Enigma 0 Report post Posted January 31, 2004 Angle said he wasn't a fan, first tuned in late 1998, early 1999. Says amatuers have misconception about it which is why they hate it. Turned down first contract listening to peers and coaches. Didn't watch it or understand it. Watched four straight Raw's, got hooked. Good thing he didn't tune in a year earlier. Very surprised he got so big so fast. Thought it would take a good three or four years. He said he improved dramatically every single week. It's true. Says wrestlers aren't selfish in the WWF and think more about the company than about themselves. Said he wanted to work on mic skills in Memphis but they never really gave him a chance to do that. Said he really didn't know what to expect when they told him to grab the mic at Survivor Series. Said he was quite a natural in many ways. Brother Eric is in Lousville, he's a great athlete. He thinks Eric will make slower progress than he did, but he'll do it and become a great asset in due time. Says in a few weeks Eric has already passed up a few guys in terms of technique. He'll have harder time with mic skills and character development. Lots of his amatuer peers were very bitter at first with his WWF career, but they enjoy it now. Recently they've picked up a lot of fans from the amateur ranks. Six new amateurs signed since Kurt made his debut. Another new avenue for amatuers to pursue. Said he had to forget about everything he learned in amateur, and he's not sure others will be able to do that. He said he learned it backwards. Angle said he really follows the three I's, doesn't drink, doesn't take drugs, etc. Presumably drinks lots of milk. Lots of things about his character that do resemble him. He just takes it over the top. Says the Rock is great and he loves working with him. He and Triple H have been tremendous in teaching him what he has to learn. Said it is great to perform in front of 15,000 to 20,000 people because they get into it more. Said sometimes when you work in front of 20 or 30 people, you feel kind of stupid. He says he doesn't think the Triple H/Stephanie love triangle is finished and it was just put on the back burner for awhile. He says it has kind of just died out right now and they'll work back into it. You won't see Kurt Angle as a babyface anytime soon. Probably more cynical, dastardly Kurt Angle. I've heard that before. Says he's still a follower in the ring and lets guys lead him because he's not completely comfortable leading yet. Doesn't want to turn into a badass like Triple H, but wants to be more aggressive and not just get his ass kicked all the time. I guess he's starting today, because he sure got his ass kicked Monday. Said the reason he takes such a beating right now is because he needs to pay his dues. Says he won't be disappointed if he's not in the main event of WrestleMania. Said his plans are to work with Austin at WrestleMania and he's thinking of stuff to do. Said this with straight face. Says they haven't even talked to him about what they're going to do at No Way Out. Says he never became a "poster child" for amateur wrestling until he became a WWF star. Loves WWF more than anything in the world, and he really loved amateur wrestling. Wants to be more effective as a heel. Puts over Triple H as the best in the business. Likes how when Triple H comes out, crowd pops huge for him as a star, then starts booing as they get into his character. Angle wants them to do that for him as well. Says Triple H has helped direct his character and has really helped push him in the direction he's been going lately. What a shocker. You can tell he really respects Hunter. He has plans of doing movies, TV shows, etc. Wants to broaden his horizons as an actor. Somewhere down the road, not anytime soon. "I will always call the World Wrestling Federation my home." He says he'll be the next one to come out with a book, which will be released in August. Mostly about his formative years, odds he overcame and the Olympic medal win. A bit of stuff about the WWF, but that won't be the focus. Says his parents have always been very happy for him, their only concern was if his body could hold up (he had previous broken neck, herniated discs, etc). Says he really enjoyed putting together the Kurt Angle video because he stayed in character the entire time. He said the plan the whole time was for him to being a heel. He said they brought Rocky in and tried to have him be a babyface, and it totally didn't work. Fans did the "ROCKY SUCKS!" chants and everything. He didn't mentioned "DIE ROCKY DIE!" Funny to hear Kurt chant, by the way. Company ignored it and tried to keep making him a babyface. They took the Rocky experiment and applied it to Angle, except made him a full-fledged heel. Said he didn't know what the hell Vince was doing at the beginning, so he just listened to him and did what he said. Says they're really going to take their time on the eventual babyface turn. Says everyone has helped him out a lot during his career. Says Vince has always worked with him firsthand. Mentions Pat Patterson, Gerald Brisco, Triple H, Rocky, Undertaker, Benoit, Jericho. Also, Mick Foley. Says Foley just loved his character. Before coming to the WWF, he did some fitness shows and was a sports broadcaster for a year which he didn't enjoy. Probably would have progressed as a motivational speaker and worked at wrestling camps if he didn't go to the WWF. Also would have tried acting. Says he sees WCW coming on strong again and thinks they might be right up there at the top if they get their act together. Likes watching Page, the Steiners, Goldberg and others. Doesn't think any of them are coming to the WWF anytime soon. People need to separate real-life Kurt Angle from the character they see on TV. Likes to think of himself as a real role model. Says he got really concerned at Hell in the Cell at one point as he was climbing the side of the cage and suddenly thought: "I'm not sure I'm going to make it up there!" Says he was more happy putting on a great performance in winning the WWF Title than actually possessing the belt itself. Says he doesn't feel he won the belt too early because it's not about that. Says it was his idea to air the Pizza Outlet commercial on Raw. Says people tell him he was an idiot for making that commercial, but he really liked filming it and really throught it was a funny commercial. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kkktookmybabyaway 0 Report post Posted February 1, 2004 Says it was his idea to air the Pizza Outlet commercial on Raw. Says people tell him he was an idiot for making that commercial, but he really liked filming it and really throught it was a funny commercial. Bah. It was a cheesy commercial for a local pizza chain made shortly after he won his gold medals. It was all in good fun. Now his career as a TV Sports Reporter -- that's another story... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites