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What PC game is this?

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I was just thinking about a game that I played years ago. All I remember is that it was more of an overhead type of game, you send these little guys out to cut wood, kill animals for food, and other such chores, and you build up your village. Does that game sound familier? If not, what are some games that it could be?




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Oh yeah, I remember that you start a many years in the past, with just about nothing. You then go up through the years, discovering the different type of stuff to use to build with.


Then you get more and more advanced, building bigger and bigger buildings.

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To those of you who guessed Age of Empires, you are right. I looked up and read some reviews, looked at some screens, and I am thinking of the first AoE game.


Thanks a lot.

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Guest Scotsman

You might want to check out Age of Mythology, the sequel to AoE. I just got it sent to me(with Titans expansion) for review, and its an awesome game. I've been playing it non-stop for a week.

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