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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent

Martin Luther

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent

Whatta a fairy. Fuckin' Protestants.


*buys way into heaven*

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent
Bizzare topic.


It wasn't necessarily Luther's goal to seperate the Christian church. He just felt that there had to be some reforms.



Martin Luther, besides rebelling against Catholicism, looks like he molests dogs.

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Bizzare topic.


It wasn't necessarily Luther's goal to seperate the Christian church. He just felt that there had to be some reforms.



Martin Luther, besides rebelling against Catholicism, looks like he molests dogs.

But it was perfectly acceptable to do so until the early 1700s.

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent


A face only a mother could love

I don't know whether to laugh or unzip my pants.


This thread has been brought to you by Nevermortal...and his gay ass avatar.

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent
Bizzare topic.


It wasn't necessarily Luther's goal to seperate the Christian church. He just felt that there had to be some reforms.



Martin Luther, besides rebelling against Catholicism, looks like he molests dogs.

But it was perfectly acceptable to do so until the early 1700s.

Molesting dogs? Or buying way into heaven?


I don't need a history lesson. Down with Lutheranism.


...boy is this going to start trouble....

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...boy is this going to start trouble....

Maybe a little, but not much.


Feel free to insult the religions of others, as long as you don't use the "N-Word" while you do it.

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent
Both were acceptable.


It's a shame Hardcore discussion posts don't count anymore. If this topic goes crazy, it could definitely boost our board ratings.

I consider molesting dogs and indulgances to be on the same plane of thinking. I don't understand why Martin Luther had to rally against indulgences while continuing to molest dogs. I guess with a mug like that - he didn't have an other alternative.

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent
...boy is this going to start trouble....

Maybe a little, but not much.


Feel free to insult the religions of others, as long as you don't use the "N-Word" while you do it.

There weren't any negros in Europe during that period, was there? At least not in any history books that we are forced to read.

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I think there was a black English Queen at one point, I know there were at least 3 black popes.


EDIT: Well I think there were black popes, but quick research doesn't show anything on them. Maybe they were North African

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Guest FrigidSoul
...boy is this going to start trouble....

Maybe a little, but not much.


Feel free to insult the religions of others, as long as you don't use the "N-Word" while you do it.

There weren't any negros in Europe during that period, was there? At least not in any history books that we are forced to read.

No famous ones but they were there due to Ceasar and Cleopatra's romance.


Just your regular plain ol' house servants.

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I think there was a black English Queen at one point, I know there were at least 3 black popes.


EDIT: Well I think there were black popes, but quick research doesn't show anything on them. Maybe they were North African

Yup...Queen Charolette (the wife of George II) was black.

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent
Yeah, thats the one.


I'm sure I read that there were 3 black popes in the 1st millenium AD. Anyone know anything about that?

We aren't supposed to.

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Yeah, thats the one.


I'm sure I read that there were 3 black popes in the 1st millenium AD. Anyone know anything about that?

We aren't supposed to.

Have you changed your avatar a couple times in the last few minutes or am I just going nuts?

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent
Arghh, make up your mind. I thought i was indesicive

Thats irrelevent.


Lets get back to discussing Martin Luther in a hardcore manner.

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent
Lutheranism, welcome reform of a corrupt system or divisonal secterian mess?

The latter, sucka. Its unnatural. It wasn't necessary. It makes Jesus cry.

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Actually, it turns out that Martin Luther was hardcore about not killing animals.

Here are some funfilled ML facts I stole from http://www.pbs.org/empires/martinluther/cheats.html:


10 things you didn't know about Martin Luther

                                                                                                                                                                                                          1. Alcohol cures all evils

Luther thoroughly approved even advocated drinking heavily. When a young man wrote to him complaining of despair at the prospect of going to hell, Luther wrote back advising him to go and get drunk. That, he said, was what he did when he felt despair.


2. Let's talk about sex 

Luther also thoroughly approved of sex; he said that a woman had the right to take on a lover, if her husband wasn't able to satisfy her in bed - and the husband should look on this with equanimity.


3. Sing me a song

Luther was very keen on music. An accomplished Lute player, he composed countless hymns and he is regarded as one of the most important German composers prior to Bach.


4. Wittenberg: an artists' colony

Wittenberg, where Luther lived for much of his life, was a tiny town in the Germany of that period. And yet Luther found himself living only a few doors away from two of the greatest German painters of the day, Lucius Cranach and his son. The Cranachs are responsible for the series of striking portraits of Luther that still survive.

                                                                                                                          5. The 'Fish Barrel' incident

Luther's wife was an ex-nun who had managed to escape from her convent by hiding in  barrel that had once contained pickled fish.


  6. The dawn of a new faith

With his translation of the Bible into German Martin Luther attained permanent fame as far as a unification of the German language was concerned. Today some 70 million believers on all five continents are members of the Lutheran Church.


7. The animal activist

Luther was bitterly opposed to hunting. When he was disguised as a knight in the castle of the Wartburg, he refused to take part in the customary pursuit of rabbit hunting. One ran up his leg to escape the dogs, but they still bit through the cloth and killed it.


8. Surrounded by relics

Although Luther objected to the holy relics he discovered in Rome, there were at least as many on his own doorstep. The Castle Church of Wittenberg contained a collection of over 1500 relics including bones of saints and bits of the true cross. Every All Saints day, these would be spread on the grass in front of the church for the local populace to come and gaze at.


9. The most infamous woodworker and gardener of his time

Luther was paid no wage, and took no payment for his services. At the end of his life, with six children, he installed a lathe and learnt woodworking in order to keep the money coming in. He was also a keen gardener, apparently producing fantastic lettuces, beans, melons and cucumbers.


10. Extreme repentance

As a young monk Luther was obsessed with atoning for his sins and went to ridiculous lengths to punish himself.  This ranged from extreme self denial and physical and mental tests to self flagellation.  One such punishment consisted of lying in the snow, through the night at the height of winter until he would have to be carried back inside.

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent
I'm going to bed, when I get up tomorrow I expect to see a real shitstorm. Get cracking 'trane.

Its Banky, fucko...my name is Banky.


See! Lutheranism is based on sex, booze, and self-mutilation - how immoral! People worship this guy? He has churches named after him? Whats next?! Church's named by Al Bundy...?

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Lutheranism, welcome reform of a corrupt system or divisonal secterian mess?

I think it was a combination of both. There were many people who did believe that there were problems in how the Church operated, and their were valid reasons for reform. On the other hand, all this division wound up rearing its ugly heads at times, like when Oliver Cromwell and co. took over England.

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Lutheranism, welcome reform of a corrupt system or divisonal secterian mess?

I think it was a combination of both. There were many people who did believe that there were problems in how the Church operated, and their were valid reasons for reform. On the other hand, all this division wound up rearing its ugly heads at times, like when Oliver Cromwell and co. took over England.

The French Wars of Religon is a good example

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