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Phoenix Fury Legdrop

TPI Q&A Shoot Tape Review...

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As a small preview to the upcoming (as in, we hope to be soon, but we have no clue) opening of the official Paradise City Ninjas' website, I'd like to turn your attention to the review I did for the Ted Petty Invitational 2003 Q&A tape, where almost all 24 competitors in the tournament took place in an open forum roundtable discussion with fans who came to see the tournament, discussing such topics as promoting in the Midwest, Teddy Hart, John Zandig, TNA, CM Punk, and a whole hell of a lot more. The link is right here. Note that the site's not even 50% done, when noting how plain this looks.

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Guest bort

Nice little review there, the tape isnt as really that much of a shoot interview but it had some interesting tibits of info.....im a little surpriesed what Ian said about Punk

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Guest Markingout

I read all of that pretty nice review. Ian sounds like an awesome guy. Also, that story with the chops and what they made him do is pretty fucking mad.


"Hero: Worked for Brian Dixon's All-Star Promotions. Says it was very family-orientated, with most of the audiences being children. Worked American Dragon while he was overseas, but said it was very different than it would be in the States."


Any tapes of this ASP?

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I don't think Dixon tapes his shows, which is a shame. But, from the way Hero's LJ made it sound, they were doing a complete WWF 1985-style match, complete with foreign heel (Danielson) vs. hometown face (Hero, even though he's from America...but he picked up a Cockney accent).

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Guest Markingout

Bah,anything with Danielson and Hero is acceptional. Sucks Dixon dosen't tape.

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Guest bort

I saw the Punk shoot interview and he said he stopped working IWA ms because Ian booked Nick gage, In CZW Nick Gage made Hero look like crap and or stiffed him at COD 4 and Punk thought it was disrespectful for Ian to book Gage because hero is so loyal to him, he stopped working for IWA soon after and he had a interview where he said that he wasnt gonna be workin iwa anymore...i think he got heat from Ian for not telling him of his leaving before doing the interview

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I saw the Punk shoot interview and he said he stopped working IWA ms because Ian booked Nick gage, In CZW Nick Gage made Hero look like crap and or stiffed him at COD 4 and Punk thought it was disrespectful for Ian to book Gage because hero is so loyal to him, he stopped working for IWA soon after and he had a interview where he said that he wasnt gonna be workin iwa anymore...i think he got heat from Ian for not telling him of his leaving before doing the interview

I don't think that was all of it. Punk did an interview with Chicagowrestling.com a while back, and he said it was that Spyder Nate Webb wanted to work CZW and Ian disapproved and took the Lightheavyweight belt off Webb (went to JC Bailey) and that anyone else wanting to work CZW would be punished, but Ian then went and made a deal with CZW. Punk found that hypocritical and left Ian.


Course, when Hero returned to CZW at Redefined, Punk was with SMV to make sure nothing happened to Hero, so it's probably a combo of the two.

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