New Age Outlaws def. Faarooq in a No-DQ Handicap Match

The Godfather & D’Lo Brown def. The Headbangers

Kane def. Chris Jericho

Triple H & X-Pac def. The Rock & The Big Show


January 11, 2001

Val Venis, Bull Buchanan, & The Goodfather def. The Hardy Boyz & Billy Gunn

Test def. K-Kwik

Chris Benoit, Edge, & Christian NC Chris Jericho & The Dudley Boyz

Rikishi def. The Rock, The Undertaker, and Kane (pinned) in a Fatal Four-Way Match


January 17, 2002

William Regal def. Rob Van Dam

Billy def. Tajiri

DDP def. Big Bossman

Rikishi def. Christian & Lance Storm in a Handicap, Over the Top Challenge

Test def. Edge by DQ

Triple H & Steve Austin def. Kurt Angle & Booker T


January 16, 2003

Los Guerreros def. John Cena & B-2; Tag Title Match

Bill DeMott def. Rikishi

Nunzio def. Tajiri

Brock Lesnar & Rey Mysterio def. The Big Show & A-Train

Matt Hardy def. Funaki

Kurt Angle & Team Angle def. Chris Benoit & Edge by DQ in a handicap match

Edited by Bored

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Complete Thunder reviews are a pain in the ass to find even on Google so if I can't find one immediately I just go by the results on one of those random wrestling information sites. But after some digging I did find a Scott Keith review and apparantly there were technical difficulties but he also says there was no match.


Chavo Guerrero v. Bill Goldberg.  No match.  Disco Inferno dances his

way out for no readily apparent reason and gets into an argument with

Chavo over something.  The video was getting pretty bad by this point,

but Chavo called him a joke.  Chavo called *him* a joke?  Okay...  The

video goes completely out then, and I guess Goldberg came down and did

something to somebody, I'm not sure who.  The announcing was pretty

crappy, despite the fact that it wouldn't have taken much for someone to

hand them a note saying "We have no video right now."  If you want

Goldberg to squash Disco, why not just have Goldberg wrestle Disco and

squash him?  This isn't terribly hard to book...

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