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Guest O.J. Hart

SD! House Show results

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Guest O.J. Hart

Got to the arena around 1:40, 50 minutes before the first match. Got inside, bought a program, and stood in the 20 minute line for a John Cena Word Life retro shirt.


Went down to the seats, second row right in front of the ring! Do they use smaller rings for house shows? Because this ring was very small.


Around 2:27, smackdown theme comes on, lights go down, and Tony Chimmel comes out. He introduces a guy from a local radio station, he runs on about nothing, Chimmel goes over the rules, national anthem, and its show time!


First match- Chuck Palumbo -vs- Orlando Jordan

Chuck comes out first to some heat, but got a nice reaction from some people around me. Jordan comes out to some pops from the younger fans, but that's it. Typical opener with Jordan eventually getting the win with a sunset flip pin. Not bad for an opener.


Paul Heyman comes out and talks crap on Pittsburgh, and told us Eddie Guerrero would be added to the main event, and that John Cena wouldn't wrestle today. Cena then comes out to an awesome pop, and cuts a rap on Heyman. He's about to hit Heyman, and Rhyno comes out and gores Cena and he and Heyman head back to the back.


Second Match- A-Train -vs- Billy Gunn

A-Train looks pretty funny with no goatee. He got alot of heat in this one. Billy got a nice pop, and my area chanted "D-X" alot, prompting A-Train to tell Billy to suck it. Billy won with the Fameasser in a very boring match.


Next was the Hot Body Bikini contest with Sable, Torrie, Dawn Marie(YES!) and Nidia. Sable wouldn't take off her robe because Pittsburgh wasn't good enough etc. Dawn rips it off and Sable runs to the back. Nidia goes next, and her recent surgery has come in VERY nicely. Noble comes out and tries to cover her up, and she tells him off and sends him to the back. Dawn went next, and clearly looked the best out of anybody. I had a big sign that said "I Love Dawn Marie" and she looked at me several times and winked at me and blew kisses(since she was in the corner of the ring i was seated at). Torrie's bikini was nothing special, but she won anyways. Dawn threw Torrie down afterwords, but still ended up helping her up afterwards, and she gave me a hug before heading back to the locker room.


Third Match: WWE Tag Titles- The Bashams(w/ Shaniqua) -vs- WGTT

Haas and Benjamin came out first to a nice pop, and cut a promo on the Bashams. Everybody in the arena clearly hated the Bashams, as a guy next to me almost got Doug to come out into the seats and punch him right in the face. Shaniqua also came right by where I was and i yelled "Shaniqua's my dad!" and she said me and my momma both suck and we can go to hell. Haas kept trying to get in the ring to help Shelton, but referee Charles Robinson kept holding him back, and Haas dropped a few F-bombs. Bashams won when Shaniqua distracted the ref, and Doug hit Charlie with the whip and pinned him. Not a bad match!


Fourth Match- Bradshaw -vs- Rhyno

Rhyno comes out first, gets cheap heat ripping on the Steelers and other stuff like that, and says his schedueled opponent, Cena, can't wrestle since Heyman has put him on a medical leave. He challenges anybody in the back, Bradshaw comes out, and awfulness insues. Generic hoss match, with me and my buddies yelling things to Bradshaw about the Chris Nowinski incidents from two summers ago. He gave us the stare of death a few times. Cena ran in through the crowd, nailed Rhyno with the chair, Bradshaw gets the pin. Worst match of the night.


T-Shirt guy comes out, they do the t-shirt toss. Shirt bounced right off my hand, and the guy next to me caught it. Thank god I didn't catch it, since it was a Zack Gowen shirt. After this was a 15 minute intermission.


Lights go down, we're once again under way.


Fifth Match: Triple Threat Match: Tajiri -vs- Jamie Noble -vs- Nunzio

Very good match. Typical match with Tajiri and Nunzio teaming up against Noble and doing a very unique double submission move. Tajiri got the win with a very stiff kick on Nunzio(i think)


Sixth Match: U.S. Title Match: Big Show -vs- Hardcore Holly

Big Show got a very nice pop, as he was very over in Pittsburgh. Holly got alot of heat from my area, but most of the kids cheered for him. Very boring match, but Show won with the Show Stopper.


Seventh Match: Cruiswerweight Title Match: Rey Mysterio -vs- Chavo Guerrero(w/ Chavo sr.)

Clearly the best match of the afternoon. The Chavos got decent heat, but I gave him a nice pop. Rey got a good pop. Chavo sr. interfered alot, but Rey just kept throwing him out. Rey hit all of his spots getting the win with the 619 and west coast pop.


Main Event: WWE Title Match: Brock Lesnar -vs- Kurt Angle -vs- Eddie Guerrero

Match was only about 6 minutes with all of the guys hitting their spots. Brock won with the F-5 on Eddie. Kurt stuck around after the match and said it was great to be back, etc.


After the show, stood outside got some autographs. I got Angle, Brian Hebner and Charles Robinson. And somebody threw a snowball at A-Train as he was getting in his car and he almost went up where the guy was and kill him.


Very good show for a house show with a good workrate from everybody. Can't wait for them to come back!

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Guest Suicide King

Wow. I read the report of this show over on wrestling observer, and that guy absolutely panned it. Just goes to show you how two different people can have two very different opinions about the same thing. ;)

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Well, some people just can't enjoy wrestling anymore. It's like they outgrew it and haven't realized it yet, so they just watch it every week to insult the show.

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Guest Dynamite Kido

I was at the show too, and I thought it was a good house show effort. I've been to enough events to know what to expect out of a house show, and I would have to say that it exceeded my expectations.


Here's what my star rating for the show are:


Palumbo vs. Jordan - **

A-Train vs. Gunn - *1/2

Bashams vs. WGTT - **1/2

Bradshaw vs. Rhyno - *

Tajiri vs. Nunzio vs. Noble - *3/4

Show vs. Holly - *

Rey Mysterio vs. Chavo - ***

Eddie vs. Angle vs. Brock - **1/2


It was still decent to go to a live WWE event considering I haven't been to one in a while. It was nowhere near PPV calabre, but I knew it wouldn't even come close.


Hey OJ you from PGH?

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Guest O.J. Hart

Yes, I'm from the area. I live about 40 minutes south of Pittsburgh, and about 10 minutes from California University(if you've heard of it). Where did you sit? I was two rows away from the far corner from the entrance(Chavo Guerrero Sr. was right in front of me during the entire rey/chavo match, and dawn was right by where i sat too).


Clearly my favorite match was WGTT/Bashams. Charlie was interacting with right where I was the entire time, and I could clearly hear him drop a few f-bombs. What was your fav?

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Guest Dynamite Kido

I sat in the B section. I got tickets a few days before the event and I could've gotten floor seats, but I figured I'd rather see. I actually liked the Bashams/WGTT match too as I thought they worked a good match with each other. But Rey vs. Chavo was my fav of the show. The main event was good but it should have been longer.

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