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Your Q's and A's

February 17, 2004


I was only on the road for a day this week (no house shows) so I don't have much to talk about. I do however have a ton of e-mail so I figured it wouldn't hurt to do another Q and A commentary.


Q: What is your favourite match?

A: This is such a hard question. I've had so many matches and at least in my eyes so many good ones too. The one that was likely the most fun was a house show match in WCW. I wrestled Terry Funk in his hometown of Amarillo TX. I even did a commentary about this match at the time, because it was so memorable to me. I've been a huge Terry Funk fan years and finally getting to work with him was a dream match in itself but doing it in his home town for the US (Canadian) Heavy Weight Title made it so much better. This was in the heart of my Team Canada days and I had a fair bit of heat, and Terry being Terry, not to mention in Amarillo, TX he was over like Grover. I don't think I've ever wrestled a match with so much crowd heat before or since. The crowd ate up everything we did and when Terry pinned me for the title the crowd went crazy.


Q: What's your favourite moment of your career?

A: This is an odd one. There are two moments really but they happened at each end of one specific match. The match itself is likely my least favourite moment, which makes this even odder. The match was the WCW New Blood Rising PPV, from Vancouver, BC. I don't want to get into the match itself, let's just say it could not have been booked worse, for the crowd in attendance, and it was the most dreadful experience of my life. The two great moments were my ring entrance for that match and the post match celebration with Jacques Rougeau, and Bret Hart. The ring entrance was my most electrifying; the crowd was a sea of Pro Storm signs and the rush I got that night, from the crowd, I will remember till the day I die. The post match with Bret was equally as memorable. Celebrating with Bret and hearing the crowd cheer despite such a disappointing match still amazes me. I have a picture of the three of us standing in the ring together hanging on the wall of my den and it will likely be the favourite photo I have from my career.


Q: Did you ever work with Art Barr?

A: No I did not. I never even met Art, despite he and Jericho being close friends.


Q: What is your opinion of Teddy Hart?

A: I don't know Teddy well and have only seen him wrestle a few times. From my limited experiences with Teddy I would say that he has a ton of potential and talent but is going to need to mature a lot to make it in this industry.


Q: Did you ever work for WWE before you worked for ECW or WCW?

A: I never did but I did have the chance to. When I was just working local Indies WWE (Then WWF) did a couple TV taping in Saskatchewan and I was offered the chance to be, what we called at the a "squash guy." That wasn't the opportunity I was looking for and turned it down.


Q: What happened to William Regal?

A: I get this one a lot. William became very ill last February, and despite looking and feeling great now, has not yet received medical clearance to wrestle.


Q: What are your thoughts on NWA TNA?

A: To be honest I haven't seen their show. I don't have direct TV access. I hope they survive and grow the boys in this industry need as many places to work as possible.


Q: What's up with wrestlers and Fanny Packs?

A: Okay I realize these things are not a great fashion statement, but if you lived on the road like I do you'd understand their usefulness. We carry a lot of stuff on the road with us. We have a wallet, passport, keys, rental car keys, usually a protein bar, a cell, phone, MP3 player, camera, not to mention at least 2 currencies at all times. Pockets don't cut it, especially when you travel through airports 3 or 4 times a week. Airport security is a pain in the ass, the fanny pack makes it simple to just unclip all of your metal objects and place them in the plastic bin. Simple is best!


Q: Blondes or Brunettes?

A: Oddly enough I've never been with a blonde. My wife is a Brunette leaning towards a red head, so you do the math.


Q: When you win a belt do you get to keep the faceplate or name plate as a memento?

A: I think at one point you did. I know Candito had a Tag Title face plate after his Skip and Zip tag run. We don't now, anyway. Some guys get replica belts of titles they've held as mementos, but they do that one their own.


Q: What are your thoughts on the Janet Jackson/Super Bowl incident?

A: I think everyone made too big of a deal out of it. She did it for publicity and that's what everyone gave her. The best thing anyone could have done was, said she shouldn't have done it and ignored it. I doubt anyone watching hadn't seen a boob before, and if she doesn't get any press out of it chances of anyone doing it again decreases. People are willing to do a lot more than flash a boob, to get half the press that she got.


Well that's another batch for this week. Keep those e-mails coming.

Till next week,


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