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Guest FrigidSoul

So I picked up Shawn Michaels From the Vault DVD

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Guest FrigidSoul

Maybe its because I think every DVD set should be made in the manner that Ric Flair's DVD set was made(although I'm upset they left out his stuff with Vader) but I think this should have been at least 3 discs. There are some crucial things that were left off of this DVD.


1995 Royal Rumble: As far as Michaels' career goes this was probably more important to his than 1992's win for Flair was for Flair's career. Deffinately should have been included.


SummerSlam 1995: Ladder Match II...because I'm a greedy bastard and want both Ladder Matches. Hey, that's not a bad thing at all


King of the Ring 1997: Austin vs Michaels when they co-held the Tag Titles. I mean the match was great and that kid with Down Syndrome somehow making his way over the barricade and running for Shawn was priceless I tells ya, PRICELESS!


Royal Rumble 1998: Michaels and Taker in a Casket Match; aka the "Karma's a Bitch Match". This is where Michaels took the vicious bumps on the casket and edge of the ring apron which fucked up his back and forced him into semi-retirement after WM14.


WrestleMania 14: Austin vs Michaels for the title. The match that solidified the new Attitude Era of the WWF. Michaels also did a pretty damn good job for a man with a shattered back, oh ya..it had some kind of boxer there too *grin*


I'm absolutely positive they could have fit all of that onto 3 discs as it doesn't look like they filled both of the discs it came with. A few more D-X extras would have been nice too.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen

I can guarantee you that whenever they make the Ultimate Steve Austin Collection, WM XIV will be on it. Not that it's a great match, but that it was so essential in the history of the promotion.

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Guest FrigidSoul

That's what I had meant. For a great match between the two you go and take a look back to KotR 97, but the WM14 match is a pinnacle moment in WWF/E history.

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I was literally SHOCKED that his title win at RR 97 (in his own fucking hometown for crying out loud) wasn't included. :huh:

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I'm absolutely positive they could have fit all of that onto 3 discs as it doesn't look like they filled both of the discs it came with. A few more D-X extras would have been nice too.


In this case, less is more.


You want to leave the door open for the second edition of From The Vault: HBK, so it'd be ridiculous to put these other matches without any rhyme or reason. This is especially considering that you need the promos and build-up packages leading to the match to give new fans an idea of the magnitude of the bout.


And regardless, your list clocks out at a little under 3 hours, which is the accepted capacity for quality DVD compression...and that's excluding the crucial promos to make these extras meaningful.

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Guest FrigidSoul

And just my luck the second disc was faulty and stopped then skipped all over the place during the MindGames match and then it wouldn't even play the In Your House Good Friends/Better Enemies match. Then when my father returned it during his errands they had no more and had him take the Foley DVD yet pay the difference. Those bastards.

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Guest Loss

Shawn's "instant replay" match with Marty Jannetty on the 07/19/93 RAW would make a great addition to a second DVD release, as would his match with HHH on 12/29, both of his singles matches with Jericho in 2003 and maybe something from the recent tour of Japan. If Shawn and Benoit feud, we'll probably have more to add to this list.


You could also go back and add Rockers v Arn/Tully from '89 (most likely the DCOR match) and the Shawn/Diesel v Razor/Kid match from the 10/30/94 Action Zone. There's the other Razor ladder match, the Taker match at Ground Zero and maybe a match against Savage from the WWF's summer tour in '92. Still lots of Michaels footage that hasn't been touched, and if they have the AWA library, there are still other Somers/Rose tags and matches against Badd Company that can be added to the list as well.

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And just my luck the second disc was faulty and stopped then skipped all over the place during the MindGames match and then it wouldn't even play the In Your House Good Friends/Better Enemies match. Then when my father returned it during his errands they had no more and had him take the Foley DVD yet pay the difference. Those bastards.


Holy fuck. You're not the only one. I had the same problems with Mind Games. Has this happened to anybody else?

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Guest Askewniverse
I was literally SHOCKED that his title win at RR 97 (in his own fucking hometown for crying out loud) wasn't included.  :huh:

Hometown title win or not, the match probably wasn't included because it wasn't very good. To be honest, I would have been surprised if the match was included on the DVD. For the most part, "profile" DVDs are supposed to showcase the wrestler's best or most significant matches. In my opinion, the HBK-Sid match from Royal Rumble '97 doesn't fit into either of those categories.

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The Survivor Series 96 match between Sid & Shawn was lightyears better than their RR match, title win or not.


Besides, they included an even more important title match in its place, the Iron Man match, which not only debuted that match on PPV, but also contained HBK's very first title victory. It makes perfect sense that the Sid match from RR is not on the DVD.


They may possibly make another volume, who knows though.



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Guest ToddRoyal

I too was sruprised the Foley, upcoming Austin and other DVD's weren't called "From the Vault". I figured the Flair one wasn't because of how big it was, but I thought it would be a series.


However, I think I read somewhere last week that the upcoming Taker DVD would be called "From the Vault" too, so maybe it will be a series.

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