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Dr. Phil's "have Dr. Phil do your job for a day"

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So yeah, I am not an avid watcher, but mom mom is basically addicted to this show. Anyways my mom runs a cat kennel.......and I guess Dr. Phil is an avid cat-lover. So today I get a call at home from some lady saying she is Nicole from the Dr. Phil show, she told me she sent my mom an email with instructions. So my mom opens the email and it tells her to make a 5min video as if she was talking to Dr. Phil and to include daily working tasks & stuff. Now this could be taken as just helping her how to apply, except for one, the deadline for it has passed and secondly, she is having my mom bill it to dr. phil and they gave us the account number to pay for it to be delievered overnight on their expense. Bwahaha. I will keep you guys updated on the situation.

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Guest OctoberBlood

He has some good shows, but I've stopped watching. Call for Help > Dr. Phil.

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Guest Deebo

It is impossible for me to fathom that anyone could honestly believe the guy is helping someone with deep dark emotional problems by talking to them for 10 minutes on his show.

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