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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen

James Bond: Everything or Nothing

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Damn, I guess it was true. While it is something different, I'm not too big on EA's idea. I want to play as 007! After taking a few steps forward, EA may take another two back. This could be the game that finally gets EA out of the shadows of Rare or one of the biggest misses in gaming history. I'll have to wait and see how it comes along.


I just can't see it. I enjoyed EON so much I hope I'm proved wrong. But damn, until I am I still believe this is the wrong one to make.

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One question...


Does EON come close to being as fun as Goldeneye?


I know EON is third person and always comparing new Bond games to Goldeneye is stupid, but I just want a Bond game that is as fun as Goldeneye, it doesn't have to be the same.

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One question...


Does EON come close to being as fun as Goldeneye?


I know EON is third person and always comparing new Bond games to Goldeneye is stupid, but I just want a Bond game that is as fun as Goldeneye, it doesn't have to be the same.

Yes. Everything you hear about this feeling like a Bond movie is true; fun as hell. I haven't played the mutil-player yet, but the single player is fun.

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Goldeneye was a great game...but lets face the fact that it is also like...5 years old. It's been surpassed as a FPS many times over...and as a Bond game as well.

True, but Nostalgia is something that seems to grip me when playing games.


Example: Tony Hawk's 4 and Underground are far superior games to Tony Hawk's 2, but due to the superior amount and type of enjoyment I got from Tony Hawk's 2, I will always consider it a better game.

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Well thats where we difer old boy, I can still bust any old game and love it like I did before. Yeah it may take me a while to dust off the skills, but once I do...

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Guest MikeSC
GE 2 sounds so lame. If they're going to whore out the GE name for a buck they could at least actually do a GoldenEye 2 and either remake the original or make a sequel to the story. This is just shady business to leach off Rare's work. I'm betting they're just going to start using the "GoldenEye" name as a brand for their Bond games.

It's a horrible idea.


Will any game be able to match up to the legendary status of Goldeneye (yes, GE 1 is DAMNED overrated --- but nothing can compare to the disappointment that this game will be when compared to people fond memories).


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I never felt like I was in a Bond movie during EON, or really any other Bond game. Hours of Bond running around with a machine gun blowing away baddies just doesn't feel Bondish. EON does feel like you're in action movie somewhat, but not really Bond.

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Well, I really felt like I was playing a Bond movie when you're diving off the cliff. THAT was what made it feel like a Bond movie: the sheer impossibility of that.




Plus, that fuckin level was damn near impossible.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen

The Bike level on the bridge was pure Bond:


Jumping the gate


Killing the guys on the proch without stopping


Destroying the "Reduce Speed" sign


Power sliding under the tanker as it exploded


The Highway thing to the other side.



It was teh OWNAGE

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Guest Riots bloodlust

Comparing this to Goldeneye is difficult on many different levels.


The obvious problems:

Goldeneye was 7 years ago

Goldeneye was revolutionary for its time

Everything or Nothing is third person action, not FPS


In many ways, Goldeneye has been surpassed, but many cling to it for nostalgia, or are unable to seperate the game from how ahead of its time it was. Many people say the multiplayer was amazing. IMHO, I found the Nightfire multiplayer to be far beyond what Goldeneye had. Interesting maps, modes, weapons, and bots. Where Goldeneye holds up very well is in the level design. There was a great level of care put into making each area expansive, and dynamic to an extent with increased difficulty, where more objectives would be added forcing the player to go into new areas. Goldeneye has fallen behind in several other areas though. What sticks out most to me is the AI. Granted Goldeneye was a long time ago with less to work with, but I am sure near everyone who's played Goldeneye has shot the helmet off the guy in the bathroom in Facility, or killed a guy by shooting him in the hand repeatedly around a corner. The AI in EoN is quite impressive. If a player isn't carefull, they can actually outsmart you by pinning you down and flanking you, or throwing a grenade at just the wrong moment for you. Goldeneye also was not able to truly put in aspects like driving levels. There was the tank area, but it did not have the depth of more recent Bond titles. Some don't like the EA take on Bond driving levels, but many players are really into them. The presentation in terms of graphics, animations, and voice overs. Getting the real actors vocal talents can add another level of 'Bondness' to the game. EoN is dripping with plot compared to GE, where to know what was going on, you had the little text blurbs at the beginning, and that was about it. For finer details, you have to have seen the movie. Another HUGE plus for EoN is the hand to hand fighting. An FPS can't have a fighting system like EoN has. Throwing and countering add a whole new level to the game play. Stealth is also a difference between the two. While there are points in GE where stealth can be used and is handy, it is, again IMHO, not as fluid to work with as in EoN. There are mechanics and gadgets you can use in game to hide yourself, and carefully dispatch your enemies. EoN also has more interactive environments. You can pick up and throw items. Sounds like a small thing till you realize how much you use it. And then there is Coop. This is a new direction to take a Bond game, where other field agents run in opperations that loosely fit into the single player game. When you have two players working well together, it can be a really fun ride.


I'm ignoring arena mode, by the way. It's just a little bonus thing. People shouldn't take it so seriously. Try hooking it up with four players and it gets kindof amusing. No one really even needs to know how to play, just mess around.


All in all, I think that between Nightfire's multiplayer and everything else about EoN, GE has been overtaken. The one thing that I see as GE still having over Bond games to date is the very careful level designs. And things like that shouldn't be entirely expected from any given game. It seems to me that such a success of design only comes once in a long while. Everything for the GE level design just came together beautifully, but everything else does not add up to a truly Bond experience. Not to dismiss the accomplishment of the GE level designs, but it strikes me as unfair for a game player to expect that level of excellence in any given game. If you do, you will effectively always be dissapointed.


Rambling complete. I sleep now.

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That post was very helpful to me. I have played the PS2 demo of this game and was very impressed to the point where I considered picking up the GameCube version (the only system I have that the game was released for) but I was still skeptical. The newer Bond games have been good, but not something I'd pay $50 for. I've had GoldenEye since September 1997, and no Bond game has surpassed that for me yet, although I do think that GE's pseudo-sequel Perfect Dark was far superior.


Your post, along with some otehrs in this thread, has gotten me interested in the game again. I plan on renting it the first chance I get, and if the rest of the game stacks up to the quality of the demo level, it'll probably be my next GC purchase.


*Runs off to GameFAQs to read reviews*

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Need some help on the game.


I've having trouble getting past the platinum challenge for "The Kiss Kiss Club" level, where you can't use ammo. I'm having a bitch of a time beating it. Anybody know how?

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Guest Riots bloodlust

A lot of getting platinum in the kiss kiss club is timing. In the first section you need to massage the girl, obviously, or she'll call out for someone else. Wait at the corner for the next guy, and stealth kill him. Then immediately move into the control room. Keep crouched the whole way. The guy in there should have his back to you if the timing is right. Stealth kill him and open the door. Immediately move out of the control room and go down the stairs. If the timing is right you should see the patrolling enemy walking just past the balcony as you turn to the right just outside the control room. When you get to the bottom of the stairs, he will have his back turned to you, and be blocking the line of sight of the fourth enemy. Wait for the farther guy to turn and you can stealth kill them in turn. It's a bit tricky, but it should be doable. Here it is a good idea to drop a spiderbomb and place it next to the armor behind the registration desk on the other side of the hall. That can come in useful as a backup. The spiderbomb doesn't count as a shot fired till it explodes, so this is safe. The sections following the door get very hectic, and you'll have to experiment to find what works for you, but here is how I have done it. Go in and of course immediately drop the lights on the enemies. There is one more on the ground that you can bait into approaching you. If you stay with a pillar between you and him, he will usually eventially approach you. You can then quickly slam him and move on. Hopefully you won't need the armor in the corner yet. That can be very helpful later. Go up the elevator, and attempt to ignore most of the people on the upper section. (Sometimes it can help to take out the guy to the left of the elevator on the upper floor, but I find it usually leaves me more vulnerable than just ignoring him). I think there are one or two enemies that appear in your way, but you should be able to throw them against the wall for a relatively easy kill. Run directly to the office and take out the guy in there. If you need it now, grab the armor, because another guy is going to run in. Take him out, then if you need it and havent got it already, grab the armor in the office. Go down the elevator, and there will be crowbar guys. Counter one and go into power mode and use that to slice through them. There will be guys up top shooting at you. In power mode you take less damage, so you should be able to ignore them for now. Run backstage and if you need it use the spiderbomb to get the armor. Enter and ther are two guys in there to deal with. If you need mroe help, and haven't gotton it already, you can now risk running back to the armor behind the bar. Behind the hidden door is the tricky part, as there are several guys. If you can get your hands on a throwable item, that can be a great way to take one out. I reccomend trying to lure them into a narrow area and slamming them against a wall. It's tough to be sure, and a lot of it is skill and understanding the hand to hand attacks. You may need to work out some of this stuff for yourself to fit your play style, but if you work at it you can get it.

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Thanks a lot. I'll try it later. I'm able to get past the first section, the second part is the toughest. I came thisclose by using the strobe to stun them but got nailed from behind with a crowbar, getting near the room where you must enter the card.

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Guest Riots bloodlust

Yeah, in that section I very highly reccomend using a counter as soon as someone approaches you so you'll take less damage. When in power mode you can mow through the rest of the crowbar guys. The stun grenade could be best used in the last couple rooms, IMO.

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