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Guest The Last Free Voice

Ring of Honor Wrestling

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Guest The Last Free Voice

After two horrible tries at posting EWR journals, here is number three. It's going to be in a style similar to a RoH one that used to be on here, but it will be different of course. It's basically a reboot, so all storylines are started over.


And now it's time for our first RoH.com message board exclusive! Our first show will be 1.15.04 and we need a name! So it's up to you! Make one up and post it here. This is who we have comfirmed for the card:


A scramble match for the #1 contendership to the Briscoe's Tag titles with Joel and Jose Maximo, Special K, the Backseat Boys and a team to be annouced.


Also Christopher Daniels will take on AJ Styles in a surefire MOTYC. Also there will be Raven, CM Punk and the Second City Saints, RoH World Champ Samoa Joe, Chris Sabin, and many more to be announced!


So post your sugestions for the name of this card that is sure to kick off a new era here in RoH!

Edited by The Last Free Voice

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Guest The Last Free Voice

(RF'nS, you are awesome. You have reviewed everything i've written. Thank you.)


Rohwrestling.com update


Top 5

Champ: Samoa Joe

1 TBD in a Four way match on 1/15

2 Christopher Daniels

3 AJ Styles

4 CM Punk

5 American Dragon Bryan Danielson


All four of these men will be in the Four Way elimination match on 2/14.


Locker Room Scoops:


Colt Cabana and Ace Steel will be teaming up against BJ Whitmer and Danny Maff of the Prophecy. This match could be big in the fledgeing war between the two factions.


RoH Champ Samoa Joe will be in singles action against Homicide in a non title match. RoH officals have decided to make this match to reward Homicide for his breakout year in 2003. If Homicide wins will he get a World Title shot?


Special K says they have a new member debuting in the scramble match for the #1 tag title spot. Rumor has it is it one of the U.K.'s best.


We still don't have a name for the show. So please send in your ideas, because frankly no one in the locker room want's Rob or Gabe to pick....


Till next week these have been the scoops.

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Guest The Last Free Voice

I AM AN IDIOT! IT'S FEBRUARY ALREADY! SHIT! Okay, just forget the naming stuff. It's the second Anniversary show. Ohy vei. My bad ya'll. :angry:

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I AM AN IDIOT! IT'S FEBRUARY ALREADY! SHIT! Okay, just forget the naming stuff. It's the second Anniversary show. Ohy vei. My bad ya'll.  :angry:

;) No biggy LFV. Just get a rhythm flowing is all. I'll check in from time to time to see how ya doing.


Oh and yes, nice start right away. Like the ideas. (thinks about them and grins)

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Guest The Last Free Voice

Show will be up soon, i hope. Got a rough draft of a paper for school, but the show is bout half done. So soon, maybe tonight.

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Guest The Last Free Voice

Ring of Honor Second Anniversary Show- 2/14/04


Results from RoHwrestling.com:





First up was the scramble match pitting the SAT vs. The Backseat Boyz vs. Special K, represented by Hydro and the Debuting Austin Lee and a new team. First out was Chris Sabin who got on the mic.


“Ring of Honor gave me a shot to be on this show, the Second Anniversary show. They told me I needed to find a tag partner. So I did. I found a guy as crazy as me. Well, this guy is totally insane. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Jimmy Jacobs!” He announced. Jacobs marched down to the ring, yelling “Huss” as usual. Sabin took the mic back and said. “This team will forever be known as HUSS SABIN~!” Igniting a chant of the same.


The scramble match has been one of RoH’s staples for a long time. Tonight the tradition continued as innovation and highflying moves were the order of the day. Austin Lee made his debut with Special K and busted out his A-Game leaving a definite impression on the Philly fans. As always The SAT brought out innovative moves, but the Backseats outdid them with their flashy Double Teams.


The match started in the ring with fast Lucha style armdrags courtesy of Hydro and Jose Maximo. Hydro left the ring, letting Kashmere come in and hit a bulldog from behind. For the next few minutes the action was fast and furious inside the ring, the highlight of which was Sabin and Jacobs hit a double Mafia Kick. The action spilled outside of the ring with the ever-popular train wreck spot. Kashmere and Joel were on the outside when Acid hit a palancha, followed by Sabin with a tope Con Hilio, Hydro hit a standing Moonsault, Jose hit a tope suicida, Jacobs with a Pescado, and finally Lee with a Spaceman Shooting Star Press.


Hydro rolled Acid back in the ring and went for the cover, but Joel Maximo who hit a Maximo Impact broke it up! Acid rolled out and Lee came in and Special K hit a double team move with Hydro hitting a DDT and Lee hitting a Standing Crossfire Legdrop! (There goes Jason Cross’ heat) Sabin broke up the pin. He went for the Cradle Shock, but Kashmere broke it up with a dropkick. Jacobs came in and the whole match broke down, with everyone fighting everyone. It ended up with the Backseats in the ring alone with Joel Maximo as they hit the T-Gimmick for the win! Special K didn’t shake hands after the match, but the other teams did. Lee didn’t look happy, but Hydro was his typical uncaring self after the loss. Chris Sabin was angry too, but his partner consoled him with a caring Huss.


The Prophecy is in the back, minus Donavon Morgan.


“Tonight is a big night for the Prophecy.” Daniels says. “First of all, we have a chance to eliminate those two idiots in the Saints once and for all. Dan, BJ, tonight you have to get it done. I’ll take care of Punk in the main event. Speaking of, I will be taking home the #1 contenders trophy tonight, make no mistake. I don’t fear you, Punk. I don’t fear you AJ. I sure as hell don’t fear you Dragon, because you haven’t won the big one ever. So you don’t worry me. So I have this to say. Joe, I hope you are having fun in Japan. Because that title is going to be mine, very soon.” He finishes. Dan Maff steps to the front.


“Colt Cabana! Ace Steel! Tonight you find out what happens when you cross the Prophecy!” He yells.


“Come on Dan. Lets get’em.” Whitmer says as they head to the ring.


2nd City Saints vs Danny Maff and BJ Whitmer.


Colt and Ace came down to Copa Cabana. Colt stalls to start. Lucy is out with the Saints and Allison is out with the Prophecy. The match is pretty even. The Prophecy controlled with power moves, but the Saints cheated and double-teamed to get ahead. Ace and Colt have worked together before, and it showed as they performed all their moves crisply. Maff and Whitmer however, had some problems. The biggest factor was the fact they had never teamed together, throwing their timing off. BJ got caught in the Saints corner about halfway through and Colt began to work the back in preparation for the Colt 45. The Saints busted out a double backdrop and double Superplex. The heat segment went on for a good seven minutes, until the crowd was ready to come unglued. And when Maff got the hot tag, the place erupted. Maff unloaded with Lariats on both men, practically beheading Colt. He hit the half nelson suplex to a large pop and covered for two. Colt hit him low from behind and hit a DDT. Whitmer rushed in with a High Knee and went for the Exploder, but Ace countered and allowed Colt to hit a Colt 45. Maff broke up the pin right before the fatal third count. The fight spilled outside between Ace and Maff, with Maff cannonballing into the rail. In the ring Whitmer took control on Colt, hitting a Mafia kick for two. The ref goes to check on Maff on the outside, who seemed to hit his head on the concrete on the Cannonball. This gave Lucy a chance to roll in and Lay out Whitmer with a chair, taking her Revenge for the attack at WoTR. Colt hooked him in the Colt 45 just as Ace sent the ref back in and the pin was academic. Post match friction is evident between Daniels henchmen.


We go to Raven, who is in the Parking Lot, we think…


“People like to talk. And people like to talk on the Internet. Wrestling fans in particular congregate on message boards. And I read them, most of the time for shits and giggles. But lately there has been a disturbing trend. A lot of topics have been ‘Is Raven washed up?’ ‘Can Raven hang with the best anymore?’ It makes me sick. Of course I can hang with the best! Christopher Daniels! AJ Styles! American Dragon! I can beat any of them any day! All I need is the chance. And if I have my way, I’ll be getting it soon. Ring Of Honor, prepare to feel what has come to be known as the Raven Effect. I think you hear me knocking, and I thing I’m coming in. I hope you are ready.


The Briscoes have made their way to the ring. Jay gets on the mic.


“Jim Cornette, you are a self serving son of a bitch! You bail on us, then have the balls to say we suck! If you ever show your face at RoH again, we’ll kick your ass so far Mama Cornette will feel it! But anyway to business. Ring of Honor can’t produce a team to keep up with us! We are the best in the freaking world! And now we need a manager. And it just so happens we’ve found one.”


Simply Luscious comes down to the ring and Joins the RoH tag champs. “I’ve managed the best in RoH. I’ve managed Samoa Joe, I’ve managed Steve Corino, who will be back. And now I manage the best tag team in RoH history.” Massive heat here. “Now boys, since the chumps in the office cant’ find a team to fight you, let’s go party!” But then, Metropolis, by Dream Theater comes over the sound system and Excellence Inc comes to the ring.


“We are your opponents tonight chumps!” Modest yells as they slide in and the match starts.


Excellence Inc vs. Briscoe Boys.


This was the very definition of pure tag wrestling. Four of the best in the world going at it for the Tag straps. Although Morgan’s involvement is confusing, is he still with the Prophecy? The match started off with lightning fast chain wrestling courtesy of Jay and Modest. Once tags were made it sped up even more with Mark hitting armdrags. Morgan fought back by taking him to the mat. Mark fought back and tagged out to Jay who went at it with Morgan in a chain wrestling sequence even faster than the first. The match slowed down when Jay went low and threw Morgan into a corner and tagged in Mark for their dropkick-face wash combo. They proceeded to beat on him for the next few minutes, using all the dirty tricks in their playbook. A few minutes later Morgan got the tag, but Modest fared no better, falling victim to a doomsday device for two. Morgan came back in and the Briscoes hit simultaneous Cut-Throat Suplex’s and J-Drillers for three!


(My Notes: WWE fucked me over here. I was planning on having this be London/Spanky v Briscoes. But of course WWE decided to not release London. THEY ALWAYS RELEASE HIM! GAAHHH. So I scrambled for this. Bah.)



CM Punk is by himself in the back.


”Tonight I take the first step to capturing the RoH belt. First I have to get past three of the best in the world. Christopher Daniels, as much as I dislike you, I admit you are one of the best to ever work the Indy scene. AJ Styles, you’re a former NWA World Champ. That speaks for itself. Bryan Danielson, you may be the best Pure Wrestler in the world today. But I’m going to win this match. Not because I want it more. I’m going to win because I am better than all of you. I have worked my whole life for this chance. I will not waste it. I don’t care who I have to beat. I will win. Because Straight Edge means I am better than you.”


AJ Styles vs Bryan Danielson vs Christopher Daniels vs. CM Punk.


This is an elimination match for the #1 Contenders Trophy. Christopher Daniels is down to Disposable Teens, accompanied by Allison Danger. Punk is out by himself, as is Danielson and Styles. Handshakes around, save for the Fallen Angel.


The match starts and the crowd is hot.


Bryan Danielson can work the mat like no other. That was his strategy here. He tried to take out the legs of Styles and Punk, eliminating their innovative offence. He also worked the neck of Daniels, which was broken earlier in his career. His offence as always was methodical and concentrated.


AJ Styles has perhaps the most balanced offence with superb strikes, a solid knowledge of submissions, and innovation out the yang. He basically tried to beat the life out of the others with anything he could hit.


Much like Styles, Punk attempted to connect with highflying moves like Huracanranas and the Shining Wizard. His attack was eratic, coming in at various points without tagging. He ended up paying for his brashness on more than one occasion.


Christopher Daniels was the most experienced man in the match, and it showed. He was contented to stay on the apron and pick and choose his spots. He tagged in only when the time was right and his opponents were hurting.


The match played out much the way Danielson and Daniels wanted it to. CM Punk was put out first by a Daniels Moonsault. About ten minutes later Daniels was put out by a Styles Clash. Twenty hard fought minutes later Bryan Danielson won with his Cattle Mutilation submission.



Bonus Footage:


Special K is in the back raving. Austin Lee is off in a corner, sulking over the loss. Hydro walks over.


“Dude, party with us!” he says. Lee shakes his head.


”We lost.” He says. Two girls approach with Angeldust and new recruit Mellow.


“Yo! Screw that! Let’s party!” Lee looked at the two girls and shrugged.


”If you insist.” He says. The camera fades out as the rave picks up.



Samoa Joe sent in a recorded message from Japan after seeing the results.


”Bryan, you finally earned your shot. But you won’t win this belt. I am the RoH world Champion. And I don’t believe you have the talent to beat me.” He said. “I don’t think you have what it takes. Now, I am going to prove I’m right.”



CM Punk was talking to the Saints when our camera crew came in. “You know what? Tonight just wasn’t our night. But soon our time will come. That’s all I have to say.”




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Guest Real F'n Show

Killer show dude, well booked, and quite franky, it kicked all kinds of ass. Keep it up.

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Guest The Last Free Voice

Why thank you. Top five, Locker room scoops and a HUGE ANNOUNCEMENT will be up later. Commence speculation.

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Good showing LFV, but just so you know, I've been finding that Paul London in RaveX 21 actually sticks around a month or three with the WWE. And in a month or three, expect some big thing signings to happen as well (so tie up those main people you use).

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Guest The Last Free Voice

Thing is i'm not usin ravex. lol. I've got my main guys signed. Darn WWE.

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Guest The Last Free Voice

Ring of Honor Top Five after 2/14/04


Ring of Honor World Champion: Samoa Joe

1. "American Dragon" Bryan Danielson- Won #1 Contender's trophy in Hard Fought Match at Anniversary show.

2. AJ Styles- Second Place finish logically puts him at #2. Pinned Chris Daniels.

3. Christopher Daniels- Placed third in match with a pin on CM Punk.

4. Raven- Has made a vow to take RoH by storm. Big wins in other promotions count here too.

5. CM Punk- Loss in #1 Contenders match puts him at bottom of top five.



Tag Champs- Briscoe Brothers

1. Backseat Boyz- Win in scramble puts them in line for a title shot.

2. SAT- Great Effort in scramble puts them here.

3. Exelence Inc. - Hard fought loss in title match marks thier return to tag scene.

4. Special K- The lot of um! Can pull off great moves in about any combination.

5. "Huss Sabin?" - New team shows lots of promise

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Guest The Last Free Voice

Ring of Honor Locker Room Scoops for 2/25/04 (Random date after show)


Raven, as seen on our Home Video release (www.rfvideo.com) of the Second Anniversary Show, has vowed to prove himself against the best wrestlers in the world. He has issued an open challenge for the next RoH event, Expect the Unexpected, in March.


Homicide, was quote "Pissed" at being kept off the Anniversary show for unknown reasons. He is also eager to get into the RoH world title picture. Stay tuned for more.


Special K has said they have recruited another new member into their ranks. Apparently is someone from the Florida area.


The Backseat Boyz will get their tag title shot at EtU.


And Now for our big announcement:




That is all.



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I was planning on having this be London/Spanky v Briscoes.

Holy crap...I'm surprised nobody has thought of that as a dream match yet. That match would have the potential to be absolutely INCREDIBLE. Awesome idea.

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Guest The Last Free Voice

Ring of Honor Locker Room Scoops for 3/1/04


March is poised to be Ring Of Honors biggest Month in a long time, with the debut of High Impact TV this Friday and Expect the Unexpected live from Elizabeth NJ on the 27th.


Signed for the 1st editon of HITV is Homicide versus Xavier. The Main Event will be CM Punk vs AJ Styles. Also on the show will be Colt Cabana hosting "Good Times, Great Memories" with guest Jimmy Jacobs!


And this just in, as in Rob just told it to me as I typed "Jacobs" Christopher Daniels will take on Doug Williams. This match could be a first class MOTYC.


High Impact TV looks to be a huge step for RoH. Stay tuned for our first show....



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Guest The Last Free Voice



Simply Luscious will be out untill April with an injured back. Steve Corino was unavilibe for comment.


First HITV should be up tonight.

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Guest The Last Free Voice

Actually there were no plans w/ her. It was there for a bump and the joke. (Corino is her real life B/F)

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Guest The Last Free Voice

I CAN NOT FREAKING BELIEVE THIS! I'm in the middle of the main event match, ready to post as soon as I'm done and my computer freezes. Bulls*it. My computer hates me. Or it hates you guys. Or it's an MLW fan. Either way the card will be up sometime... ::Sigh::

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Guest The Last Free Voice

Okay, BIG QUESTION... Should I restart this cause i got Ravex 22? What do you think?

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Okay, BIG QUESTION... Should I restart this cause i got Ravex 22? What do you think?

I'd say no. You've got a good thing going here, just continue with it. Don't worry about certain guys not being in. You can always work around that.


Remember, this is a fantasy diary. You shape it the way you'd like it. You don't have to conform to something else just because.


Besides, if you want certain people in the game, find characters that roughly have the same abilities as them and just change their names.

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Guest The Last Free Voice

Yea youre right. I'll prob have the show up by next tuseday. lol, srry, you'll just have to wait.

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Guest The Last Free Voice

No school today so if I don't get it finished today you all can flame the everloving crap outta me.... (Bump~!)

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Guest The Last Free Voice

Ring Of Honor High Impact TV for 3/5/04

Reported by The Last Free Voice


Welcome to High Impact TV! Out first are Joel and Jose Maximo, the SAT! Cheers fill the Roberts Centere in Wilmington Ohio as the Spanish Announce Team make their way to the ring for tag action.


Out next are Ace Steel and Colt Cabana with Lucy, the 2nd City Saints!


Handshake to start, as both teams believe in the Code Of Honor. Colt and Jose start. The SAT, being one of the most innovative teams on the circuit today, tried to control with fast paced high impact moves, like the Maximo Impact.


The Saints tried to ground the flyers, using submission and some less than honorable tactics.


The opening minutes went the way of the SAT, with armdrags and Huracanranas abounding. Colt got taken over with three consecutive ranas, prompting him to fall out of the ring and try to regroup. Sadly his powwow didn't last long as Jose soared onto him with a tope Suicida. Joel tried to follow with one of his own but got a head full of knee courtesy of Ace Steel, who took over on him. (without a tag, we need to talk to our refs...)


Ace went to work on the back of Joel, trying to set up the Colt 45 or Twist of Kain. He tagged out to Colt who hit a legdrop-backbreaker combo to a pop. This went on for a few minutes, with the Saints cutting off the ring by any means nessacary. Ace and Colt continued to work on the back, using the classic hot tag formula.


After about five minutes, Joel hit an inziguri and made the tag to a monster pop. Jose came in, as the Dames would say as a HOUSE EN FUEGO! He hits a Maximo Impact on Colt, knocking him silly....er. Ace came in and got cut off by Joel, and the SAT hit a total elimination! They cover but Colt managed to break it up. Both SAT prepared to set up the "Washing Machine" but Lucy, the lovely Valet of the Saints, got on the Apron and distracted them. (Maybe the SAT need a valet, suggestions?) The ref, horndog he is, went over too, and Ace hit a low blow and pushed Joel out of the ring, leaving Jose to fall victim to a double team Colt 45 for the win!


Now, we can't expect the SAT to shake hands after that, can we. We didn't get the chance to find out as Dan Maff and BJ Whitmer hit the ring with chairs and laid out the Straight Edge elitists.


"There's your chairshot BITCH!" Maff spat into the face of Colt....


We'll be right back....


CM Punk is in the back, sitting among the shadows on a stairwell. The camera is on his face, half covered by the darkness...


"I don't like AJ Styles. Simple as that. But that won't fly in this wrestling world nowadays, so I'll give you some exposition. AJ Styles is all hype. It's Phenomenon this and Phenomenal that. It makes me sick. I can do everything that AJ can do in that ring. So why is he "Phenomenal" and I'm not? Simple, prick. I'm not the clean cut, shining babyface that RoH wants to be their #1 face. So AJ, I'm gonna do the only thing I can. I'm gonna take that spot from you. Because not only am I as good as you. I'm better. Because unlike you, I am Straight Edge. And I doubt even these Ohio monkeys need to be told how that makes me.... Better than you...."


We cut to the ring for:


Jimmy Rave Vs Matt Stryker.

This match has the potential to be a breakout performance for two of RoH's upcoming stars. Rave, who has been under the tutelage of AJ Styles, came in with a gameplan that became evident during the match. Stryker, a little more experienced, took what was given to him.


Both men shook hands to start and they locked up. The first few minutes was a feeling out process, with both escaping eachothers holds. After the feeling out process Rave took control with a flying headscissors and began to work on the neck, setting up the Dusk 'till Dawn, his spectacular satellite headscissors to Crossface finisher. He used simpler moves, like necksnaps and DDT's to wear down Stryker's neck, but he also tried to keep the pace uptempo, feeling he was faster than his opponent.


For a few minutes this worked, as Stryker seemed off balance. So much so that he took a powder to regroup. This was the turning point of the match, as Rave, in his inexperience tried to take the game home with a somersault palancha, but missed and crashed into the guardrails feet first.


Stryker seized the opportunity, going right to work on the leg, setting up his Stryker Lock finisher. This also took away the speed factor Rave tried to capitalize on earlier in the match.


After a few excruciating, for Rave at least, minutes, Rave got a break as he reversed a Texas Cloverleaf into the Muta-Lock, a move AJ Styles may have taught him. This appeared to turn the match around as Rave took over, hitting a few nice DDT and suplex variations. He even locked in the Dusk 'Till Dawn, but it was reversed into the Stryker lock!


Rave tried, but he could not get to the ropes. He was forced to give up. Post match the two embraced and the fans showed their Appreciation.



Samoa Joe Cut his last promo in RoH, because he will not get mic time again. I don't even remember what I was going to put for this. It ended with him screaming... (Darn Computer reset.)


(Commercial Break)


Backseat Boyz Vs Izzy and Dixie of Special K


If I could only use one word to describe this match, It would be squash. K didn't even have a prayer. Izzy got took out early with the DREAM SEQUENCE~! Dixie was taken apart quickly with the BSB's flashy double team offense. The rest of Special K didn't even run in, most likely out of fear...


End Came with Dixie taking the Dream Sequence followed by the T-Gimmick for the win. Afterwards the Backseat Boyz have words for the Briscoes.


"Jay, you dumb hick, and Mark, you inbreed piece of trash! You two better get ready, because the best tag team in RoH is coming after you!" Kashmere shouts.


"Who's that again J?" Trent asked sarcastically.


"The one, the only, signin, dancin, romancin, ass kickin, match winnin, bonafide, fortified, really fine tag team of Johnny Kashmere and Trent Acid, the BACK. SEAT. BOYS!"


We'll be back in a moment....


We are back, and Colt Cabana is in the ring for "Good Times, Great Memories".


"Well, today, here in lovely Philly, oops I forgot, were in Ohio where It's COLD!" He starts. "Today I have a "Special" guest. And I mean Special... Ladies and ::COUGH:: Gentlemen... I Give you, JIMMY JACOBS!"


The crowd erupts into a HUSS chant as the furry one makes his way to the ring. He tries to step over the top rope, but gets stuck and Colt has to help him over...


"Well, Jimbo, how are ya?" Colt asks him as they sit down at the chair and desk.


"HUSS!" Is the reply. Colt shoots the camera a funny look.


"Uh, okay. What are your plans for the future?" He asks.




"Umm right. What about your tag team with Chris Sabin?"


"Huss!...Sabin?" Jacobs replies, trying the word out. The crowd and Colt are in shock over this revelation.


"Wow. Well, with that we have to take a commercial break!" He says, but a stagehand whispers in his ear. "Well, I don't wanna be here! My back hurts from the chair and this bozo is scary!" We go to a commercial.


We are back with a match that could be a sleeper MoTYC.


Christopher Daniels Vs Doug Williams.


Both men make it to the ring, and no handshake, for different reasons.


The crowd is in a state of readiness, silent, but ready to explode at a moments notice.


The men circle and lock up. It's a stalemate. Clean break from Daniels, a minor surprise.


Lockup again. Williams gets a side headlock. He drops The Fallen Angel to one knee. Daniels makes his way back to a vertical base and shoots the Torture Device off the ropes and catches him with a shoulder tackle, but neither man goes down.


The crowd roars. The sound is deafening. Allison Danger pounds the mat. The two wrestlers hear nothing. There is no sound in that ring.


Lockup. Both men struggle, but Williams comes away with an armwringer. Daniels rolls through and yanks Williams down by the arm. Grapevining it he locks in a Crippler Crossface.


The crowd erupts again. Still no sound can be heard by the gladiators.


Williams grabs a foot with his free hand. He rolls to the side and pops out of the hold. He has an ankle lock.


And so it goes, back and forth. Hold for hold these two men are evenly matched. Williams is slightly better on the ground, quicker at reversing. Daniels knows this. He has to change it up.


He rolls to the outside. To regroup. Williams waits.


Back inside Daniels goes. Williams goes for a lockup but Daniels ducks out of the way. He delivers an open hand palm thrust that echoes throughout the Roberts Centere. He follows up quickly with an inziguri. Williams is down.


Cover for two. Daniels knew that wouldn't win the match. But you have to take everything that is given to you.


He couldn't be worrying about Punk now. Or Joe. Or Styles. He had Williams. He had one of the best.


Daniels continued his assault, using more brawling and striking tactics. Williams, the cagey veteran he is adjusted. He began to use his judo training. Daniels had to regroup again. It sees like the Brit may have his number...


Daniels again tried to change his tactics. He began to use fast paced, high flying moves. This again worked for a short time. He gained a few two counts. He was in control, On offense.


That began to change, as Williams went from countering holds and moves to performing them, and the Fallen Angel was on the ropes, both figuratively and literally.


Daniels had to revert to the state that brought him to the dance. Cheating. A thumb to the eye proved to be the most important move in the match to that point. He took over. Much to the delight of the smart fans in the crowd. (All of the fans there save for the three marks Joey brought along...)


The match continued on. Both men fought with everything they had. Near the fifteen minute mark Williams went for the longball with the Chaos Theory, but Daniels flipped out and went for the Last Rites, but Williams spun with the momentum of the move and hit a lifting reverse suplex.


Both men were down. The crowd started clapping, trying to rouse the workers. Both men made it to their feet at the same time.


Angels Wings-blocked. Backdrop Driver-blocked. Last Rites-blocked. Chaos Theroy-blocked. Last Rites hits! 1.....2.....2.99! So close.


The end is near for Williams. He can feel it. One Angels Wings later the match is over.


We are back and Raven is in the parking lot.


"The wrestling world is waiting with bated breath for the rebirth of Raven. It will happen at Expect the Unexpected. I don't know who RoH has put me against, but it won't matter. Raven is on a mission. Good luck to whoever it is. Because I am not going to fail. I don't care what you smarks thing of me. This is going to be the year of the Raven. See ya soon RoH."


We head to the ring for our next match:

Homicide Vs Xavier.


A note to aspiring wrestlers, don't fight Homicide when he is pissed. It won't be a good day for you. This match was a slaughter. Not one sided, at least totally, but Homicide beat the living piss out of the All Around Best.


Homicide was even stiffer here than usual. Xavier took the beating like a man, even trying to dish out some pain with high knees. He even managed to get Homicide down long enough to attempt the 450, but Cide moved and finished X off with the Kop Killa.


We go to a video hyping the Main Event of AJ Styles against CM Punk.



AJ Styles Vs CM Punk.


We come back and both men are in the ring. Lockup. AJ controls with a headlock. CM drops down with an ankle pick, and slaps on a spinning leglock.


Punk would work on the leg all match. To minimize the high flying and speedy tactics of Styles.


Styles tried simply to wear Punk down enough to hit the Clash, but had to keep his temper and emotions in check. Punk was trying to get into his head.


Both men were even on the mat. They went to striking a Styles had the advantage, although it was lessened because of the legwork. Punk took a breather. AJ followed with a SPACEMAN SHOOTING STAR. He hit, but his leg was still in pain. He rolled Punk back in and tried for the three, unsuccessfully.


He went back to work, but Punk caught a hard kick and hit a dragon screw leg whip. He jumped at the chance and began unleashing every submission he knew. Soon AJ was in agony. But he did not submit.


The match went on, AJ practically a one legged wrestler, and Punk becoming increasingly frustrated at his inability to secure the win. Soon he went for the Devil Lock DDT, but it was reversed into a Styles Clash for the Win!


After the match Punk grudgingly shook the hand of AJ. After AJ left he began to cut a ranting promo, but we are out of time! Maybe we'll hear it next week!

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