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Guest Trivia247

Trivia's tidbits of news

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The plan for WrestleMania XX is for Molly Holly to regain her Women's Championship. As announced on last night's RAW, the stipulation is if Molly wins the match, she wins the title, but if she loses she'll be shaved bald. She isn't likely to lose the bout, as it was specified that she would be shaved 100% bald.


Having that stipulation added in the first place is fucking retarded.

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I don't know why it'd be a bad thing if he did come back as a regular.

Um, because we have enough god damned 'non-wrestlers' on WWE TV as it is, and this would only worsen the problem.


I'm all for Bret coming back for *one night* to give a speech and launch a DVD compilation of his favourite matches, but anything more would only breed resentment for Bret from the fans.


See Austin, Steve.



Austin is resented by the fans? Then those popcorn vendors must be getting HUGE support because, otherwise, it's Stone Cold getting those cheers.


Steve Austin....Mick Foley....Vince McMahon(when he plays a face)......many non-wrestlers have been known to get large pops.


Would Bret eventually be resented by the Internet community if he appeared on Raw every week? Probably.


Would he be resented by the fan base? You can't say for sure. Foley and Austin are now getting some of the biggest pops on Raw, and they haven't wrestled in months (Foley finally doing it at Mania). I don't think it's a guarantee the fans would get tired of Bret after a few weeks.

My apologies, I was not specific enough.


By being 'resented' I meant by myself and the rest of the internet community. I used to love Austin myself, in fact I only watched WWF TV in 2001 because of Steve Austin, but since his current return to TV, I've grown to hate him being there more and more. I don't want the same bullshit to happen to Bret Hart, whom I value even more as a wrestling fan.



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I used to love Austin myself, in fact I only watched WWF TV in 2001 because of Steve Austin, but since his current return to TV, I've grown to hate him being there more and more. I don't want the same bullshit to happen to Bret Hart, whom I value even more as a wrestling fan.



Seconded. As much shit as HHH gets, at least he wrestles once or twice a month. It makes me sick to Austin driving around that damn ATV like he's patroling for heat to steal. In fact, I'm pretty tired of all the old timers these days.


As for Bret, I don't want him there because you just know he'll be used for a Randy Orton beatdown, or Montreal Rehash #56,902.


Stay at home Bret.

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