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Bradshaw defeats brock lesnar

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Guest Loss4Words

Well maybe if the WWF started pushing people who were over, young, fresh and talented and stopped pushing talentless pieces of shit that can't draw like Undertaker, Bradshaw, Scott Hall and X-Pac, if they didn't cut the legs off of every single midcard act that has gotten over for the past two years, if they stopped overpushing wrestlers who are not over but are only getting opportunity because of their size or because they're dating family members and if everyone's place on the card actually was reflected by how over they are or how much potential they have, then yeah, maybe we'd shut up about the blatantly obvious WWF politics.


But Austin, Rock and HHH are still the top three stars being pushed and everyone else is pushed as being a notch below them, the Undertaker is still beating everyone he wrestles, X-Pac is in main events despite no one liking him, guys like RVD and Jericho are being set up to fail and Kane is getting his 45th chance on top to get over at they level at which they want him to be. When the bias stops and when they start doing what's best for business instead of continuing to let business plummet while they push a crop of mostly stale main eventers, then yeah, maybe things will calm then.


But not until then.


Exactly how is this different from WCW in 1999 anyway?

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Guest Loss4Words

To prove that when I say every midcard act, I don't just mean Benoit and Jericho:


Edge & Christian - Best heel tag team in recent memory. Funnier than just about anyone else on the roster. Getting momentum in late 2000 as a serious tag team until the Undertaker decides to beat them both in a handicap match and within months, the hottest team in the WWF is split up and put in half-assed singles pushes.


Hardy Boyz - Easily among the most over wrestlers in the company, put in a high-profile mini-feud with Austin and HHH in which HHH totally squashes Jeff and their heat simultaneously. They still haven't recovered.


Booker T - Brought in from WCW with a great deal of momentum. Gets great heel heat immediately and soon starts playing second fiddle to Shane McMahon and jobbing to the Rock no matter how much Shane helps him. Shortly thereafter disintegrates into a black stereotype that has the brains of a piss ant and has yet to get a win on PPV.


Tazz - Comes in to the WWF with a lot of momentum, only to be taken off TV not long after his debut. Despite being massively over as a face, is turned heel and relegated to the broadcast booth with Michael Cole.


Crash Holly - Gets over with a unique gimmick as the 24/7 hardcore champ, which was praised as a highly creative angle with the perfect wrestler acting it out. Before long, Crash drops the belt, is taken off of TV except to occasionally put over Jackie.


Big Show - Finally finds a gimmick that works for him in Spring of 2000 where they capitalize on his surprisingly impressive performance on Saturday Night Live. Is getting great laughs and seems to be on a track to somewhere because he's actually showing range in his personality. Has to have surgery, is brought back as a serious heel again and then sent to OVW (which I actually understand). Brought back in the serious heel gimmick once again that has not gotten him over at all. Currently sitting on his potential in the midcard.


Rikishi - One of the most over wrestlers in the company turned heel in a poorly planned angle. Lost all of his heat as a result and has been turned face again now, but still hasn't regained the magic he had in early 2000.


Too Cool - Brought in to be heels, but start getting face heat and to the WWF's credit, they run with it for a little while. Eventually, the bookers decide to focus 100% on the Hardyz, Dudleyz and E & C and the popular duo is left out in the cold. Still haven't recovered, although Scotty 2 Hotty admittedly hasn't shown much singles promise.


Test - Over as the kind-hearted babyface fighting for his woman's honor in late 1999 until the bookers decide to put Stephanie with HHH. Test never even gets so much as a rebuttal interview or to show anger as he is instead thrown from main events to the hardcore division in quick fashion. HHH has humiliated him several times since, including putting him out of action and defeating both he and his then-partner Albert in clean fashion in a handicap match. Still hasn't recovered.


Dudley Boyz - Among the most over faces in the WWF, the Dudleyz had the Midas touch in 2000. Eventually, the writers are set on turning them heel despite there being no desire by the fans to boo them, killing their heat to a point where the WWF was finally left with no choice but to split them up.


Steven Richards - Given a few false starts as a leader of a heel group, first with RTC then with Kronik. The RTC is a bomb because of the vindictive booking back it and Kronik ends up not working out. Is now stuck in the hardcore division when it's obvious he excels at managing.


Diamond Dallas Page - Enters the WWF in a program with the Undertaker in a time where Taker was pissed about having to forgo his main event spot to the Vanilla Midgets. Taker is fed DDP as a recourse and eventually, DDP is completely left without momentum. Now doing a self-parody gimmick in the lower card despite being a former world champion.


Rob Van Dam - Enters the WWF and within months is more over than everyone in the company except the Rock. Is pushed hard to start off, but Paul Heyman loses influence and the Undertaker is getting upset, so RVD gets to job to him on PPV before making a half-hearted run at Jericho's title. Is now the I-C champ and below X-Pac and Bradshaw on the totem pole.


Taijiri - Once again, entered the WWF with tons of face heat and gets over immediately. Is pushed hard initially before fading away and becoming a non-factor and a token wrestler. Used by Sean Waltman to declare himself the king of all light heavyweights and hasn't recaptured the momentum he had since.


Al Snow - Gets one shot and one shot only at a main event feud in late '99 opposite Mick Foley and comes through with some strong promo work and good presence. Is then relegated to teaming with Steve Blackman, which also got over, before being taken off of TV totally. Is now back on TV spending all his time making father figure smiles at Maven.


Bob Holly - Had decent momentum when Angle broke his arm, came back and was getting good face pops, at which point he was almost immediately taken off TV and put on the treadmill with dozens of other wrestlers. Still waiting for that opportunity.


So name a midcard act that has been pushed to the top when getting over.

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Guest AlwaysPissedOff

I totally agree with Loss here. Hell, I essentially made the very same point in the "Best European champion" thread while bickering with Anglesault. All these revolving door pushes do is hurt the midcard because one guy gets a mini-push, gets taken off of TV for no reason, push is forgotten, and he becomes just another jobber to a main eventer.

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Guest Nater

Clue: Brock and Bradshaw are both getting pushed.


Clue: We wont see a match between the two on TV for a while now.


Clue: I like Brock better :P

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Guest Maven's Eyebrows

I wonder if Bradshaw threatened to chop Brock's dick off if he didn't job?

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