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Mystery Eskimo

Book me up Scotty~!

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I have half the stuff I plan for this week already finished and ready to be sent. These things being what I had planned for last week. They are:


-Lightning Crew Gauntlet Match; Straight up One-On-One Professional Wrestling Match; If The Mad Cappa loses the match, he and Puerto Rican Lightning can never have a match against each other. If Cappa wins, he moves on in the Gauntlet: The Mad Cappa vs. ?????


-Lightning Crew T-Shirt Commercial


-OaOasT IntenseZone: Battle of San Juan countdown ad


-Short PRL segment


As for this week, you will see:


-Puerto Rican Lightning and Ms. Lindsay Gonzalez introduce the newest member of the Lightning Crew


-The newest Lightning Crew member takes on a jobber in his debut match


-PRL promo in which he talks about The Shuffle, The Mad Cappa, and the NA Title Match at Anglepalooza


-Puerto Rican Lightning and Colombian Heat vs. The Shuffle and Reject, which I would like The Shuffle to write, please.


-And I think there is going to be a Shuffle/Dan Black segment. Atleast I think there will be

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Guest Dids

I'm doing a promo... there's no Shuffle/Dan Black segment.


I'm just tapped for time, plus working on the match for Anglepalooza will take up most of my available writing time.


PRL- I think you need to try to scale back. Even if we post on time, the quality of the shows suffer when we can't view it as a whole and have to wait for stuff to be sent it.


You've just got too much going on, and if you can't get it all done in a week, maybe you should just think about trying to do less.


It would be nice to know if people have just dropped out- or if they're just still taking time over the holiday break. If IZ is going to be this thin consistantly, is there really a point in having two shows?

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If IZ is going to be this thin consistantly, is there really a point in having two shows?

Well, this is what has crossed my mind...I'd hate to close IZ, but unless we get people coming back or fresh blood its going to get harder and harder to put shows on. The number of people who have stopped contributing is huge.

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Guest Dids

Maybe we just need to have a roll call to see who's still in, that way we can know if they're busy or actually gone- and if they are, what can we use their characters.


btw- My segment should be in to your shortly.

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By the way, just to let you know, here are the IZ people who no longer send stuff in and their reasons why. Atleast those that I've noticed no longer appear in the show:


-Alfdogg (Not sure. Still posts regulary in TSM, so I don't know why he doesn't contribute in the OaOasT)


-Plushy Al Logan (Is M.I.A. due to some personal promblems. Promblems that he posted in a thread in General Chat)


-"Shooter" Jay Darring (Not sure. He has started dating someone, so that maybe part of/or the reason why he hasn't contributed anything as of late)


-Teddy Weddy/Mike Darring (Not sure. I'll try and talk to him on AIM.)


-Dangerous A (He said he is helping his father, and because of that, he wouldn't be able to contribute anything, am I right?)


-The Amazing Rando (Not sure. He posts regualry in TSM too, so I'm not sure why he doesn't contribute in the OaOasT)


-K-NESS (Told me that he wanted to take a break from writing matches, but that he would return when he wanted to)


-The Mad Cappa (Is in the Navy. I have 100% control of Cappa's character. He contributes something once in a while)


-I also have 100% control of Vitamin X


-Blurricane is retiring after Anglepalooza


-j.o.b. squad




There are also people who posted their character specs, but haven't appeared on IZ yet, or have appeared, but only for a short time:


-Corey Lazarus ("The Youngblood" Cliff Young. Posted his stats, but has yet to make an appearance on IZ, even though he posts regulary on TSM)


-The Masked Man


-Crazy Spot Monkey/Kyle Landis


-Andrew "Your Hero" Hyland


-TNT are apart of IZ, but ever since they won the OaOasT Tag Team Titles, they have only appeared on HeldDown!


Those are the ones that I know of. Is there anyone else who no longer regualary contributes stuff? Is Reject still around? And is Sonic Youth no longer active? And someone contact Corey Lazarus about debuting on IntenseZone.


And I don't want IZ to shut down. Can we atleast continue it until AngleMania III?

Edited by The #1 MST3K Mark

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