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"Interesting Board"

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I think that we should all "take a look" at this board. CWM and I have already registered and are having a great conversation with the "hardcore punks" about why Justin Timberlake is TRUE punk.


So please, come, join the fun.


PM me with any questions.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

not that this is an invasion. we just are expressing an interest in music

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

not that this is an invasion. we just are expressing an interest in music

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Yes. Definitely not an invasion.


Definitely not.


EDIT: just wanted to add that I'm "DrunkyMcStumbly" and CWM is "Justinfan69". If you register, post your names here.

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I'm on as punkd00d, but I won't be able to post until morning. Yes, I know it's morning right now, but you know what I mean. Hopefully things will pick up by then.


For anyone that joins in on the stimulating discussions -not an invasion- about music, remember not to reveal where we're from, so that the fun isn't ruined like the SweetCherrie thing.

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Guest Banders Kennany

Aren't invasions outlawed here? Maybe this wasn't a wise decision to put this up. I don't know if this can be "wink, wink, nudge, nudged" out of if someone decides to get silly and be mad about this.

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Guest T®ITEC

Well, it doesn't seem to have turned into much. I saw one thread... and felt sad that I registered to express my love for Timberlake.

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Aren't invasions outlawed here? Maybe this wasn't a wise decision to put this up. I don't know if this can be "wink, wink, nudge, nudged" out of if someone decides to get silly and be mad about this.


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Guest Banders Kennany

Sorry I don't see why I should. I'm not very good at this yet but I'm sure it took *you* quite a while to even be average.

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Do you read the crap you write? You'd be fairly inoffensive normally, but suddenly bumping a bunch of threads with some outdated response (quoting a post from the 25th of last month in a GC thread? What the fuck, man) and then actually implying that the idle musical interest of some board members and their activites at another board constitutes an invasion is just enough to annoy the hell out of me.


And let me tell you one thing, matey boy: You don't want me annoyed with you.

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Well, it doesn't seem to have turned into much. I saw one thread... and felt sad that I registered to express my love for Timberlake.

Yeah, CWM posted that at like 3:30 in the morning. Can't really have a full-scale invasion when the troops are sleeping. I just recently posted a "Guide to Being Punk", and I'll be making a post where I say that "Punks are the new hippies". I'm sure Rant would like that.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

TheDames? what a ghey name. Now TheDames7 is a great name

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