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Latest SD! Magazine Exposes Undertaker Storyline

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Latest SD! Magazine Exposes Undertaker Storyline


WWE sure did a good job keeping this thing under wraps...


The latest edition of Smackdown Magazine, currently on newsstands, further gives away the plan for the Undertaker's return to his original "dead man" gimmick. The magazine features the Undertaker symbol on fire with the text: "The Dead Man Returns - 3/14/04 where it all begins again."


This, coupled with the fact that WWE is already promoting new Undertaker 'retro' shirts and what happened on RAW last night, seems to ensure the Undertaker's return under his old persona.


Credit: PWTorch.com

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Undertaker has ALWAYS been the Dead man!


If they said the Phenom was returning, THEN it could have some issues. Taker has been called the Dead Man during his run as Biker Taker.


For god sake, it was called Dead Man Inc.


It proved nothing.

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Guest Goodear

Oh yeah, because the actual TV SHOW THAT WE WATCHED LAST NIGHT DIDN'T DO THAT! That Smackdown magazine sure let the cat out of the bag. Who would have guessed that Undertaker would be going back to the dead man gimmick, other than... you know... SAYING THAT ON TELEVISION! It's not supposed to be a surprise for Pete's sake, thats what they're promoting.

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*claps for Ejiro*



Now...if he came out as Little Bo Peep or something, then I would be a little shocked...and moreso appalled that the WWE wouldn't promote something as stupid as that - since usually the dumbest of ideas get the heaviest of promotions. (re: XFL)

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Guest Coffey
I'd have a big laugh if Taker showed up at Mania still as biker Taker and pissed everyone off.

Wouldn't piss me off, so it wouldn't piss off everyone.

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I'd have a big laugh if Taker showed up at Mania still as biker Taker and pissed everyone off.


I wouldn't be surprised one bit. After all, he did piss off almost everyone last year at the RR.

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