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Guest Ghettoman

To DrTom:

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Also, in all seriousness did the first slaves come from Nigeria? If so that may be another reason why the word was born.

Nigeria didn't exist til the 1800s, so nope.

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It's bloody obvious that he was being satirical in his use of it. And yes, how often do we hear Chris Rock or any random negro comedian say "nigger"? I personally think that no, he shouldn't have been suspended for it (and people should really lay off him, there is zero racism in his statement), but yes, he should move on.

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It's bloody obvious that he was being satirical in his use of it. And yes, how often do we hear Chris Rock or any random negro comedian say "nigger"? I personally think that no, he shouldn't have been suspended for it (and people should really lay off him, there is zero racism in his statement), but yes, he should move on.

Would you mind either telling me here (edited of course) what he said, or PM it to me so that I can actually have a solid opinion on this? I'm just currious by this point. ;)

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For the first time ever, get ready for this, I agree 100% with BOTH GM AND Cancer Marney.


No offense to Tom, as I totally understand whey he "took action", but as I said before, anyone with half a brain can tell when someone uses the term in a flat out racist way and when they are joking. It's obvious GM was joking here, so what's the big deal? Like it was said before by someone else, people use the word on here and it goes off without a hitch.


What needs to be done to keep this from happening again, is to make a rule and set it in stone. Either...


A) ANY form and use of the word is against the rules and anyone breaking said rule will be punnished for it.


B) Using the word is fine, except in the cases where (and like I said, anyone knows when it's being used in this way) someone is using it in a negative and racist way.


...as for myself, I agree with option 'B'.


Now on both sides of this.


I feel like Dr.Tom should admit that he took an extreme step in this case, and simply say he is sorry and admit he is wrong in taking the action that he did. He already admited that he did the wrong thing by going right out and suspending him instead of a warning. I think it's obvious to everyone here that he didn't just suspend GM for saying that word, like he said, GM has been getting under his skin for the past few days. I dunno, it would really look good of the TSM staff to do that, to sorta help shed the new image that the staff is unfair (not my words, others have said it).


As for GM, you need to just get over this and look at it as miscommunication and forget about it. Harping on it over and over wont change what happened, you know that just as well as I.


Like I said though, the rule does need to be cemented in one of the two ways I have above, just to keep confusion from this coming up again.


If the rule was cemented (just like most of the other rules need to be cemented as well, but that's another issue), all of this wouldn't have happened in the first place.

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I think that honestly, the staff should go with option A. I mean the rules do say no bigotry and no racism.

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I think that honestly, the staff should go with option A. I mean the rules do say no bigotry and no racism.

If you do that, do you have any idea how much stuff would have to be banned, in order for the rule to actually work?


People should be able to say whatever they want, as long as they are not doing it in a way which is flat out racist, aka, obvious hate. Do you get what I mean?

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So more in a drop the -er add the -a?

In a way, yeah. I still think you should just be able to flat out say it if you want as long as you aren't being racist though.

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I think a mod should look at this thread in the morning and decide.


Or you could just be a rebel and do it anyway.

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I don't see why they don't just poll the members and get our opinion on what we think. I'm not for them polling everyone for all of the rules, that would be stupid (most rules are obvious), but for stuff like this where people have different opinions on it and everything, I think we should have something of a say. Who knows, it might prevent some people from bitching in the future since the mods can then say "don't bitch at me about it, we went to the members and asked what they wanted".


You know, something like what Loss did for the WWE folder, that was a great idea making a topic and getting feedback from everyone. :D

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I don't see why they don't just poll the members and get our opinion on what we think. I'm not for them polling everyone for all of the rules, that would be stupid (most rules are obvious), but for stuff like this where people have different opinions on it and everything, I think we should have something of a say. Who knows, it might prevent some people from bitching in the future since the mods can then say "don't bitch at me about it, we went to the members and asked what they wanted".


You know, something like what Loss did for the WWE folder, that was a great idea making a topic and getting feedback from everyone. :D

Probably because it doesn't matter what you think. It's Dame's board. He makes the rules so you either live with it... or leave.


Letting have of the people in here even have any kind of voice on the rules would make this place into one of the biggest shitholes on the planet. Think of half of the sheer stupidity on the board. Would you really want someone like Mole being the deciding factor on board rules?

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Think of half of the sheer stupidity on the board. Would you really want someone like Mole being the deciding factor on board rules?

That is the only reason I would second guess it. I still don't think it would hurt anything by having the mods at least privately contact posters with various opinions on what they think, the posters that most of the mods respect, etc... It never hurts to get a feel for things on the "outside".


Whatever they do, and however they do it, the rules do need to be cemented, I still believe that.

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IMHO, it would be a good idea to add a stronger definition of what is considered racist to the TSM rules. Especially for CE, seeing as it's that is where the most heated exchanges take place.

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Guest Ghettoman

So despite people feeling there's an issue with that word I still should of just let it go?


People, it really doesn't take this intense emotion to point out what was wrong with the whole situation. I was simply making my point, and hoping it got across. Pretty simple. And if you ask me it already has.


Next time I bring something up, try and realize the emotion thats actually there. If I read one more post saying 'make a big deal' in regards to this I'm gonna eat my hand off.


And maybe if I just said I was black from the go this would of been fine.

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Guest EQ

I agree that the rules need to be cemented. I mean Ghettoman getting suspended for saying what he said while (as chave likes to point out, ever so frequently) people make fun of the french and get no warnings is a little hypocritical.


I guess what really put Ghettoman's comment over the top was the inclusion of "the word", but did he deserve to be suspended for it? Who knows. That's what needs to be worked out.


Personally, I think any rational human being has the common sense to be able to tell whether something is said to be funny or whether it was said to be hateful or hurtful. Given my opinion on this, I'm throwing in my vote for Downhome's option "B"

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As a black person, I would rule that option A is used since I find the word VERY racist. THere is no good way to say it. There is only hate. The word is hate pure in simple. If I was a mod, even jokingly, I would pull the ban trigger. Bottomline, the word is wrong. Let it go, because for some reason DH just hopes he can one day say the n bomb.

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Guest Ghettoman

Pure hate in a joke that was intended to offend, IF ANYONE, the person using the term in a derogatory manner!?



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